Best version I've heard yet!
She's the woman (wha version) with clear dlr vocals!!
Best for sure so far!
Jim Florentine's putting out more audio in his next Pod cast,hopefully this one will be included. -
I'm currently putting together/working on that very thing, dude. Keep your eyes open for complete video footage of Ain't Talkin' 'Bout Love and Jump on the web (other than Youtube) and let me know if you find any.Comment
That sounds very faithful to the original, even the breakdown before the solo. It's not the same breakdown they inserted into Mean Street, but it seems comparable. That was always my favorite part of She's the Woman. Bottom line, it's still a fun song.
Also, based on how faithful this song is, I'm expecting Bullethead to be the same badass song it was 30 years ago.Eat Us and Smile!Comment
Always my favorite song from the Demo Bootlegs for sure. Just has that vibe. Really wish they would have released this as the first single. But ya know what? I'm sure releasing 2 or more songs from a CD to the radio stations may have been done before.. Of course, these days.. all the better if your name is Bieber, Katie Perry or Brittney Spears.... crap, I'm starting another topic. Back to She's The Woman... "doin business with ya honey".. great lyrics, Dave! Love ya!!Comment
Dave's delivery in the verses is definitely kissing cousins with "She's My Machine". Not a bad thing at all at all at allComment
That sounds very faithful to the original, even the breakdown before the solo. It's not the same breakdown they inserted into Mean Street, but it seems comparable. That was always my favorite part of She's the Woman. Bottom line, it's still a fun song.
Also, based on how faithful this song is, I'm expecting Bullethead to be the same badass song it was 30 years ago.
Roth On!Can't Control your Future. Can't Control your Friends. The women start to hike their skirts up. I didn't have a clue. That is when I kinda learned how to smile a lot. One Two Three Fouir fun ter thehr fuur.Comment