Eddie Says He's Fine With Mistakes On New Live Album

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  • Nitro Express
    • Aug 2004
    • 32798

    Boys and girls Roth is back in. Your dream has come true so beg, borrow, or steal the money to see Van Fuckin Halen this summer. Oh and go see Rush too. The drummer has fucked up wrists or some damn thing like that and he's not wanting to tour no more. Who gives a fuck. He runs and hides from the fans anyways but hey he's a good drummer and this is the last time to see him live even if he doesn't give a ratt's ass about you. Go see this shit because whoopie we's all going to die from global warming, civil unrest, bad farts, McDonald's, or GMO food.
    Last edited by Nitro Express; 05-01-2015, 04:33 AM.
    No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


    • SunisinuS
      Crazy Ass Mofo
      • May 2010
      • 3301

      Originally posted by Dave's Bitch
      Fraroc, this line of thinking is part of the problem. What has anyone got to be grateful for? Van Halen putting out an album and charging $15 for it? are you grateful to the store when you go to buy groceries? it is exactly the same thing

      If you like it that is great, but it is ridiculous to call those that don't ungrateful.
      Yea! Fuck Grocery Stores....fuck even the name is some what nameless French. Dave's Bitch has a much better distribution system. Let's read your solution to this 4000 yr old system! Fuck...music paid for street musicians or bands...bah HUMBUG!

      Me...for me own uneducated self...love Grocery Stores. Better than picking beans in Juan's Fields just to find my wife had not killed the Rabbit's necessary for the stew! I should say FUCK GROCERY STORES and FUCK PAYING MUSICIANS FOR THEIR MUSIC. But hey...I am uneducated about these systems.

      Fear and the Three-Day Food Supply

      One of the scary factoids in circulation these days is the revelation that grocery stores hold only a three- or four-day supply of food. People wield this statistic to argue that our food system is appallingly insecure and in grave danger of failure. We’re only a few days from starvation, goes the frightening story, and we’re liable one day to find our supermarket shelves empty and the populace in panic.

      To accept this forecast uncritically, though, means ignoring how complex systems work. We can scare ourselves by selectively focusing on a small piece of a larger picture and behaving as if that tiny bit were the whole story. It’s a natural tendency: Any organism interested in surviving needs to focus on what’s going wrong much more than what’s going right. But in this case, believing the tale of empty shelves may distract us from more urgent problems.

      Storing large amounts of grains and other foods in cities is an ancient strategy, and it hasn’t protected against famine. Many European cities and walled towns kept grain supplies designed to carry them through hard times, yet, according to historian Fernand Braudel, famine remained a regular visitor. Continent-wide, famines that killed 10% or more of the population struck Europe 13 times in the 16th century, 11 times in the 17th, and 16 times in the 18th century. Local famines were far more common, yet most towns had large granaries. With a little thought, we can see why storing food in public granaries isn’t an effective strategy. How much food would a city of 50,000 need to store to get through months of utter crop failure? The math is brutal: the town would be almost knee deep in grain. And, more urgently, during a food panic, how many pounds of grain being handed to you by the state would make you calm down? Five? Ten? That’s only a couple of day’s supply for a small family. During a food panic, I suspect the government would need to hand out 20 to 50 pounds of grain per family every few days to calm a frightened populace. And during a panic, even the largest food storages are emptied quickly. The enemy here is fear, not the food system. In my book, anyone shouting “Run to the stores and buy as much food as you can!” deserves a special place in hell.

      Storing more than a few days supply of food within a city makes little sense for a number of reasons. It requires dedicated storage buildings in cities—where space is most expensive. We’d need security forces to protect the food, a bureaucracy to run the logistics, and all that food must be cycled in and out for freshness. Plus, imagine a half million or more hungry people all converging on central granaries expecting to be fed. The logistical problems are enormous: think FEMA or TSA, and you can see why it’s the wrong level to operate at. A much more sensible place for emergency food storage is at the household level. If you are worried about food shortages, get your own stash and store as much as makes you comfortable. In designing a solution to a problem, it’s critical to intervene at the proper level, and here, the household is a far more effective level than the state.

      Another reason for not instituting centralized food warehouses is that food systems are based much more on flow than they are on storage, and they usually have been. Claiming that our strategy for food delivery is precarious is not thinking in terms of dynamic whole systems, in which flows are far greater than storage—though both are important. Imagine someone panicking because they suddenly realized that their yard’s soil only contains enough water for four days of plant growth. That may be true, but we know also that water is constantly flowing in—storage is only one bit of the picture. Moisture is being pulled upward through the soil, rain is likely before long, plus we have the water line from the street, household graywater, and all the other ways that the tiny bit of water on that land is being renewed continuously. Yes, it’s possible that all the water delivery systems could break down simultaneously, just as the whole food system could, but that entails large-scale network failures—the utterly perfect storm—that would likely send signals well in advance and affect much more than water or food.

      If we don’t look at flows, and don’t think in terms of whole systems, we can make ourselves very scared about the complex systems surrounding us. I call this tendency “drawing the box too small.” If we draw a boundary at, say, the city limits of Chicago and measure how much food is available within it, we can get frightened at how little there is: a few days supply. But that’s not really Chicago’s whole food supply, is it? If we enlarge the boundary to, say, what can be delivered to the city within an hour’s drive, suddenly that food supply contains all the farms and gardens, warehouses, cold-storage units, processing plants, feedlots, ships anchored in Lake Michigan full of grain, distribution centers, rail depots, and other sources of food within a 50-mile radius. That’s a lot more than a four-day supply. Then, enlarge the box to a day’s drive and the food supply will last for weeks. And if we increase the box to include the entire nation or continent—which is still only a part of our food system—we now have an essentially infinite supply of food, renewed every growing season, since the US is still a net food producer.

      What makes think that something as unnatural as city limits is the boundary of a city’s food supply? And what kind of catastrophe would limit a city to the food within it? Obviously, a local disaster such as a hurricane or earthquake could do this, but it also could destroy any food grown or stored there, or start a panic that depletes even the largest supply. (Or takes martial law to protect it and draconian rules to distribute it. I’d rather store my own.) Even Hurricane Katrina didn’t prevent food from reaching New Orleans before many people went hungry. Perhaps a rupture of the transportation system would do it. But what would cause this? Rapid destruction of large parts of the highway or rail system is unlikely except in war or national strike (and striking workers and their families need to eat, too). These networks are highly distributed and redundant: There are many routes to any city. A major and sudden fuel shortage might do it, but I suspect that we’d quickly see rationing and redistribution of fuel away from many non-food uses, since governments know that hungry people start revolts. And actual transportation of food only uses 4% of the total energy in the food system (Weber and Matthews, Env. Sci. Technology, 2008, 42: 3508), so a fuel shortage would have less effect on moving food into cities, and more on the production and processing of food, which is a slower process that would unwind over weeks and months, not days.

      There’s a lot wrong with our food system, but its “just in time” nature is not one of the flaws. We need to ask why the idea of four days of food on grocery shelves scares us, and why it makes us believe we have a precarious food system. Cities have always drawn from the surrounding countryside for their food. Why is it hard to trust that the current food system will continue to deliver food into cities? I suspect that part of our fear is that the size and number of components of the food systems is so vast that we can’t easily grasp how it works or believe that something that complex can continue to function long. It’s like worrying that your circulatory system—with its billions of red blood cells, pulsing lung tissue, ornately branching veins and arteries, and complicated gas exchange network—will fail and you won’t be able to get oxygen into your blood. It makes me dizzy just to think about it. Fortunately, complex adaptive systems such as our bodies and our food supply continue to function without our conscious control; they are highly networked and on many levels.

      The long-term storage for our food supply is on the land, widely distributed, where it belongs. The food system has many tiers, and the “food stored in cities” level is a minor component. The system encompasses many levels of intermediate food storage components such as farms, cooperative grain-storage towers, processing plants, warehouses, shipping in transit, and distribution centers, each holding or supplying a significant percentage of our food supply and operating over a timeframe of weeks and months. It is a system in which flow makes up more of the capacity than storage. With a perishable good such as food, that’s as it should be. Having more than a few day’s supply of food stored at the end of the chain, in cities, would be a misallocation of resources away from the sources that generate the food and direct its constant stream toward the user. It’s smart for residents to store emergency food in their home, in whatever quantity makes them feel safe. But an expensive revamping of our food system to build collective infrastructure for urban food storage makes little sense when flow is the key element of any food system.

      Our food system has many flaws. We need more locally grown food. The current system is far too dependent on fossil fuels, is concentrated in too few seed varieties and a handful of corporations, is subsidized toward unhealthy and unwise products, and wastes prodigious quantities of water and nutrients. But an absence of giant state-run granaries is not one of its failings. In a complex system, flows are at least as important as storages, and is the appropriate place to focus. A secure food system stems far more from the flow of food and the existence of many levels of nearby and faraway storages than from the amount of food on grocery shelves. To claim that our just-in-time system is precarious is drawing the box far too small, and ignores the flow-based nature of the complex, constantly readjusting systems that we depend on.


      Last edited by SunisinuS; 05-01-2015, 05:34 AM. Reason: *I like Grocery Stores. Better than begging for food from these fucks.
      Can't Control your Future. Can't Control your Friends. The women start to hike their skirts up. I didn't have a clue. That is when I kinda learned how to smile a lot. One Two Three Fouir fun ter thehr fuur.


      • Mushroom
        • Jul 2009
        • 1126

        God shoot me. Some of you are thinking way too hard and taking this too seriously. More serious than =VH= ever wanted.


        • DLR Bridge

          • Mar 2011
          • 5470

          Originally posted by Dave's Bitch
          Fraroc, this line of thinking is part of the problem. What has anyone got to be grateful for? Van Halen putting out an album and charging $15 for it? are you grateful to the store when you go to buy groceries? it is exactly the same thing

          If you like it that is great, but it is ridiculous to call those that don't ungrateful.
          I think it's an issue of semantics. Now seeing who he is describing, I'd say ungrateful is the wrong word. But I know where he's coming from.

          In the grand scheme of things, the band is not moving forward in the manner in which many would like, but that has always been the case. Conditioning yourself to being disappointed and taking what they give isn't a new thing. It's been that way since the wheels came off in '84. With Van Halen, you're choice is to cherry pick what you like most about them and take the rest for what it is. Or tell'em to fuck off. The choice is ours. Personally and quite sadly, my interest in the future of this band is fading fast. Not thrilled to say that, but I am glad that people are still able to enjoy them.


          • Anonymous
            • May 2004
            • 12749

            Originally posted by fraroc
            You know what, first of all, I respect Dave for what he's doing now. You know why? Becuase he has never been one to conform to what anyone else deemed acceptable. He did his own thing and I'm happy he's still doing his own thing, the man is living life on his own terms and I really respect that.

            Secondly, when I talk about ungrateful VH fans, I'm talking about the kind who would go up to a teenage or a pre-teen Van Halen fan who is super excited to see them on this tour, possibly for the first time in their young lives, and say "Yeah? Well I saw the REAL Van Halen back in 1981, you ain't got shit!" Like it or not, Van Halen as Eddie, Alex and Wolfgang Van Halen + David Lee Roth is how VH exists in the 21st century, save for the ungodly 2004 Sammy Hagar reunion. This is the only version of Classic Van Halen that the young people of the world can see live in 2015. Therefore, fuck ANYONE who would try and make someone (who probably wasn't even born then) feel bad for not seeing the 1974-1984 lineup of VH. Rock n' Roll has always been a young man's game, the youth of America who still like classic rock deserve their chance to see their favorite bands, which is why I hate these ungrateful "please retire" fans.

            My Dad actually agrees with me on this, he's seeing VH with me, in fact.
            I thought you were talking about VH, not Dave?

            What do you mean, Dave never conformed to what anyone else deemed acceptable? After Your Filthy Little Mouth Dave has done nothing but conform.

            But let me state this very clearly - I would buy a new Dave solo album in a heartbeat. You know why? Because I don't expect much from Dave at this point.

            The thing with VH, though, is an entirely different matter. They have enough material throughout the decades to put out something that's actually GOOD. Instead, they release a half-assed live album & fanboys like you shower them with praise, like they deserve to be worshipped just for farting.

            Let me state this even more clearly - fanboys are more responsible for their idols falling from grace than the naysayers. Again, with VH one or the other doesn't matter one bit, & the reason I went after you like I did was simply for your retarded fanboyness, which is why I hardly mentioned VH or Dave in my post.

            I am SICK of having fanboys ruining things I like by lapping up every dump, allowing their gods to release broken, half-finished messes & rewarding the for it.

            It's OUR money - do yourself & everyone a favour & DEMAND THE FUCKING BEST.



            • Anonymous
              • May 2004
              • 12749

              Originally posted by blueturk
              While Imapus Sylicker seems to have anger management issues with the state of Van Halen today, I'm simply disappointed at what I've seen and heard so far. Be that as it may, I'm glad that you get to see 3/4 of the original lineup of quite possibly the greatest American band live in concert. For all the bashing, the fact is that it's not VH without Dave. Hell, my kids like Thin Lizzy (yeah that's what I said!) but they'll never get to see anything remotely resembling them live. Better for you to get to see this show than "Lynyrd Skynyrd" with maybe one remaining original member, "Queen' with whoever the hell sings for them now, or for that matter the current "Thin Lizzy" lineup. Have a fucking blast, kid!
              Nah, I don't give a flying fuck about VH. My frothing rant was all about the fanboyism in Fraroc's post. THAT is what pisses me off.

              In other words, it was a matter of principle. He could be talking about Kiss, Spongebob or Pamela Anderson, it doesn't matter one bit. Fanboys are a cancer.




              • Anonymous
                • May 2004
                • 12749

                Originally posted by SunisinuS
                Yea! Fuck Grocery Stores....fuck even the name is some what nameless French. Dave's Bitch has a much better distribution system. Let's read your solution to this 4000 yr old system! Fuck...music paid for street musicians or bands...bah HUMBUG!

                Me...for me own uneducated self...love Grocery Stores. Better than picking beans in Juan's Fields just to find my wife had not killed the Rabbit's necessary for the stew! I should say FUCK GROCERY STORES and FUCK PAYING MUSICIANS FOR THEIR MUSIC. But hey...I am uneducated about these systems.
                Something very bad happened to you at one point in your life & you ended up like this.

                I'm sorry.



                • Anonymous
                  • May 2004
                  • 12749

                  Originally posted by Nitro Express
                  Boys and girls Roth is back in. Your dream has come true so beg, borrow, or steal the money to see Van Fuckin Halen this summer. Oh and go see Rush too. The drummer has fucked up wrists or some damn thing like that and he's not wanting to tour no more. Who gives a fuck. He runs and hides from the fans anyways but hey he's a good drummer and this is the last time to see him live even if he doesn't give a ratt's ass about you. Go see this shit because whoopie we's all going to die from global warming, civil unrest, bad farts, McDonald's, or GMO food.
                  Bad farts are lethal. A friend of mine told me the story of how, when he farted one morning under the sheets, he had to lay so very, very still. When his wife woke up, first he told her not to move. Then he instructed her to veeeeeery carefully, gently slide out from under the sheets & open all the windows.

                  I heard other stories about his farts. I believed this one.



                  • Seshmeister
                    ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                    • Oct 2003
                    • 35210

                    Originally posted by Kristy
                    Eh, when you make records that fleece your fans what's a mistake or two?
                    The whole album is on YouTube, video of the show it was from is on YouTube. How many people have just stole it on a torrent?

                    No one is getting fleeced.


                    • DLR Bridge

                      • Mar 2011
                      • 5470

                      Originally posted by Imapus Sylicker
                      It's OUR money - do yourself & everyone a favour & DEMAND THE FUCKING BEST.
                      As much as I agree with your points too, (ultimumately, everyone's right to an extent) I've spent the bulk of my life demanding the best and I'm telling ya, it's just not in them, especially now. Their legacy through our eyes is of no concern to them. I'm including Dave in this. It's just not important to them. They have never been particularly fan friendly. Now, the friendliness comes in the form of an Instagram video filmed by the son of a guy who could take or leave all of this.

                      Demanding is a waste of time and energy. It's either hope for the best or look for enjoyment elsewhere.


                      • Anonymous
                        • May 2004
                        • 12749

                        Originally posted by DLR Bridge
                        As much as I agree with your points too, (ultimumately, everyone's right to an extent) I've spent the bulk of my life demanding the best and I'm telling ya, it's just not in them, especially now. Their legacy through our eyes is of no concern to them. I'm including Dave in this. It's just not important to them. They have never been particularly fan friendly. Now, the friendliness comes in the form of an Instagram video filmed by the son of a guy who could take or leave all of this.

                        Demanding is a waste of time and energy. It's either hope for the best or look for enjoyment elsewhere.
                        Will you... goddammit! FUCK!

                        This is NOT about Van fucking Halen! This is about the rampant problem of fanboyism. I'm NOT talking about Van Halen - I don't give a flying fuck about them.

                        But I do agree with you about Dave. That's why I said I'd buy a new solo album no questions asked. At this point, I don't expect anything out of the guy, so whatever comes along, it's a bonus.

                        But ALL MY RANTS in this thread were triggered by Fraroc's fanboyism & THAT is what I'm talkin' about, my nigga.

                        FUCK Van Halen & the pint-sized dog they rode in on.



                        • DLR Bridge

                          • Mar 2011
                          • 5470



                          • Seshmeister
                            ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                            • Oct 2003
                            • 35210

                            Originally posted by Imapus Sylicker
                            Will you... goddammit! FUCK!

                            This is NOT about Van fucking Halen! This is about the rampant problem of fanboyism. I'm NOT talking about Van Halen - I don't give a flying fuck about them.

                            But I do agree with you about Dave. That's why I said I'd buy a new solo album no questions asked. At this point, I don't expect anything out of the guy, so whatever comes along, it's a bonus.

                            But ALL MY RANTS in this thread were triggered by Fraroc's fanboyism & THAT is what I'm talkin' about, my nigga.

                            FUCK Van Halen & the pint-sized dog they rode in on.

                            Surely it's ok to have a few fans on a forum dedicated to the guy?


                            • Anonymous
                              • May 2004
                              • 12749

                              Originally posted by DLR Bridge

                              Thank you. And I apologise for my sparse usage of what some people might perceive as strong language.

                              But this is a topic I'm somewhat passionate about. I do hope you'll forgive my indiscretions.



                              • Anonymous
                                • May 2004
                                • 12749

                                Originally posted by Seshmeister
                                Surely it's ok to have a few fans on a forum dedicated to the guy?

                                I feel like motherfuckin' Charlie Brown with each & every one of you fuckers playing Lucy.

                                My rants are NOT about Van Halen. They're certainly not about Dave, because what triggered my amazingly stupid rage was a demonstration of fanboyism about Van Halen. NOT Dave. That jittery, spastic motherfucker has absolutely nothing to do with my embarrassing lack of self-control.

                                Ok, let's all calm down & by all I mean me & start over.

                                Primo, fanboy=/=fan. For all you retarded motherfuckers out there, that means they are NOT the same. All fanboys are fans, but not all fans are fanboys.

                                Secundo, although what caused me to go on a rampage was fanboyism about Van Halen, Van Halen is NOT what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the fanboyism itself.

                                Terzio, at this point you assholes have got to be winding me up on purpose & I keep biting. Fuck my life.


