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  • Baby's On Fire
    • May 2004
    • 1747

    Originally posted by Nitro Express
    Nothing that you wouldn’t hear on Howard Stern or be a subject in a Hollywierd movie. Please. Stop being prudes. I just hope Sammy Hagar doesn’t steal the subject matter for The Circle’s new song Up for Breakfast II.

    Howard Stern is one of the biggest scumbags to ever walk the earth. Invoking him as a comparison doesn't reflect well. But who cares.

    Stern is a no-talent hack. It's a sad commentary on humanity he has even a single fan.

    I hate the guy for a lot of reasons, but I recall when TWA Flight 800 crashed soon after 911 when it took off from JFK and then went into the ocean, scumbag Howard had that even bigger idiot Stuttering John call in to the live news broadcast of the wreckage in the sea, and do the Babooey bullshit. What kind of disgusting people would do such a thing?

    I can't believe in this PC age that people forgot about that. Maybe that event should be brought back to the public attention.

    That was somewhat pre-internet. Maybe someone can find a clip of it and send it out to the media to expose the piece of shit for what he is.

    And then making fun of the death of Lady Diana for a full week. What kind of piece of shit not only makes fun of someone dying, but profits off it.


    • Nitro Express
      • Aug 2004
      • 32798

      It’s a pretty shitty world. Usually people don’t care unless they get caught or their bowl of Cheerios gets pissed in. Tell people what they want to hear and then rob them blind. It’s all showbiz.

      Maybe Kanye West’s God will save us. Kanye for president!
      No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


      • Nitro Express
        • Aug 2004
        • 32798

        I blame Russia, Howard Stern and Sammy Hagar for ruining the world.
        No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


        • Nickdfresh

          • Oct 2004
          • 49227

          Originally posted by Nitro Express
          Nothing that you wouldn’t hear on Howard Stern or be a subject in a Hollywierd movie. Please. Stop being prudes. I just hope Sammy Hagar doesn’t steal the subject matter for The Circle’s new song Up for Breakfast II.
          Naw, Stern has grown up...


          • bluemustard
            • Mar 2006
            • 1762

            [QUOTE=Jérôme Frenchise;1940915]Ouch! Is it really Ed? Because if it is, then his state is very serious. You can't even

            Could be prednisone.
            Family member of mine has cancer and this medicine changed her face.
            I had my checkup and I'm bladdercancer free for the next 9 months!
            haven't drank or smoked for 4 months..did have one joint and 2 whiskeys on the 2019 UK tour LOL
            But yeah..hope Eddie is ok!!


            • Terry
              • Jan 2004
              • 11968

              Originally posted by Nitro Express
              It’s a pretty shitty world. Usually people don’t care unless they get caught or their bowl of Cheerios gets pissed in. Tell people what they want to hear and then rob them blind. It’s all showbiz.

              Maybe Kanye West’s God will save us. Kanye for president!

              Closed on Sunday...

              You my Chic-Fil-A...
              Scramby eggs and bacon.


              • Jérôme Frenchise
                ROTH ARMY SUPREME
                • Nov 2004
                • 7174

                Take care bro!
                posted by Ellyllions Men say, "I'll never understand women." That's a very lonely place to be if you're a woman because we don't understand half of what we do either.
                posted by ALinChainz Katy, Pipe down, pump off, and fly back to your cave you old bat.


                • Jérôme Frenchise
                  ROTH ARMY SUPREME
                  • Nov 2004
                  • 7174

                  Originally posted by Jérôme Frenchise
                  free for the next 9 months!
                  haven't drank or smoked for 4 months..did have one joint and 2 whiskeys on the 2019 UK tour LOL
                  Hold on and take care, mustard bro!
                  posted by Ellyllions Men say, "I'll never understand women." That's a very lonely place to be if you're a woman because we don't understand half of what we do either.
                  posted by ALinChainz Katy, Pipe down, pump off, and fly back to your cave you old bat.


                  • bluemustard
                    • Mar 2006
                    • 1762

                    [QUOTE=Jérôme Frenchise;1941040]
                    Originally posted by bluemustard

                    Hold on and take care, mustard bro!
                    Thanks Jérôme! All good bro! I got a hot chick doctor too hahahah she checks my bladder through my weener every 3 months but she said come back in 9 months..it's all ok..it's all clean and good. All ready for 2020 UK tour and recording on my old 8 track.Shredding as usual! But a fucked up disease..nobody deserves such a thing. Hope Eddie is ok. roth on!


                    • Never was
                      Foot Soldier
                      • May 2012
                      • 627

                      Ed is fine, he just does not want to do jack shit so that is what does jack shit. His prerogative but yeah blows


                      • Never was
                        Foot Soldier
                        • May 2012
                        • 627

                        Originally posted by Terry
                        And I'm not...really sure if Dave has much left to bring to the table for me anymore, either...

                        I mean, I can't say as Roth hiring a new bunch of musicians and doing a House of Blues residency where he is doing CVH material...it all seems...it's not even more of the same in terms of what Roth has been doing the last 12 years, because the difference is now Roth isn't even performing the tunes with the Van Halens.

                        My reaction would doubtless be less "meh" if Dave were doing this with, say, the EEAS band. Or even if Dave had got Luzier back into the fold, maybe along with John 5, or Brian...and Roth was willing to give some of his lesser known deep cut solo material a live airing along with the predictable CVH stuff. As is, this just looks a bit too safe and predictable for me to get enthused...certainly not enthused enough to trek to Vegas to see it although were Roth playing somewhere closer to home I could imagine going for a few drinks and a few chuckles.

                        Like, what Roth was trying to do in Vegas in 1995 was sort of reinvent himself and redress his image. From all appearances, THIS Vegas stint smacks of CVH nostalgia cabaret, minus the attraction of Roth doing it with the Van Halens.

                        I suppose none of it really matters, but...it's just odd to think of Van Halen and Roth in terms of neither of them really mattering. Mostly because those guys to me represented the pinnacle of rock back in the early 1980s when rock really mattered to me the most. I suppose I should just lower the expectations I have from them with age (lord knows both Roth AND the Van Halens have given me plenty of reasons post-1985 TO lower my expectations), but, then again, why the fuck should I settle for less?

                        I guess my problem is that when I hear the 6 pack, the stuff still moves me as much as it ever did, whereas a lot of what Roth and the Van Halens have done in the last twenty five years hasn't. I guess my problem is I liked the band and the music TOO much back in the CVH days, to the point where whatever Roth and the Van Halens have done post-1985 has (by and large) fallen short...and I'm just still not willing to shrug my shoulders and accept a lesser result from any of those guys without criticism or complaint.

                        In particular, I think Ed squandered his talents more and more with each passing year after Dave left in 1985, and definitely since the Van Halen III lineup folded. Doubtless health issues, personal issues and the like were obstacles, but Ed just...he grew content to do nothing and live off the spectacular guitar work he regularly turned out back in the day. Definitely made complacent by his own success.
                        By the time Dave returned there simply was not much left of Ed. Wasted so many good years w the fat toad Hagar belting out Menudo like quality shit


                        • Terry
                          TOASTMASTER GENERAL
                          • Jan 2004
                          • 11968

                          Originally posted by Never was
                          By the time Dave returned there simply was not much left of Ed. Wasted so many good years w the fat toad Hagar belting out Menudo like quality shit
                          Well, I'd say by the time Roth returned to the fold in late 2006...the decade between 1996 and 2006 wasn't what anybody would describe as having been a good one for Ed.

                          The whole band were on the wrong side of 40 in 1996 to futz around for ten years before giving it another shot, and doubtless those ten years chipped away a bit more of the drive and ability.

                          What Roth did with Van Halen from 2007 through 2015 was about as good as could have been expected, considering the age, wear and tear, drug and alcohol abuse, etc. Ed eventually pulled his shit together, and whatever the result one can't say Roth came up short due to a lack of trying...

                          It just took too long for them to get it together for the net result to be anything particularly stellar. Quite good at points, but there you have it.
                          Scramby eggs and bacon.


                          • bluemustard
                            • Mar 2006
                            • 1762

                            Eddie news:

                            The good news is that the Van Halen guitar legend is on the mend.#vanhalenIf you're new, Subscribe! → http://bit.ly/1OgssY1Subscribe to our second channel, C...

