The Magnificat Advent Companion

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  • Katydid
    I am a Giant CUNT
    • Apr 2004
    • 2407

    Too bad only Dr. Joe Thunder LP and myself are the only ones that gives you any of the attention you so desperately need.

    Everyone else more or less avoids you. They know how you are when you get started.


    • Unchainme
      • Apr 2005
      • 7746

      Originally posted by Katydid
      Too bad only Dr. Joe Thunder LP and myself are the only ones that gives you any of the attention you so desperately need.

      Everyone else more or less avoids you. They know how you are when you get started.
      LMMFAO, Katydid you are a fucking louser, STFUAD.
      Still waiting for a relevant Browns Team


      • Katydid
        I am a Giant CUNT
        • Apr 2004
        • 2407

        But thanks Al for helping me get that horrible Devil picture off the page.


        • Unchainme
          • Apr 2005
          • 7746

          You mean this one katy

          Still waiting for a relevant Browns Team


          • Unchainme
            • Apr 2005
            • 7746

            Originally posted by Unchainme
            You mean this one katy

            Still waiting for a relevant Browns Team


            • ALinChainz
              DIAMOND STATUS
              • Jan 2004
              • 12100

              Originally posted by Katydid
              AL, How come it is you follow me around everywhere I go? Do you just enjoy being in the same thread with a Christian woman such as myself?
              You wish.

              If I did follow you, I'd be the first ...

              You own family won't ...

              Funny how you avoid the subject ...

              Answer the questions ...

              Everyone else avoids me?

              I wish you and Thunder would ... you hang out with a known pedophile?


              • Unchainme
                ROTH ARMY SUPREME
                • Apr 2005
                • 7746

                Originally posted by Unchainme
                You mean this one katy

                Still waiting for a relevant Browns Team


                • Katydid
                  I am a Giant CUNT
                  • Apr 2004
                  • 2407

                  A SIMPLE PLAN FOR ADVENT
                  Six prayer habits to help us welcom Jesus into our hearts and homes.

                  1. Go to Mass more often.
                  Consider whether you can clear out some time to attend as a family on cerain weekdays during Advent. Check for the dialy schedules of the parishes nearest your home. You might have to inconvenience yourselves a bit--get up earlier, give up a recreational activity, or have a quicker no-frills meal. Offer the sacrifice for the sake of a friend or family member who needs God's help.

                  2. Pray together as a family.
                  Experiment and find ways that work for you. Many families use an Advent wreath for mealtime or evening prayer. For a simple Advent wreath ceremony, just light the candle(s) sing "O Come, O come, Emmanuel," and read the gospel for the day. Another idea for the season: Use an Advent calendar with Scripture verses; open a window each day of Advent, and use the the verse as a springboard for prayer and discussion. Or pray with the help of a Jesse Tree: Each day of Advent, you hand an ornament that symbolizes a biblical person or thing connected with Christ's coming, and read the appropriate Scripture text.

                  An even simpler suggestion; Pray the family rosary. Praying the joyful mysteries, especially, is a great way to get in touch with the events leading up to the world's first Christmas. Can't find time for the whole rosary? Pray one decade at the end of every dinner. Short as it is, it builds family unity and launches the evning in a peaceful, orderly way.

                  3. Offer short prayers during the day.
                  These are ideal for the times you're stuck waiting--for an elevator, for someone to pick up the phone, for the light to turn green, for a ride home from school. Just take a line from Scripture and pray it! Here are some Advent prayers you can tape to the dash board, put on the fridge, or slip into a wallet or backpack. Use them, and teach them to your children.

                  "O Lord--how long?"
                  (Psalm 6:3).
                  "Maranatha--Come Lord Jesus" (Revelation 22:20).
                  He must increase, but I must decrease" (John 3:30).
                  "Increase our faith" Luke 17:5).
                  "Lord, let me see" (Luke 18:41).

                  4. Examine your conscience.
                  Every night, take a couple of minutes alone, in silence, to look back on your day in the presence of God. Remember the moments when you experienced God's help, mercy, and presence. See how well you lived up to yoru calling, how far you've gone on your way to the goal. During Advent, you might focus on growing in some particular virtue with an Advent connection--peacefulness, humility, charity. End by telling God you're sorry for your sins. (And, of course, confess them to a priest, as needed.).

                  Depending on their ages, teach your children how they can take advantage of this traditional means for growing closer to Jesus. Offer guidance, but let them develop their own conversaion with the Holy Spirit.

                  5. Do some fasting.
                  Jesus fasted. The apostles fasted. We know from Scripture that fasting is a powerful form of prayer. Though this is a less penitential season than Lend, Advent fasting is an appropriate way to express our longing that God's kingdom be more fully revealed in ourselves, in others, and in our world.

                  Talk it over with your spouse and children, and decide on a way of fasting as a family this Advent. you can choose not ot eat between meals. you can give up desserts. You can forego a favorite food or go meatless on certain days. Or you can choose a non-food item to fast from, sucha s TV or the Web. The important thing is to make a real sacrifice--one you can feel--and to offer it to God.

                  6. Make your home a haven of charity.
                  Give some real-life expression to the divine grace and love received in prayer. Make it a family goal to treat one another with extra mercy and courtesy. Some families put htis resolution into practice by drawing names, with each member becoming another person's "Advent Angel." Secretly, each "angel" offers prayers and little acts of kindness for the others; identies are revealed on Christmas Day.

                  Another idea: Use Advent as a time to develop more charitable habits of speech. If your family has fallen into any negative patterns--yelling, nagging, blaming, sarcasm, fault-finding, gossiping, talking back--now's the time to regain lost ground!

                  And of course Advent and Christmas are traditional seasons for expressing love through hospitality and acts of charity. A third centurey Christian wrote: "It's our care of the helpless, our practice of loving kindness that brands us in the eyes of many of our opponents, who say, 'See those Christians, how they love each another.'" This striking description of the Church offers an dieal for the "domestic church" that is our family.

                  Remember: They'll know we are Christians--not just by the nativity scene in our front yard, but by the love in our heart, expressed inour homes.

                  From the WORD among us Daily Meditations for Advent 2005


                  • Unchainme
                    ROTH ARMY SUPREME
                    • Apr 2005
                    • 7746

                    Originally posted by Unchainme
                    You mean this one katy

                    Still waiting for a relevant Browns Team


                    • Katydid
                      I am a Giant CUNT
                      • Apr 2004
                      • 2407

                      Dear God, Most Righteous Heavenly Father, your Son Jesus Christ, Mother Mary, St. Joseph and all the Heavenly angels, Saints and archangels,

                      Please come to this thread and help me wage war against the powers of darkness, (Satan, lucifer, the devil). Please bring down your most holy wrath on the principalities of Satan and send him back to HELL where he belongs...Please smite his followers down and let them see the power of your holy might and power and glory.

                      God, let a few Christians to step forward and pray also.

                      God, please put your light of protection around Christians every where. Please lead, guide, guard, direct and protect us from the powers of darkness and sin.

                      Please forgive our sins, our faults, and our failures. Please forgive the things we have done, and the things we have failed to do. Never let us pretend we don't need you, as the things of this world run thru our brains.

                      Thank you for your unconditional love. For GOD our Father and all the angels, saints and arch angels...Let the hetherns see that their God is darkness and the very utmost evil from Hell...

                      But God, let them also see and know that all the powers of HELL could not keep our Savior down. As well as our Mother Mary triumped over all the powers of sin and Hell and darkness to trample on the snake...

                      Let them all know that Jesus Christ our God is the great I AM not the great I WAS.

                      God I know Jesus prayed, even as they were nailing him to the cross, "Father forgive them for they know not what they do." Let us be able to also pray that prayer. But God when they do know what they do, and do it anyway, they need to be set straight...and you are the perfect person to do that.

                      Father, the Devil can never conquer, because you are the most powerful, for your angel Michael kicked Lucifer out of Heaven, he and his principalities. They fell as lightening into Hell to be bound for a thousand years.

                      God, help Christians every where to pray and let him stay bound forevermore.



                      • ALinChainz
                        DIAMOND STATUS
                        • Jan 2004
                        • 12100

                        Originally posted by ALinChainz
                        Do you not have religious sites ?

                        Sites you stole this one's name for to get people to come?

                        And now you wanna bitch about here when you have your own?

                        Do you even hear yourself?


                        • Unchainme
                          ROTH ARMY SUPREME
                          • Apr 2005
                          • 7746

                          Originally posted by Unchainme
                          You mean this one katy

                          YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!
                          Still waiting for a relevant Browns Team


                          • Katydid
                            I am a Giant CUNT
                            • Apr 2004
                            • 2407

                            Dear God,
                            Please strike down in your anger the persons responsible for all of this evil.

                            Let them all see your revenge and almighty power.

                            They think they are God...

                            They think they are invincible...

                            Please put the fear of God into them. Please strike terror into their souls. Let them see the power of your holy might.

                            I ask this in the name of your son Jesus Christ. And any Christian who reads this and agrees with it...makes two or more...God says, whenever 2 or more are gathered and agree in my name I will answer their prayers.



                            • ALinChainz
                              DIAMOND STATUS
                              • Jan 2004
                              • 12100

                              Did you wish death on your daughter in law when she kicked your fat ass out?

                              I bet you did ...

                              Can't be Christian and wish death ...


                              • Unchainme
                                ROTH ARMY SUPREME
                                • Apr 2005
                                • 7746

                                Originally posted by Unchainme
                                You mean this one katy

                                Still waiting for a relevant Browns Team

