Five and a half years ago we took on the responsibility of keeping this site up with the main priority of keeping the 1.5 million posts online, stopping the forum from imploding in a spate of internal arguments between factions while keeping the original free speech ethos of the site.
Two out of three ain't bad...
Anyhoo in that time we've never had to put an appeal out for donations before while remaining ad free.
For various reasons we now find ourselves in a bit of a hole financially - an $800 hole to be precise but should hopefully be a one off situation.
I appreciate that although many of the Roth Army people don't post any more for various reasons not least the inactivity of the band, new forms of social media and so on, to a greater or lesser degree if you are like me you take some comfort in this place still being here and pop in from time to time to catch up with internet friends or to read old threads from back in the day.
I'll match any payment people make so really all we need is $400 of donations surely it's worth that just for the nostalgia if nothing else?
You can donate using the donate link at the top or by clicking HERE!
I'll keep this thread open so I can thank people that step up, if you wish to remain anonymous that of course is cool too.
Two out of three ain't bad...
Anyhoo in that time we've never had to put an appeal out for donations before while remaining ad free.
For various reasons we now find ourselves in a bit of a hole financially - an $800 hole to be precise but should hopefully be a one off situation.
I appreciate that although many of the Roth Army people don't post any more for various reasons not least the inactivity of the band, new forms of social media and so on, to a greater or lesser degree if you are like me you take some comfort in this place still being here and pop in from time to time to catch up with internet friends or to read old threads from back in the day.
I'll match any payment people make so really all we need is $400 of donations surely it's worth that just for the nostalgia if nothing else?
You can donate using the donate link at the top or by clicking HERE!
I'll keep this thread open so I can thank people that step up, if you wish to remain anonymous that of course is cool too.