I Nominate MYSELF For the "No STUPIDS" Forum

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  • GAR
    • Jan 2004
    • 10881

    I Nominate MYSELF For the "No STUPIDS" Forum

    Someone better turn my User Control: Show Images or the FattyCave™ is gonna erupt with about a thousand blossoming new threads of complaints over the most mundane off-topic gluff you ever seen eFarted before.

    This is shit.. where is that lunkhead webmaster when I need him THIS PLACE IS GONE DOGBALLS~!!
    a:4:{i:1954;a:5:{s:12:"polloptionid";i:1954;s:6:"nodeid";s:5:"19312";s:5:"title";s:69:"NO: That's what the brilliance of Alan in the Sheep Pen thread is for";s:5:"votes";i:2;s:6:"voters";a:2:{i:0;s:4:"6645";i:1;s:3:"182";}}i:1955;a:5:{s:12:"polloptionid";i:1955;s:6:"nodeid";s:5:"19312";s:5:"title";s:63:"MAYBE: unless NickDFresh would like to mod an All-Stupids forum";s:5:"votes";i:3;s:6:"voters";a:3:{i:0;s:5:"10712";i:1;s:4:"8719";i:2;s:4:"6712";}}i:1956;a:5:{s:12:"polloptionid";i:1956;s:6:"nodeid";s:5:"19312";s:5:"title";s:39:"YES: A new exclusive Non-Shepherd forum";s:5:"votes";i:4;s:6:"voters";a:4:{i:0;s:4:"8065";i:1;s:4:"9982";i:2;s:3:"145";i:3;s:2:"46";}}i:1957;a:5:{s:12:"polloptionid";i:1957;s:6:"nodeid";s:5:"19312";s:5:"title";s:17:"VOTE GRIMSDALE~!!";s:5:"votes";i:4;s:6:"voters";a:4:{i:0;s:2:"25";i:1;s:4:"5803";i:2;s:4:"5688";i:3;s:4:"7499";}}}
  • DLR7884

    • Jan 2004
    • 5895

    You already were a mod, you shit the bed.

    Now you want your own forum?

    Originally Posted by WARF:
    DLR7884 - This guy is one bad ass sonafabitch... I've seen him destroy peoples posting careers in a single sentence.


    • Nickdfresh

      • Oct 2004
      • 49394

      Re: I Nominate MYSELF For the "No STUPIDS" Forum

      Originally posted by GAR
      Someone better turn my User Control: Show Images or the FattyCave™ is gonna erupt with about a thousand blossoming new threads of complaints over the most mundane off-topic gluff you ever seen eFarted before.

      This is shit.. where is that lunkhead webmaster when I need him THIS PLACE IS GONE DOGBALLS~!!
      Well, here's the forum mainpage!


      • Warham
        • Mar 2004
        • 14589

        Re: I Nominate MYSELF For the "No STUPIDS" Forum

        Originally posted by GAR
        Someone better turn my User Control: Show Images or the FattyCave™ is gonna erupt with about a thousand blossoming new threads of complaints over the most mundane off-topic gluff you ever seen eFarted before.

        This is shit.. where is that lunkhead webmaster when I need him THIS PLACE IS GONE DOGBALLS~!!
        What a maroon.


        • GAR
          • Jan 2004
          • 10881

          Re: Re: I Nominate MYSELF For the "No STUPIDS" Forum

          Originally posted by Nickdfresh
          Well, here's the forum mainpage!
          Dude, if you're so broke that you can't afford Photoshop Lite or something, look for some shareware at tucows or cnet..

          Get full-length product reviews, the latest news, tech coverage, daily deals, and category deep dives from CNET experts worldwide.

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          • Nickdfresh

            • Oct 2004
            • 49394

            I think the image accurately conveys the truth.


            • bueno bob
              DIAMOND STATUS
              • Jul 2004
              • 22951

              If a picture speaks a thousand words...
              Twistin' by the pool.


              • Jesterstar
                Crazy Ass Mofo
                • Jan 2004
                • 2945

                I think its a good idea. I'm sick of having to post with common retards and losers.
                Seshmeister is such a STUD.........OOOOOOOOOO



                • GAR
                  • Jan 2004
                  • 10881

                  I dunno, I think it's common expectation of community which is currently being unmet by a desire for challenging wit and humor.

                  I shall call this forum "The Double-Secret BATCAVE", and maybe it doesn't get so many threads and replies going but it will be QualiTEH.

                  Shit skills in linguini and grafux will be denied permissions, obviously.


                  • bobgnote
                    • May 2005
                    • 627

                    Reply to Matthew#'s hostile, irrational reunion campaign

                    Matt the hot # has a lot of moderator leverage here, looks like. Here's the skinny version of the REAL FACTS, which webmasters should notice in light of bad music going around and lots of failure to make good music, where Matt the hot # and his lot are trolling:

                    The Van Halen initiative for Stern will FAIL from its get-go, however long that lasts, not before the concert scene collapses by competition with cheaper, less invasive entertainment.

                    See Sal on STERN? He fits great with what is going down, BEARING DOWN that is, which is the STOCK MARKET, due for an adjustment after being inflated a lot by biz pimps like Spector, Templeman, Scymcyk, Jacko, whoever, and ripoff-fences like Ed. Trying to get organ-donor Eddie to play better or more sure has a lot of hype going, for YEARS. Eddie never composed his hits, you reunion guys are not players, merely toads, and why don't you JUMP at the chance to think of why there will NEVER be a VH reunion, when Ed tried the same thing the WHO did with Won't Get fooled Again, steal a riff from CAL, then substitute an organ part for what was guitar, used as a beat track for huge success, and take off all kinds of geeks?

                    Rock is DEAD, played by corporate vampires. You reunion folks just haven't heard or read the writing on the wall. Ed VH inflated the value of Time Warner stock beyond its actual value by fencing dupe, but NOW, he cannot cover the style of the old ripoffs. He never could play live, except for particular intervals in his career, where maybe he was in sync, as well as duping real hard. JUMP is what you milk-shot fans need to get outside and do, soon. Ed cannot do what you want him to, and your arrogance is undermining the market for music AND THE PRICE OF TW STOCK.

                    You are setting up Sal the Stockbroker to do more regular appearances to recover his wack-pack status. You are screwing up Stern's attempt to legitimize strippers from Scores, clamoring up your really gay appetite, for hair models like Ed, a widely suspected and variously KNOWN SUBSTITUTE, here on the DLR Army site. How over-run by gay cultists does DLR have to be, before he gets mad?

                    You Ed VH cult gits are allowed to troll too hard. You are American Idiots in bed with Ed, IN LOVE WITH HAIR and vapors. Forget the bogus, play your own, get jobs, let me see about the rock, since I can play new stuf in three minutes, what Ed cannot play, after years of dupe-leverage, given to him by cops and corporations and punks.

                    OR, don't you believe what you have seen and heard? DID you reunion twaddlers ever see or hear anything, REALLY?


                    • Dan
                      DIAMOND STATUS
                      • Jan 2004
                      • 12194

                      Originally posted by bobgnote
                      Matt the hot # has a lot of moderator leverage here, looks like. Here's the skinny version of the REAL FACTS, which webmasters should notice in light of bad music going around and lots of failure to make good music, where Matt the hot # and his lot are trolling:

                      The Van Halen initiative for Stern will FAIL from its get-go, however long that lasts, not before the concert scene collapses by competition with cheaper, less invasive entertainment.

                      See Sal on STERN? He fits great with what is going down, BEARING DOWN that is, which is the STOCK MARKET, due for an adjustment after being inflated a lot by biz pimps like Spector, Templeman, Scymcyk, Jacko, whoever, and ripoff-fences like Ed. Trying to get organ-donor Eddie to play better or more sure has a lot of hype going, for YEARS. Eddie never composed his hits, you reunion guys are not players, merely toads, and why don't you JUMP at the chance to think of why there will NEVER be a VH reunion, when Ed tried the same thing the WHO did with Won't Get fooled Again, steal a riff from CAL, then substitute an organ part for what was guitar, used as a beat track for huge success, and take off all kinds of geeks?

                      Rock is DEAD, played by corporate vampires. You reunion folks just haven't heard or read the writing on the wall. Ed VH inflated the value of Time Warner stock beyond its actual value by fencing dupe, but NOW, he cannot cover the style of the old ripoffs. He never could play live, except for particular intervals in his career, where maybe he was in sync, as well as duping real hard. JUMP is what you milk-shot fans need to get outside and do, soon. Ed cannot do what you want him to, and your arrogance is undermining the market for music AND THE PRICE OF TW STOCK.

                      You are setting up Sal the Stockbroker to do more regular appearances to recover his wack-pack status. You are screwing up Stern's attempt to legitimize strippers from Scores, clamoring up your really gay appetite, for hair models like Ed, a widely suspected and variously KNOWN SUBSTITUTE, here on the DLR Army site. How over-run by gay cultists does DLR have to be, before he gets mad?

                      You Ed VH cult gits are allowed to troll too hard. You are American Idiots in bed with Ed, IN LOVE WITH HAIR and vapors. Forget the bogus, play your own, get jobs, let me see about the rock, since I can play new stuf in three minutes, what Ed cannot play, after years of dupe-leverage, given to him by cops and corporations and punks.

                      OR, don't you believe what you have seen and heard? DID you reunion twaddlers ever see or hear anything, REALLY?
                      First Roth Army Kiwi To See Van Halen Live 6/16/2012 Phoenix Arizona.


                      • FORD
                        ROTH ARMY MODERATOR

                        • Jan 2004
                        • 59355

                        Look... more GAyR stupidity.... and he even gets an assist from his boyfriend, and then one from Sideshow Bob, the guy who made Thome look coherent.
                        Eat Us And Smile

                        Cenk For America 2024!!

                        Justice Democrats

                        "If the American people had ever known the truth about what we (the BCE) have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." - Poppy Bush, 1992


                        • GAR
                          • Jan 2004
                          • 10881

                          IT took you 4 years, but you found an old thread!


                          They only let you stay a mod out of tradition, you know that, right?


                          • kwame k
                            TOASTMASTER GENERAL
                            • Feb 2008
                            • 11302

                            Originally posted by GAR
                            IT took you 4 years, but you found an old thread!


                            They only let you stay a mod out of tradition, you know that, right?
                            They only let you stay here out of pity, you know that, right?
                            Originally posted by vandeleur
                            E- Jesus . Playing both sides because he didnt understand the argument in the first place :D


                            • GAR
                              • Jan 2004
                              • 10881

                              KwappeeK is on ignore.. ::mmph mmph::

                              wah.. wawazat? "mmph mmmf ffmmm..."

                              Can't hear ya guy! Yer in my Shuttup Box!


