DLR - Ladies Night In Baltimore

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  • big fatty
    Head Fluffer
    • Jul 2004
    • 452

    DLR - Ladies Night In Baltimore

    Some thoughts on your birthday. And what you taught ME about Life and Rock and *Roll

    We are at the Hilton in Baltimore, line-up was some insignificant band supporting BOC, I forget who.* But it wasn’t The* Who, that’s for sure. *We had no interest in BOC, we were very young **then and they weren’t pretty enough for the infamous Sherry and Shari. Who weren’t infamous then, but were certainly working on it as fast and as furiously as we could.*But we were really just little kids.

    We were there to see the Hottest , Baddest Boys on the Rock Scene, the Raucous Rodeo Clowns and Rock and Roll Gods of the late seventies, VAN HALEN, who were also on the bill.

    Alex had been terrorizing the lobby all afternoon. His favorite trick was to ride up and down in the elevator with an aerosol spray paint can, and every time the doors would open he would take a lighter and shoot a flaming fireball at the unsuspecting women and children trying to board. It was hilarious at 3 am. Not so funny at 4 in the afternoon.

    The Miami dolphins were staying in the same hotel. They were infuriated at all the babes in the place were paying ANY attention to them. So they had taken to riding those huge rolling luggage carts drunkenly up and down the corridors begging for favors! HA! We were rock chicks. They didn’t stand a chance.

    At last call Diamond Dave had decided that all the ancient, slutty, worn out local groupies at the party were pretty much the best of the bunch and all there was to offer and there would be no Malibu Barbie’s arriving anytime in the near future to answer his Rock God prayers so I was the lucky winner of that nights” Win a date with Dave” lottery.

    As we went upstairs in the elevator at last call one of the guys in BOC says to Dave

    ” Robbing the ice cream parlors, are we now?” (I looked about 12 until I was thirty)

    I had lost the other Shari hours earlier, no idea how, when, where or why (until morning) Turns out she and Eddie had disappeared way earlier. Evidently he didn’t wait for last call, or divine intervention, when he saw what HE liked, he WENT for it

    So after several fabulous hours with just a gigalo, he says to me

    ” Hey babe, I’m pretty hungry, how about you go get me a couple burgers?

    And hands me a couple of hundred dollar bills. This seems A Bit excessive to me, burgers being about two bucks each, and I thought it a TAD inconsiderate to send me OUT ONTO THE STREETS OF THE SLUMS OF DOWNTOWN BALTIMORE AT FOUR AM, but I’m a game girl, and didn’t want to be rude and *I was trying to be nice

    (Looking back I wonder…… Hmmmm, I wonder if MAYBE, he was TRYING to GET RID OF ME! Lol *! )

    Nawwww **I’m sure he was just hungry after all that excitement. Well, I wasn’t *that excited. Dave was the kind of guy who thought the privilege of being with him was reward enough in itself *so even at my tender age i was pretty unimpressed. But he was. And surprised.

    As I said, I was a lot older than I looked.

    BELIEVE IT OR Not, I actually was so young and stupid I went out on the deserted streets in the dark in the murder capital of the nation, found a Jack in the box open at four am and came back WITH two burgers , both for Dave ( mustard and onions, I took a guess) and didn’t get myself ANYTHING, after all, **it was HIS money. And I forgot to ask if that would be okay! LOL

    So I come back twenty minutes later and knock on the door…

    He’s like” WHAT? “and I’m like…” back with the burgers” …

    and he’s like… “SERIOUSLY? “

    But he must have been hungry (or in a complete state of shock I returned instead of robbing him and heading off on my merry way) because instead telling me to fuck off he let me in and I was there until lunch time the next day. I guess the burgers gave him a second wind. When it was time to go I tracked down Shari, or rather Dave did; he knew I wasn’t leaving without her. **And he was dying to have me gone.

    But to his credit, he ddidn’t have the chutzpah to come out and say so. *Or the lack of common decency to turn someone so young and naïve out on the streets AGAIN at five am so he could be left alone to sleep in peace. Although, I would have been like “OHHHHHH, WHY didn’t you just SAY SO? Okay. “

    And we found her in Eddie’s room.* Still wearing the stockings and stilettos she had been sporting the night before, and nothing else, although a bit worse for wear and tear!

    (Hey Valerie Bertinelli, don’t look so INNOCENT! I KNOW STUFF ABOUT YOU)

    We had no idea how we are going to get home but when Eddie offered Shari a hundred dollar bill for cab fare ( much classier than Dave trying to trick me into sneaking out on him in the middle of the night) I finally put all the pieces together and how we laughed about how shocked ( and pissed off ) he must have been when i knocked on the hotel room door with the food.

    And I decided that was the first and last time I was going to go off with a pretty boy with no brains and no real interest in me except as the the only decent option left on an off night.*From now on, it was only going to be people I really liked, *and who really liked me back and wanted more than one night and *not me to be the kind of girl who would take the money and run.

    ANY WAY…Happy Sixty th* Birthday* you rock and roll bad boy, From the Sherry Fairy
    Last edited by big fatty; 04-25-2015, 03:44 PM.
  • big fatty
    Head Fluffer
    • Jul 2004
    • 452


    Last edited by big fatty; 04-25-2015, 04:10 PM.


    • big fatty
      Head Fluffer
      • Jul 2004
      • 452


      David Lee, are you talking to me?

      I will try to make a very long story short here, but I’m afraid I will have to begin this story in 1978 for you to grasp the depth of the miraculousness of it all.* So, here goes …

      At the tender age of 6 I became a rocker.* I was a tom boy and not overly interested in girly things, but steadily forced into dresses and pig tails by my mom.* I was interested in finding myself at a very early age and uninterested in popularity or any of that mess.* I wanted to be tough, even though I was tiny.

      I was raised in a very strict, Italian, Catholic home.* I had a stay-at-home mother and hard working father.* Anyway, I’m supposed to make this short so I’ll cut the details and get to one of the main household rules I liked to break … That was touching the parents’ stereo.* It was one of those old school big chests that had a record player and an ever-so-modern 8 track player.* Though children were not allowed to touch it, whenever the parents were away my two older siblings paid me no mind as they were teenagers doing their own thing so I would sneak to that amazing chest and put the giant headphones on, turning the knobs until I discovered something I thought sounded cool.* And then it happened … I was forever changed … by this sound:*

      It was like nothing I’d ever heard before.* It was raw, tough, heavy and completely different than what anyone I knew anywhere was listening to.* It rocked! I was instantly changed forever … and forever after I was a rocker chick! Full throttle ahead I began saving my allowance until I could purchase my first Van Halen record.* In other words, loose change from my grandfather to buy candy on a daily basis was saved as I fasted from my candy fix for about one year until my parents finally agreed to take me to the Sound Shop in the mall to buy Van Halen I.* Low and behold, Van Halen II had already been released and I didn’t even realize that I would have to decide between two albums.
      By this time I was 7, and had not seen the band but only listened to them on the radio whenever I could.* When I laid my eyeson the lifesize, cardboard display of David Lee Roth splitting in spandex pants seductively over the Van Halen section I lost it … I really lost it … I jumped up and grabbed hold of it and had to have it, even if it cost my every last dime … literally.* My parents had to peel me off of it, begging the clerks to sell it to them to no avail.* I was in tantrum mode, but still left with Van Halen I in my possession.

      Flash forward to 1984, to a 6th grade girl wearing holy jeans and Van Halen T-shirts to school daily and singing praises of their latest album.* A girl who had “I love David Lee Roth”* and* sketches of the Van Halen symbol sketched on every book cover.* A girl in love … with an untouchable rock icon.* Yes, that girl was me, of course.* Scrawny, late blooming, overlooked rocker chick Susan. I guess I really didn’t even notice that I was the ugly duckling, because I was still in that frame of mind that I wanted to be tough and completely un-girly! My world revolved around Van Halen mostly and other rock bands that were coming out at the time …* Bands that Van Halen opened the door for with their unique rock style. (Later, these would be known as hair bands)

      It wasn’t until high school that I realized I was still late to blooming and unwanted.* Yeah, when all my guy friends I used to rock out with in Junior High no longer wanted to be seen with me because they were busy with the girly girls who had boobs and such.** Van Halen had crumbled after their biggest selling album, 1984, and my life seemed to be painfully crumbling too… I was holding on to dreams … dreams that I believed would never come true.* Dreams of being desirable to guys, and still dreaming even deeper of being desirable to rock stars.* But still, my life long dream was to someday be able to meet David Lee Roth … perhaps even cling to him the way I did that cardboard cut out of him at the record store so many years before…

      I graduated in 1990 and still hadn’t blossomed.* Still fought for the attention of guys unsuccessfully and still prayed for Van Halen to reunite with David Lee Roth.* It seemed that none of my dreams would ever come true, but that summer things changed dramatically.* After an 18 year battle with a complicated illness (that’s a whole other blog I’ll write someday) I got the medical attention I needed and was on the path to healing.* With that healing came my late puberty.* With my late puberty came the swan from the ugly duckling … and with that swanlike existence came all the attention from the opposite sex I could’ve ever wanted.

      It was a brand new world to me.* I didn’t know how to handle it.* Fortunately, early in my days of glory I settled down with a great guy for many years.* He too was a swan from ugly duckling, so we made a perfect match. But, sadly, all good things must come to an end and we broke up because he needed to “find himself” and I was left alone in a sea of sharks, who all wanted to take a bite of me the moment I was cast back out to sea.* And bite they did.* They shredded me up.* One bad relationship begot another, or so it seemed, and heartache relentlessly plagued me for years.* I had come to the realization that if it wasn’t for bad luck, I’d have no luck at all.* And once again, I found myself dreaming of what would never be … my rock stars whom were always my secret lovers and best friends for all of my years, who never let me down … even though the days of hair band glory were long forgotten.

      And then came the millennium.* Which really pleased me because the 90’s were a gloomy and dark time for me, so I had a lot of hope that the new century would bless me … and so it did … in ways I never believed it would.

      Hair bands were coming back into popularity for some strange reason, and I was on top of my game.* I wasn’t the ugly ducklingwho wasn’t old enough to go to their concerts, I was the perfect age at the perfect time to see everyone I ever loved live and usually in perfect settings such as small venues because they weren’t top dollar bands any more as far as the industry was concerned, but to me they were some of the most awesome musicians ever.* But, that wasn’t the most amazing part … you see the most amazing part was time and time again these rock icons who were monumentous in my life history were choosing me to go backstage and party with them.* Little ol’ Susan among tons of busty, Playboy bunny types surrounding me … they would point me out and invite me over and over.* I was never happier in all of my years.* So many times I would go home and wish that I could travel back in time to tell that crying teenage girl or that broken hearted young lady; “Someday, Susan, your dreams will come true…”

      And then it happened … headline news … David Lee Roth was coming to my area.* I was frantic just reading it.* After this long spell of meeting rockers, would he be on my list? The ultimate rocker? The love of my life? Would I truly get to meet him? I was doubtful. He was like a King, like a God, the greatest front man of all time … a total legend.* Nah, I wouldn’t get to meet him because he would be surrounded by an entourage and be totally untouchable … but still, I had to go see him as I had only waited my whole life to be in his presence … seriously, my whole life!!!!

      The day of the show, my best friend (of over 20 years!), Melanie, and I booked a room to stay overnight at the casino Dave was to perform at.* We spent the day laying out at the pool as she consistently tried to calm me, knowing that I was extremely and overly excited about the pending show.* Many drinks and hours of relaxation to no avail, I was still anxious in a childlike state reminiscent of that day I went to the Sound Shop 25 years prior! Moments before we left to the show, I went into the bathroom privately and kneeled on the floor and literally I prayed to God to watch over me because I knew that my life has sent me in a direction in which I would meet such celebrities and I would need a guardian angel to keep me in check if I had the opportunity to meet David Lee Roth!!!* Melanie was truly concerned for my well being as she was well aware of my immeasurable infatuation with Dave.

      And so, there we were, third row from David Lee Roth … singing his heart out and twisting my heart with his every scream, his every acrobatic move, his every breath … tears streaming down my cheeks as I thought I would never be so blessed as to be so near to this man I had longed to see for 25 long years!!!* Well, I guess Dave could see my beaming adoration because he pointed at me and motioned for me to approach the stage.* I was frozen and people around me had to thrust me toward him for me to realize that YES… Dave was, in fact, motioning to ME! I thought my heart would beat out my chest.* I stood at the edge of the stage as he sang a couple of songs to me, gazing into my adoring eyes.* Time stood still, I was a six year old, a sexually confused teen and an adoring woman all at once!* Dave fed into it, of course, and couldn’t resist teasing me from the stage.

      As the show came to a close, he grabbed my face forcefully in his hand … squeezing my cheeks and I thought this was the peek of my existence.* Then, he pointed at me and suddenly security grabbed me and began pulling me away! I was dazed and confused as if I was on some strange drug.* I grabbed Melanie, my last source of reality, and we were yanked behind the stage.

      “Dave would like to see you, alone!” The security guard said.
      I was speechless.
      “She can’t go alone,” Melanie heroically said. (Thank Goodness!)

      Moments later … there he was … across the room … smiling … DAVID F***ING LEE ROTH!!!!!!

      And I just stood there … frozen … crying … spastic!

      He motioned for me to come to him.* I pointed at myself, confused, and asked “ME?”
      “Yes, you!” He laughed.

      Slowly I walked to him, Melanie in tow.

      “So, did you enjoy the show?” He asked.
      I burst into tears.
      “She loved it,” Melanie laughed.* “Trust me!”
      “Can I… Can I hug you?” I muttered as I gazed at my dream come true.
      “Absolutely!” He smiled.
      I threw my arms around him and the tears began to flow. “I’ve waited my whole life for this moment!” I exclaimed.
      He ate it up.* He loved it!

      So, we ended up on the illustrious tour bus of David Lee Roth! Inside was all black leather and dim lighting as if we were in a lounge.* I was seating on a leather horse shoe shaped couch when Dave slid up very close beside me and wrapped his larger than life arms around me and began to whisper in my ear about how adorable I was in a voice I had only previously known through music.* A raspy, sexy, melodious, rock God voice much like the spoken part of “Panama” …. (skip to 2:50 on the video below to see what I mean)

      Needless to say, his constant praises of me were making me very dizzy and fumbling foolishly over my words as Melanieconsistently reminded him that he was fucking with my head and that he had no idea of the effects this entire event was having on me.* It’s very VERY good that she was there with me the whole time.* He persisted to whisper sweet nothings in my ear as Melanie quizzed him about his musical career and such and I was persistently fumbling.* Finally after a few glasses of Merlot and sharing a smoke with him, I gathered my composure and was able to somewhat loosen up … though he remained consistent with the sweet nothings.

      Otherwise,* he spoke in rhythm and rhyme with great flamboyance! He was fun, gracious and very entertaining.* One of the funniest parts was;* when we first got on the bus he shook his rear end, squeezed into leather pants, in my face and said “How do you like my ass?” Hysterical, right? But anyway, as I said before … it was indeed very good that my best friend was there as my guardian because I have no idea what could have happened to me in my dazed state of hysteria without her protection!

      And after all was said and done, I looked back and thought … once again … of the little girl in the record store clinging to a cardboard Dave, and to the lonely teen who kissed his posters goodnight.* It still makes me smile that the one thing I wanted so badly for all of my years … the one thing I never dreamed possible actually did happen … TO ME!!!
      Last edited by big fatty; 04-25-2015, 04:06 PM.


      • big fatty
        Head Fluffer
        • Jul 2004
        • 452


        Ethlie brought David Lee Roth as a date to ROCK*magazine publisher Jeffrey Jolson-Colburn's Christmas party. Vare was writing a cover story on Roth, and they were attached at the hip. 1984 had just come out, and Van Halen was at the top of the charts.

        "I had David call my 7-year-old son to wish him a Merry Christmas," she recalls. "He said, 'Hi, this is David Lee Roth, and I called to wish you a Merry Christmas, you little motherfucker!'"

        After the phone call, he took Vare in the bathroom and tried to seduce her. "I turned him down because we were in my publisher's bathroom, for God's sake!"
        Last edited by big fatty; 04-25-2015, 04:21 PM.


        • Cato
          Full Member Status

          • Jan 2004
          • 4587

          Originally posted by big fatty

          hot chick eh?
          she was a member at Von's DDLR site and has posted this pic there 12 years ago.
          Don't notice most of my posts are less than 2 lines...

          Fender Custom Shop Owners Club

          Gibson Custom Shop Owners Club

          Cato's YouTube Channel


          • ZahZoo

            • Jan 2004
            • 8973

            To me it's just weird and creepy the way some of you dudes continue this idolizing of Dave's womanizing...

            My god... every one of those pictures those women look like 3rd choice after last call that only beer goggles could embellish... except the first one which appears to be cradle robbing.
            "If you want to be a monk... you gotta cook a lot of rice...”


            • DONNIEP
              DIAMOND STATUS
              • Mar 2004
              • 13373

              American by birth. Southern by the grace of God.


              • big fatty
                Head Fluffer
                • Jul 2004
                • 452

                Originally posted by ZahZoo
                To me it's just weird and creepy the way some of you dudes continue this idolizing of Dave's womanizing...

                My god... every one of those pictures those women look like 3rd choice after last call that only beer goggles could embellish... except the first one which appears to be cradle robbing.
                Yeah I posted it as a novelty for humour sake because of the irony. Two of them turned the horny dog down.

                Then he gave Shari in the top picture $200 to hit the road but telling her to grab him some burgers. She was so naive she didn't get the hint and came back with some food and returned the change without getting herself something.


                • Dave's Bitch

                  • Apr 2005
                  • 5293

                  This reads like a piece of David Lee Roth fan fiction. Very strange reading....
                  I really love you baby, I love what you've got
                  Let's get together we can, Get hot


                  • big fatty
                    Head Fluffer
                    • Jul 2004
                    • 452

                    Originally posted by Cato
                    hot chick eh?
                    she was a member at Von's DDLR site and has posted this pic there 12 years ago.
                    Yeah she's yummy up top looks better nowadays. She's a cool chick big rock fan meets a lot of others like Jimmy Page.

                    So what I guess I'm supposed to feel bad for reposting the same pic from 12 years ago that everyone's already seen before.

                    I never got to see much of the DDLR site I didn't surf the net that often back then other than downloading the mp3's.


                    • big fatty
                      Head Fluffer
                      • Jul 2004
                      • 452

                      Originally posted by Dave's Bitch
                      This reads like a piece of David Lee Roth fan fiction. Very strange reading....
                      As opposed to all the regular perfectly normal stuff on this site. LMFAO.


                      • Dave's Bitch

                        • Apr 2005
                        • 5293

                        Originally posted by big fatty

                        So what I guess I'm supposed to feel bad for reposting the same pic from 12 years ago that everyone's already seen before.
                        Yes, yes you are. I don't know how you sleep at night
                        I really love you baby, I love what you've got
                        Let's get together we can, Get hot


                        • big fatty
                          Head Fluffer
                          • Jul 2004
                          • 452

                          Originally posted by Dave's Bitch
                          Yes, yes you are. I don't know how you sleep at night
                          Aha. Ok.


                          • Heater
                            Foot Soldier
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 508

                            Originally posted by ZahZoo
                            To me it's just weird and creepy the way some of you dudes continue this idolizing of Dave's womanizing...

                            My god... every one of those pictures those women look like 3rd choice after last call that only beer goggles could embellish... except the first one which appears to be cradle robbing.
                            This.Dave embellishes everything, his nightly conquests were probably nothing like he wanted all to believe, a legend in his own mind. Being obsessed with his alleged exploits does seem to carry the obvious devotion from some here who enjoy fantasizing about Dave and his peanut weiner.


                            • FORD
                              ROTH ARMY MODERATOR

                              • Jan 2004
                              • 58828

                              And how does Bleater know what size his weiner is?
                              Eat Us And Smile

                              Cenk For America 2024!!

                              Justice Democrats

                              "If the American people had ever known the truth about what we (the BCE) have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." - Poppy Bush, 1992

