Van Hagar To Tour In 2017

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  • 78/84 guy
    Crazy Ass Mofo
    • Apr 2005
    • 2557

    Originally posted by Terry
    I mean, even more sad/pathetic/lame than the inability of CVH to reunite is the amount of time and thought I've given to the subject since 1996.

    Shit, when I was hitting my teens, Van Halen were fucking IT. Zeppelin were disbanded by the time I hit junior high. The Who were barely sputtering along. Lennon was dead. The Stones were entering a near-decade of not touring. Hendrix, Skynyrd, The Doors...all those guys were long fucking gone. Van Halen were MY band, you know? Not some legend I had to hear about from my older uncles. Or an act like Ozzy with Randy where I didn't get the chance to see them before Randy died. Or a makeupless/Crissless/Frehleyless KISS. Van Halen were (then) here and now, and tearing it up in arenas nationwide, releasing great music.

    Van Halen, for me, were always several cuts above the bands that zoomed in behind them. The Def Leppards, Quiet Riots, Motley Crues, Ratts, Dokkens...the only other bands active when CVH was that I liked nearly as much were Maiden, Dio, Priest.

    But Van Halen were...just...fucking...IT for me. And I only got a chance to see them with Dave once in 1984. Then Roth bails, Hagar steps's just like, fuck me, you know?

    By the time early 1996 rolled around, CVH were just a memory to me. The likelihood of Roth even rejoining wasn't something I bothered to entertain for a moment, because those guys fucking hated each other, it had been more than a decade since they had played was over, and nothing was going to bring it back. Christ, unlike three years earlier, by early 1996 Roth couldn't even get arrested. I recall seeing his Slamming Blues Mambo Vegas Revue (or whatever he called it) on the Tonight Show several months earlier, and my immediate thought was that Roth was finally totally washed up: if YFLM and the NYC pot bust were warning signs, that Tonight Show performance was the confirmation.

    Roth had gone off the deep end, and Van Hagar were still putting out Van Hagar music. A cheesy turn of events, but whatever. Life goes on, and by early 1996 Van Halen had been releasing Hagar-filled swill for so long I was immune to it. I didn't even bother listening to Balance: I couldn't even be bothered to try and sift through that album for the few decent instrumental passages I found on previous Sam Halen albums. I didn't give a shit anymore, nor was I interested in Dave attempting to be the 2nd Coming of Wayne Newton.

    Humans Being is released, and I must say I was fairly impressed with the tune. About as good as Van Halen with Hagar was going to get, and the instrumentation sounded like it had a bit of the old school fire to it. Then Hagar leaves. Then Roth is working with the band again. I gotta tell ya, I thought MWM and CGTSNM were really promising tracks. If Van Halen could have made a full-length album with songs of that quality with Dave in 1996 and then toured, THAT would have been pretty fuckin' suh-weet.

    And ever since that 1996 debacle, in the back of my mind has been the thought that CVH could still REALLY put it together in a meaningful way. Even after the Cherone album. Even after Eddie's cancer scare. Even after Dave's silly radio show and Van Strummin' album. Even after the 2004 tour debacle. Even after Anthony getting ejected for Eddie's teenaged kid. Even after Eddie's Smoking Loon/crystal meth binge which left him looking like the Crypt Keeper, and he was reduced to drunkenly wanking on his patented Trans Trem Sustainer Drop D whatever the fuck he was calling that days EVH signature guitar and making "soundtrack music" for lame porn flicks his head fluffer girlfriend was "production assistant" on.

    Through all of, even up through today, I'd still like to see CVH give it a go. Even though by now I barely give a shit (as you can tell from my constant flow of multi-paragraph comments on the subject), for me this band isn't finished properly until CVH take the stage again.

    Once THAT happens, THEN they have my permission to retire.
    Wasted years ! 96-06. Like you said hard to believe the output of the band in the early years to what came after Hag was gone. Well the huge mistake that was V.H.3 than nothing. Unreal really looking back. Dave got rolling again in 99 and sounded pretty decent vocally up through 08 so for me it pisses me off even more they didn't reconvene in 96. I think Ed was just going off the deep end. Cancer scares. Drinking, whatever else was going on. Sounds like they tried again in 2000. I'd like to know why that really failed more than anything. The 96 disaster has been documented. It is what it is. Wasted time. Just think of an 07/08 Dave with A 12/15 Eddie on stage and Mike doing his thing were he SHOULD be. How great would that sound almost 40 years later ? I'd think they might be unstoppable........sad in many ways. I'd buy a new album if it's good,and certainly any vault stuff, but I'll pass on any new tour with Dave half assing it. And I like Wolf but without Mike at this point..........just not much interest without a full reunion.


    • Terry
      • Jan 2004
      • 11967

      Originally posted by 78/84 guy
      Wasted years ! 96-06. Like you said hard to believe the output of the band in the early years to what came after Hag was gone. Well the huge mistake that was V.H.3 than nothing. Unreal really looking back. Dave got rolling again in 99 and sounded pretty decent vocally up through 08 so for me it pisses me off even more they didn't reconvene in 96. I think Ed was just going off the deep end. Cancer scares. Drinking, whatever else was going on. Sounds like they tried again in 2000. I'd like to know why that really failed more than anything. The 96 disaster has been documented. It is what it is. Wasted time. Just think of an 07/08 Dave with A 12/15 Eddie on stage and Mike doing his thing were he SHOULD be. How great would that sound almost 40 years later ? I'd think they might be unstoppable........sad in many ways. I'd buy a new album if it's good,and certainly any vault stuff, but I'll pass on any new tour with Dave half assing it. And I like Wolf but without Mike at this point..........just not much interest without a full reunion.

      Eddie did it.

      After he punted Hagar out in 1996, Eddie finally took 100% control of the band, with nobody else to have to compromise with. Within 5 years, he found himself without a record label. The rest of us got Van Halen III for our troubles. Ed just went over the deep end. I mean, supposedly he was sober during the whole 1996 biz and the Cherone tenure, and look at the decisions he made: sober OR straight, clearly Eddie has several screws loose. A genius at rock guitar didn't translate into a genius at much of anything else. His production skills on a sound-level suck, and his songwriting instincts unrefined by a strong songwriting foil/producer are barely listenable. After Van Halen III cratered, Ed's marriage was slowly unwinding, he had no record contract, he had his medical issues...he just stopped giving a fuck. By the time 2004 rolled around, he couldn't even play as well as he used to.

      Dave made a concerted effort to rebuild his career after 1996. The apex of that was the 2007/2008 tour: THAT would have been a decent swan song to end on. Had Eddie been able to play better (as you said, at the level he was playing in 2012) and Mike had been aboard, even at that late 2007/2008 date the results would have been good far as an oldies reunion tour went. Would have been a high note to go out on.

      I mean, in the last 20 years we've gotten 2 full-length studio albums, a Greatest Hits album and a live album from a 2013 tour date nobody was particularly asking for in terms of an official release. That frequency of output is pretty pathetic. At this point, I honestly wonder why they even bother other than it being just a revenue source and the lack of ability to try anything other than what is a predictable modus operandi for an aging rock band. It's that path of least resistance mentality, which is producing some underwhelming results, more so the longer they stick around.

      God bless 'em, but another Van Halen tour with the 2007-2015 lineup just doesn't do anything for me, even just the idea of it. Like you, I have virtually no interest short of a CVH reunion. Release some vault stuff, I'll buy it. Release a new album of original material with Dave, I'll certainly be interested to hear what they come up with.
      Last edited by Terry; 04-19-2017, 10:28 PM.
      Scramby eggs and bacon.


      • POJO_Risin
        Roth Army Caesar
        • Mar 2003
        • 40648

        Terry, I will give you credit where credit is due. You almost...ALMOST...pulled a VH rant out of me...and there may yet still be one...but I feel like I've wasted too much fucking time on this band and brand already.

        I often think of what VH was...and I was just coming into my rock and roll blood at the same time Van Halen was taking over the world. And that's what they were doing...taking over the world.

        I started with Kiss Alive...Kiss Alive II...then AC/DC Let There Be Rock, Powerade, Highway to Hell and Back in Black...and Queen...News of the World and The Game with Another One Bites the Dust.

        But sitting in an arcade in 1981, I found a back on the floor while waiting to play Galaga. I didn't even think fucking twice about it until I got home...and boom...Van Halen 1, Live, in front of my naked steaming eyes...

        FUCKING HUGE....

        Not sure about my point here...and I'm glad as fuck I haven't been around for all this 2017 bullshit...because that's all it really is...bullshit at this point. So much fucking wasted time, and I'm still left with the 6 most beautiful albums there are...and a seventh that I love more than I likely should.

        Man...all that fucking time wasted...because of fucking egos that drugs and booze couldn't even cure...

        "Van Halen was one of the most hallelujah, tailgate, backyard, BBQ, arrive four hours early to the gig just for the parking lot bands. And still to this day is. It's an attitude. I think it's a spirit more than anything else is."


        • Terry
          • Jan 2004
          • 11967

          Originally posted by POJO_Risin
          Terry, I will give you credit where credit is due. You almost...ALMOST...pulled a VH rant out of me...and there may yet still be one...but I feel like I've wasted too much fucking time on this band and brand already.

          I often think of what VH was...and I was just coming into my rock and roll blood at the same time Van Halen was taking over the world. And that's what they were doing...taking over the world.

          I started with Kiss Alive...Kiss Alive II...then AC/DC Let There Be Rock, Powerade, Highway to Hell and Back in Black...and Queen...News of the World and The Game with Another One Bites the Dust.

          But sitting in an arcade in 1981, I found a back on the floor while waiting to play Galaga. I didn't even think fucking twice about it until I got home...and boom...Van Halen 1, Live, in front of my naked steaming eyes...

          FUCKING HUGE....

          Not sure about my point here...and I'm glad as fuck I haven't been around for all this 2017 bullshit...because that's all it really is...bullshit at this point. So much fucking wasted time, and I'm still left with the 6 most beautiful albums there are...and a seventh that I love more than I likely should.

          Man...all that fucking time wasted...because of fucking egos that drugs and booze couldn't even cure...

          Kiss Alive, Kiss Alive 2, News Of The World, The Game...Galaga, for fuck's sake (personal best = 1 million + points on one quarter...Galaxian, not so good)...I mean, these were all my initiation points into rock and roll in the mid-to-late 1970s courtesy of my older cousin at an age when I was barely thinking about girls, for fuck's sake!

          Van Halen was a band I found out about in the very early 1980s, from the older sister of a friend of mine. They had a pool, so I'd go over there and hang out. The sister was 18 and fine. Natural blonde, feathered hair, about 5' 3" or so, sort of looked like the blonde sister from that tv show Too Close For Comfort. Lovely boobs. Used to lounge beside the pool and suntan while we dicked around in the pool. She must have caught me looking at her ten zillion times, and would smile at me every time. Never said anything about it, but she knew where my mind was at. She used to play WACF constantly on her boom box while sunbathing. I mean, within a year of that the then CVH 4-pack was permanently burned into my cerebral cortex, with Diver Down and 1984 still yet to come.

          By the time I got to concert-going age a few years after that WACF encounter, Van Halen were it. Queen wasn't touring America anymore. KISS had taken off the makeup and Criss and Frehley were gone. After Roth split and Van Halen for all intents and purposes was over, what was I supposed to do far as American hard rock was concerned? Settle for Quiet Riot, Motley Crue, Ratt, Dokken and Bon Jovi? They were all at best 2nd rate to Van Halen when Roth was still in the band, and didn't get any better after 1985. Shit, VAN HALEN was 2nd rate to Van Halen after Roth left the band!

          And..uh...yeah. Classic Van Halen could have put it all back together in 1996...or at any point between then and now. And they didn't. Ego-driven control issues, years of hard feelings and fallouts. That's all it boiled down to. And it's fucking sad, man. Sad that a band who churned out 6 brilliant records in 6 years slowly yet steadily devolved into what is transpiring under the band name today. Perhaps sad more to those of us who were around when they were the kings of the hill and still have memories of the glory days. I mean, fuck, when I see where they're at's just a constant SMH response. Especially when I think how difficult it was and how many obstacles they had to overcome since 1996 just to get to their meager state today. Fall 2006, I wouldn't have bet money that the band would have even been able to reunite with Dave for so much as a one-off: Eddie looked more than half-dead and washed up.

          That their hurdles since 1995 have been entirely self-induced makes the 'accomplishment' of their continued existence a dubious one, at best.

          Fuck, indeed.
          Scramby eggs and bacon.


          • DavidLeeNatra
            • Jan 2004
            • 10715

            Originally posted by POJO_Risin

            I started with Kiss Alive...Kiss Alive II...then AC/DC Let There Be Rock, Powerade, Highway to Hell and Back in Black...and Queen...News of the World and The Game with Another One Bites the Dust.
            Funny...almost exactly my musical path...but to me there was (and still is) the King before I got into KISS.

            First concert was Queen in 1982. Stopped "discovering" new bands for me after I got into the Roth thing (for me it was always Dave no matter which band he fronted)

            Now as I am sick and tired of that soap opera I find myself back in the Queen stuff, a lot of blues material and the Stones.
            Roth Army Icon
            First official owner of ADKOT (Deluxe Version)


            • chuckjitsu
              Head Fluffer
              • Apr 2012
              • 321

              Good stuff going down the musical memory lanes!

              For me, I have an older sister who was in high school in the early 80s and she hung out with the "rocker" crowd, so I have very clear memories of what she and her friends listened to at that time and what vinyl(!) was laying around. BOC's Fire of Unknown Origin got a ton of play. Ton of Judas Priest with British Steel, Point of Entry and Screaming for Vengeance getting the big play. A lot of Cheap Trick, Dream Police and Live at Budokan. The Billy Squier albums from that era. Scorpions were huge during that era too. My sister played the hell out of the Blackout album (I loved that album cover for some reason) and I remember Animal Magnetism being around as well. I know her friends were in to Ozzy to a degree (Blizzard of Oz, etc.), but she really didn't listen to a lot of that. Not really much KISS from what I remember. I was only like 10,11,12 during that era, but the music from that era had a big impact on me growing up. I loved that shit and still do even though I don't listen to it much anymore. As for VH, I clearly remember the VHI and II albums being around because I remember looking at the albums and sleeves inside.

              As I got older, say Junior High, my circle of friends was listening to stuff like Ratt (Out of the Cellar was huge), VH (1984 was huge), Dio (Holy Diver was big), Dokken, Crue (Shout at the Devil, naturally), etc. Good times and good music!

              Edit: Almost forgot- Foreigner 4 was big with my sister and her friends. As was whatever the Queen album with Another One Bites the Dust because she must've played that song 1000 times.
              Last edited by chuckjitsu; 04-22-2017, 02:10 PM.


              • Von Halen
                ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                • Dec 2003
                • 7501

                The clues just keep on coming!


                • twonabomber
                  formerly F A T
                  ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                  • Jan 2004
                  • 11198

                  And another

                  Will Edward and Alex Van Halen ever reach out to Sammy Hagar and bury the hatchet? Hagar evidently has been told they will, but he’s not holding his breath. He is, however, holding on to hope.
                  Writing In All Proper Case Takes Extra Time, Is Confusing To Read, And Is Completely Pointless.


                  • chuckjitsu
                    Head Fluffer
                    • Apr 2012
                    • 321

                    Well, imo, there's a zero percent chance for any sort of VH two singer tour. Dave would never agree to that and rightfully so. Unfortunately I also feel that a reunion with Mike for the 40th of VH1 is doubtful. Why? Because it would make too much fucking sense, kind of like how bringing Dave back in '96 would've made too much sense. I will say this though. If they brought Mike back in and toured, I feel Dave would step up and get himself back to '07-'08 form vocally to the extent that he can. Personally, I think Dave got lazy from '08 on, although I do think something was physically wrong with him for at least part of the '12 tour, if not the whole tour.

                    The stakes were big for him in '07 and he stepped up accordingly. Dave fronting CVH and playing live for the first time in 34 years? That's bigger stakes than '07. Dave would step up.


                    • cadaverdog
                      ROTH ARMY SUPREME
                      • Aug 2007
                      • 8955

                      If I was a big fan of Sammy Hagar I'd be kind of bummed he has such a lack of self esteem he can only feel good about his career by reminding people he was once a member of Van Halen.
                      Beware of Dog


                      • Von Halen
                        ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                        • Dec 2003
                        • 7501

                        Originally posted by chuckjitsu
                        Well, imo, there's a zero percent chance for any sort of VH two singer tour. Dave would never agree to that and rightfully so.
                        Well, I guess you're going to be in for a big shock!


                        • chuckjitsu
                          Head Fluffer
                          • Apr 2012
                          • 321

                          Originally posted by Von Halen
                          Well, I guess you're going to be in for a big shock!
                          I would be very surprised if it happened. That would involve a gigantic shift in Dave's line of thinking (as I see it) as I've always felt he considers himself the straw that stirs the drink as far as VH is concerned.


                          • Heater
                            Foot Soldier
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 508

                            Originally posted by cadaverdog
                            If I was a big fan of Sammy Hagar I'd be kind of bummed he has such a lack of self esteem he can only feel good about his career by reminding people he was once a member of Van Halen.
                            Ummm, Roth did that for 20 years.


                            • Von Halen
                              ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                              • Dec 2003
                              • 7501

                              Originally posted by chuckjitsu
                              I would be very surprised if it happened. That would involve a gigantic shift in Dave's line of thinking (as I see it) as I've always felt he considers himself the straw that stirs the drink as far as VH is concerned.
                              My take on it is, Roth has made peace with the Van Halen's, and peace with his legacy in respect to the band. I bet if he does this, or goes along with it, or even gives his blessing to Hagar touring with them, it's because he is now secure in his role today and yesterday. Secure in his relationship with Ed and Al, and respects the fact that they might want to go play some of that music again, as opposed to ignoring it. Dave once said in an interview during the Roth/Hagar tour that he respected Sam for still being out there touring all those summers. Maybe Dave is realizing the mortality of he, the VH's and Hagar.

                              Or, maybe he realizes this is his best chance to get one more big payday. I mean come on. He knows they aren't going to sell out arenas with yet another nostalgia show. He'd probably rather share the stage with Hagar, than one of those package tours with a bunch of other 80's bands.


                              • cadaverdog
                                ROTH ARMY SUPREME
                                • Aug 2007
                                • 8955

                                Originally posted by Heater
                                Ummm, Roth did that for 20 years.
                                He did? He did kind of make an ass of himself when he thought he was back in the band in 96 but otherwise I never heard he mention Van Halen unless someone asked him a question about them. He was never as vocal about VH as Sam was during Dave's last hiatus with the band.
                                Beware of Dog

