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  • ppg960
    • Dec 2005
    • 991


    Daily I show up here and a pile of garbage is in the forums. When someone brings up a good topic can we discuss it in a quality fashion? There are many smart folks who type in their 2 cents daily. For that, all they get is flamed, insulted, berated, trashed etc...
    The Moderators need to do a better job or quit and let's nominate someone else. There is nothing wrong with free speech but let's keep it respectful. Roth more than likely, sits and reads here everyday. Show him what type of fans he really has! People with respect and class. All the trash talking needs to stop. Perhaps he would invite a few Army memebers to be on the show.
    Come on, let's clean this site up!
  • Bob_R
    Full Member Status

    • Jan 2004
    • 3834

    Off to the Feed Back To Webmaster Forum.

    Oh wait, I'm not a mod.
    Talk Classic Rock - The Official Message Board For Classic Rock -- Now on XenForo!


    • Douglas T.
      Full Member Status

      • Nov 2005
      • 3875

      Originally posted by ppg960
      Roth more than likely, sits and reads here everyday. Show him what type of fans he really has! People with respect and class.
      You're not DAVE's phone screener are you?


      • diamondsgirl
        • Apr 2004
        • 7563

        Re: Forums/Replies.

        Originally posted by ppg960
        Daily I show up here and a pile of garbage is in the forums. When someone brings up a good topic can we discuss it in a quality fashion? There are many smart folks who type in their 2 cents daily. For that, all they get is flamed, insulted, berated, trashed etc...
        The Moderators need to do a better job or quit and let's nominate someone else. There is nothing wrong with free speech but let's keep it respectful. Roth more than likely, sits and reads here everyday. Show him what type of fans he really has! People with respect and class. All the trash talking needs to stop. Perhaps he would invite a few Army memebers to be on the show.
        Come on, let's clean this site up!
        I don't think Roth is here everyday. Only someone with no fucking life at all comes here everyday.

        oh wait....:D
        “Why do people say "grow some balls"? Balls are weak and sensitive. If you wanna be tough, grow a vagina. Those things can take a pounding” ― Betty White


        • EbDawson
          • Apr 2004
          • 1674

          Re: Forums/Replies.

          Originally posted by ppg960
          Daily I show up here and a pile of garbage is in the forums.
          Stay out of the Sheep Pen. :D
          "If anyone came here hoping to hear Sammy Hagar Van Halen, there's the fucking door, man!" Ralph Saenz, Atomic Punks

          "Carpe Mammarium"


          • Plexi Head
            Head Fluffer
            • May 2005
            • 395

            Originally posted by ppg960
            Daily I show up here and a pile of garbage is in the forums. When someone brings up a good topic can we discuss it in a quality fashion? There are many smart folks who type in their 2 cents daily. For that, all they get is flamed, insulted, berated, trashed etc...
            The Moderators need to do a better job or quit and let's nominate someone else. There is nothing wrong with free speech but let's keep it respectful. Roth more than likely, sits and reads here everyday. Show him what type of fans he really has! People with respect and class. All the trash talking needs to stop. Perhaps he would invite a few Army memebers to be on the show.
            Come on, let's clean this site up!
            If I hear a song on the radio I hate, I change the channel.

            If I'm watching TV and I hate the show thats on, I change the channel.

            There are enough sites dedicated to Van Halen where they lick eachothers arseholes with moderators who become intoxicated with the power of banning and deciding what and what does not fit in with their own personal view. That doesn't happen here, FREE SPEECH RULES AT THE ARMY. Sammy lovers never get banned here even though they basically have peanuts for brains, they just get smoked.

            I love this place and would hate it to change one iota.

            The points is, if ya don't like it here, FUCK OFF!
            "One mouthful of you will rot every tooth in my mouth you little sugar"


            • jslav06
              Head Fluffer
              • Jan 2006
              • 444

              Originally posted by Plexi Head
              If I hear a song on the radio I hate, I change the channel.

              If I'm watching TV and I hate the show thats on, I change the channel.

              There are enough sites dedicated to Van Halen where they lick eachothers arseholes with moderators who become intoxicated with the power of banning and deciding what and what does not fit in with their own personal view. That doesn't happen here, FREE SPEECH RULES AT THE ARMY. Sammy lovers never get banned here even though they basically have peanuts for brains, they just get smoked.

              I love this place and would hate it to change one iota.

              The points is, if ya don't like it here, FUCK OFF!
              Well said.
              I rule because I make the Rules.


              • Dan
                DIAMOND STATUS
                • Jan 2004
                • 12194

                Originally posted by ppg960
                Daily I show up here and a pile of garbage is in the forums. When someone brings up a good topic can we discuss it in a quality fashion? There are many smart folks who type in their 2 cents daily. For that, all they get is flamed, insulted, berated, trashed etc...
                The Moderators need to do a better job or quit and let's nominate someone else. There is nothing wrong with free speech but let's keep it respectful. Roth more than likely, sits and reads here everyday. Show him what type of fans he really has! People with respect and class. All the trash talking needs to stop. Perhaps he would invite a few Army memebers to be on the show.
                Come on, let's clean this site up!
                Welcome to The Army.
                First Roth Army Kiwi To See Van Halen Live 6/16/2012 Phoenix Arizona.


                • POJO_Risin
                  Roth Army Caesar
                  • Mar 2003
                  • 40648

                  Heaven forbid someone actually gets to say their peace...

                  I know...

                  lets get rid of all the forums...I'll fire all the mods...

                  and this is what I'll do...

                  have a dave forum...

                  and one other forum for everything else...

                  and everyone that posts something not Dave related...I'll ban...and move to that other forum...

                  and if you post something that says Dave sucks...I'll delete it and ban the user...


                  well...this site would be fucking gone...

        's all about the size of the heat you can bring...and whether or not you can handle the heat that is brought...

                  anything to fucking civilized...

                  I get amped up when I see others preach about this site...including those that frequent other sites saying..."Well, I've been at the Army for 40 years and know the way it SHOULD be!"

                  you know what I say to you!

                  Fuck off...

                  the Army is, and always will be...the way it should be.

                  So feel free to say how the site should or shouldn't be...

                  know I think you should fuck off...

                  but still allow you your opinion...


                  is all...

                  Now would one of you fucking moderators start doing your job...

                  Worthless bunch of fucking scumbags...

                  do-nothing bunches of...

                  and I'd have it no other fucking way...



                  is all...
                  "Van Halen was one of the most hallelujah, tailgate, backyard, BBQ, arrive four hours early to the gig just for the parking lot bands. And still to this day is. It's an attitude. I think it's a spirit more than anything else is."


                  • Golden AWe
                    DIAMOND STATUS
                    • Jan 2004
                    • 34245

                    I could bet Dave's never been to this site, if he has, maybe a time or two. Some of his band members have been here more often, but Dave, don't think so.
                    Originally posted by Cato
                    Golden, why are you FAT?
                    Originally posted by lesfunk
                    Much like yourself as the Jim Morrison of Nazi bunker flies


                    • TerryGale
                      Roth Army Recruit
                      • Jan 2006
                      • 4

                      Originally posted by Golden AWe
                      I could bet Dave's never been to this site, if he has, maybe a time or two. Some of his band members have been here more often, but Dave, don't think so.
                      I'd think that possibly Dave has an intern monitoring the sites for "Dave news." Now that he's hooked with Infinity/Viacom, they'll probably troll to make sure no-one is recording and distributing the show besides them. They're very territorial with their talent like that. They may cut some slack for as long as they're podcasting the show.

                      By the way, DLR could use some plugging over at my place too.


                      • wiseguy
                        Head Fluffer
                        • Feb 2004
                        • 498

                        Ch Ch Ch Check it out
                        W w w w whats it all about
                        wo wo wo wo work it out....
                        Lets turn this party out......
                        Stay frosty now.
                        Nostalgia is a form of denial. I love denial. I like selective amnesia, too. Mix the two and you've got a hell of a weekend-DLR


                        • TerryGale
                          Roth Army Recruit
                          • Jan 2006
                          • 4

                          Originally posted by wiseguy
                          Ch Ch Ch Check it out
                          W w w w whats it all about
                          wo wo wo wo work it out....
                          Lets turn this party out......
                          Now that's a funny avi, which one is that? There were no pictures, so I haven't chosen an avatar yet.


                          • Golden AWe
                            DIAMOND STATUS
                            • Jan 2004
                            • 34245

                            Originally posted by TerryGale
                            I'd think that possibly Dave has an intern monitoring the sites for "Dave news." Now that he's hooked with Infinity/Viacom, they'll probably troll to make sure no-one is recording and distributing the show besides them. They're very territorial with their talent like that. They may cut some slack for as long as they're podcasting the show.

                            By the way, DLR could use some plugging over at my place too.
                            Welcome to the army...

                            But didn't Dave just reveal that he doesn't know how to use the internet, in his show last week?
                            Originally posted by Cato
                            Golden, why are you FAT?
                            Originally posted by lesfunk
                            Much like yourself as the Jim Morrison of Nazi bunker flies


                            • Jimmy Jingles
                              • Mar 2004
                              • 1611

                              Re: Forums/Replies.

                              Originally posted by ppg960
                              Daily I show up here and a pile of garbage is in the forums. When someone brings up a good topic can we discuss it in a quality fashion? There are many smart folks who type in their 2 cents daily. For that, all they get is flamed, insulted, berated, trashed etc...
                              The Moderators need to do a better job or quit and let's nominate someone else. There is nothing wrong with free speech but let's keep it respectful. Roth more than likely, sits and reads here everyday. Show him what type of fans he really has! People with respect and class. All the trash talking needs to stop. Perhaps he would invite a few Army memebers to be on the show.
                              Come on, let's clean this site up!

                              Aren't you the same piss drinker that once said Van Gaydar sold more albums that CVH?

                              If you want a decent, respectable place to talk nice and where porn is strickly forbidden and the mods are a bunch of pretentious anal drummers, then the Links is the place for you.

                              I'm sure you would fit in just grate over there, because it is quite obvious that you would rather suckle Spammy's right titty than hang with the big boys here at the Army.

                              You are a nutless cumquat who just started a 'Red Rocker' fan club in your hometown of Asseaterville.

                              Now fuck of faggy…we gots bigger fish to fry.

                              23. That's the number of people Mr. T has pitied in the time it has taken you to read this sentence.

