"Sorry Nickdfresh is a moderator/admin and you are not allowed to ignore him or her."
I'm done with this dick, I gotta block him. Why is he a Mod, any special reason?
Let's have some cool people for a change, there was a time the Sheep Pen youngsters were an interesting new energy on the board but all I'm asking is to block one. However he's a Mod so the cpanel won't let me block his ass.
PLUS he's far from helpful, he's always negative, and that's far from moderate.
RUSTOFFA is pretty moderate, as well as capable of blasting the proHagar when they show up on site.. couldn't he replace NickD?
HEY FullBONG is back, can I get a Yeay of support for a classic Army longtime Roth viewer, many-time caller from the GRATE White North to once again step up to tha mfbatcave?
My next-fave choice nominations to replace NickD are: anyone who'd been onsite at least 150 posts, is familliar with most of our issues of belligerance (documenting Hagar's vast weirdnesses, Mike's bad choices, how VH3 and Diamond Dave CD's sucked, how Van Hagar sucks) with special key preferances towards anyone booted from VH Links for telling Brett to go fuck himself.
I have no special preferences.
I'm done with this dick, I gotta block him. Why is he a Mod, any special reason?
Let's have some cool people for a change, there was a time the Sheep Pen youngsters were an interesting new energy on the board but all I'm asking is to block one. However he's a Mod so the cpanel won't let me block his ass.
PLUS he's far from helpful, he's always negative, and that's far from moderate.
RUSTOFFA is pretty moderate, as well as capable of blasting the proHagar when they show up on site.. couldn't he replace NickD?
HEY FullBONG is back, can I get a Yeay of support for a classic Army longtime Roth viewer, many-time caller from the GRATE White North to once again step up to tha mfbatcave?
My next-fave choice nominations to replace NickD are: anyone who'd been onsite at least 150 posts, is familliar with most of our issues of belligerance (documenting Hagar's vast weirdnesses, Mike's bad choices, how VH3 and Diamond Dave CD's sucked, how Van Hagar sucks) with special key preferances towards anyone booted from VH Links for telling Brett to go fuck himself.
I have no special preferences.