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  • Bob_R
    Full Member Status

    • Jan 2004
    • 3834

    On their wedding night, the young bride approached her
    new husband and asked for $20.00 for their first
    lovemaking encounter.

    In his highly aroused state, her husband readily agreed.

    This scenario was repeated each time they made love,
    for more than 30 years, with him thinking that it was
    a cute way for her to afford new clothes and other
    incidentals that she needed.

    Arriving home around noon one day, she was surprised
    to find her husband home in a very drunken state.

    During the next few minutes, he explained that his
    employer was going through a process of corporate
    downsizing, and he had been let go. It was unlikely
    that, at the age of 59, he'd be able to find another
    position that paid anywhere near what he'd been
    earning, and therefore, they were financially ruined.

    Calmly, his wife handed him a bank book which showed
    more than thirty years of steady deposits and interest
    totaling nearly $1 million dollars.

    Then she showed him certificates of deposits issued
    by the bank which were worth over $2 million dollars,
    and informed him that they were one of the largest
    depositors in the bank.

    She explained that for the more than three decades
    that she had "charged" him for sex, these holdings had
    multiplied and these were the results of her savings
    and investments.

    Faced with evidence of cash and investments worth
    over $3 million dollars, her husband was so astounded
    he could barely speak, but finally he found his voice
    and blurted out;

    "If I'd had any idea what you were doing, I would
    have given you all my business!"

    That's when she shot him.

    Sometimes men just don't know when to keep their
    mouths shut.
    Talk Classic Rock - The Official Message Board For Classic Rock -- Now on XenForo!


    • Bob_R
      Full Member Status

      • Jan 2004
      • 3834

      A young Italian girl was going on a date. Her Nonna said: "Sita here ana

      letame tella you about those-a young boys. He's agonna try ana kiss you,

      you are agonna likea dat, but don'ta let him do that."

      "He's agonna try ana kiss your breasts, you are agonna likea dat too, but

      don'ta let him do that."

      "But most important, he's agonna try ana lay on topa you, you are agonna

      likea dat, but don'ta let him do that. Doing thata willa disgrace the


      With that bit of advice, the granddaughter went on her date.

      The next day she told grandma that her date went just like she had

      predicted: "Nonna, I didn't let him disgrace the family. When he tried, I

      just turned over, got on top of him, and disgraced HIS family!"

      Nonna fainted!!
      Talk Classic Rock - The Official Message Board For Classic Rock -- Now on XenForo!


      • Soul Reaper
        • Jan 2005
        • 8343

        Bob Geldof, Ozzy Osbourne and Michael Jackson were on the Titanic when hit an iceberg....Geldof said "Save the Children", Ozzy said "Fuck the children" and Michael Jackson said "What, now?"

        "May your shit come to life and kiss you on the face." - Frank Zappa to Tipper Gore


        • Keeyth
          Crazy Ass Mofo
          • Apr 2004
          • 3010

          *rim shot*
          Knowing and believing are two very different things.

          It is the difference between the knowledge we accrue... ...and the knowledge we apply.


          • Dave's Bitch

            • Apr 2005
            • 5293

            i heard kinda a sick joke today

            i heard quentin tarantino is making a new film about new orleans called resivoir wogs.

            i personally thought that was kinda tasteless
            I really love you baby, I love what you've got
            Let's get together we can, Get hot


            • Dave's Bitch

              • Apr 2005
              • 5293

              Originally posted by EVH FANATIC
              A young Italian girl was going on a date. Her Nonna said: "Sita here ana

              letame tella you about those-a young boys. He's agonna try ana kiss you,

              you are agonna likea dat, but don'ta let him do that."

              "He's agonna try ana kiss your breasts, you are agonna likea dat too, but

              don'ta let him do that."

              "But most important, he's agonna try ana lay on topa you, you are agonna

              likea dat, but don'ta let him do that. Doing thata willa disgrace the


              With that bit of advice, the granddaughter went on her date.

              The next day she told grandma that her date went just like she had

              predicted: "Nonna, I didn't let him disgrace the family. When he tried, I

              just turned over, got on top of him, and disgraced HIS family!"

              Nonna fainted!!
              sounds a lil like my fam when i went on my first date
              I really love you baby, I love what you've got
              Let's get together we can, Get hot


              • Keeyth
                Crazy Ass Mofo
                • Apr 2004
                • 3010

                Get up on THIS!
                Knowing and believing are two very different things.

                It is the difference between the knowledge we accrue... ...and the knowledge we apply.


                • Bob_R
                  Full Member Status

                  • Jan 2004
                  • 3834

                  A man died and went to heaven. As he stood in front of St. Peter at the
                  Pearly Gates, he saw a huge wall of clocks behind him.
                  He asked, "What are all those clocks?"
                  St. Peter answered, "Those are Lie-Clocks. Everyone on Earth has a

                  Every time you lie the hands on your clock will move."
                  "Oh," said the man, "whose clock is that?"
                  "That's Mother Teresa's. The hands have never moved, indicating
                  that she never told a lie."
                  "Incredible," said the man. "And whose clock is that one?"
                  St. Peter responded, "That's Abraham Lincoln's clock. The hands
                  have moved twice, telling us that Abe told only two lies in his entire

                  "Where's President Bush's clock?" asked the man.
                  "Bush's clock is in Jesus' office.
                  He's using it as a ceiling fan.
                  Talk Classic Rock - The Official Message Board For Classic Rock -- Now on XenForo!


                  • Northern Girl
                    Full Member Status

                    • Jan 2004
                    • 3958

                    Here's a personnel decision conundrum:

                    An executive was in quandary. He had to get rid of one
                    of his staff. He had narrowed it down to one of two
                    people, Debra or Jack. It would be a hard decision to
                    make, as they were both equally qualified and both did
                    excellent work.

                    He finally decided that in the morning, whichever one
                    used the water cooler first would have to go.

                    Debra came in the next morning, hugely hung-over after
                    partying all night.

                    She went to the cooler to get some water to take an
                    aspirin and the executive approached her and said:
                    "Debra, I've never done this before, but I have to lay
                    you or Jack off."

                    Debra replied, "Could you jack off? I feel like heck."
                    Same ole song and dance...


                    • Keeyth
                      Crazy Ass Mofo
                      • Apr 2004
                      • 3010

                      Well, actually I'd say that's too bad, cuz I'd rather lay you NG!
                      Knowing and believing are two very different things.

                      It is the difference between the knowledge we accrue... ...and the knowledge we apply.


                      • Bob_R
                        Full Member Status

                        • Jan 2004
                        • 3834

                        A woman went into a store to buy her husband a pet for his birthday. After looking around, she found that all the pets were very expensive. She told the clerk she wanted to buy a pet, but she didn't want to spend a fortune.

                        "Well," said the clerk, "I have a very large bullfrog. They say it's been trained to give blowjobs!"

                        "Blowjobs!" the woman replied.

                        "It hasn't been proven but we've sold 30 of them this month," he said.

                        The woman thought it would be a great gag gift, and what if it's more blowjobs for her! She bought the frog.

                        When she explained froggy's ability to her husband, he was extremely skeptical and laughed it off. The woman went to bed happy, thinking she may never need to perform this less than riveting act again.

                        In the middle of the night, she was awakened by the noise of pots and pans flying everywhere, making hellacious banging and crashing sounds. She ran downstairs to the kitchen, only to find her husband and the frog reading cookbooks.

                        "What are you two doing at this hour?" she asked.

                        The husband replied, "If I can teach this frog to cook, your ass is gone."
                        Talk Classic Rock - The Official Message Board For Classic Rock -- Now on XenForo!


                        • Bob_R
                          Full Member Status

                          • Jan 2004
                          • 3834


                          A guy walks into a bar and asks for a glass of beer, and the bartender
                          says, "That'll be four cents, please."

                          The guy nearly spits out his beer. "Four cents?!" he says in amazement.
                          "How much for a plate of fish and chips with extra mashed potatoes and
                          gravy and a side order of peas?"

                          "Eleven cents," says the bartender.

                          The customer says he's going to recommend this place to all of his
                          because of the low prices. "Wow!" he exclaims. "Where's the manager so I
                          can thank him for these low prices and shake his hand?"

                          "Upstairs," says the bartender, "with my wife."

                          "What's he doing upstairs with your wife?" the customer asks.

                          "Same thing I'm doing to his bar and his money," the bartender calmly
                          Talk Classic Rock - The Official Message Board For Classic Rock -- Now on XenForo!


                          • Bob_R
                            Full Member Status

                            • Jan 2004
                            • 3834

                            The Sailor

                            A young woman in New York was so depressed that she decided to end her life
                            by throwing herself in to the ocean. She went down to the docks and was
                            about to leap into the frigid water when a handsome young sailor saw her
                            tottering on the edge of the pier, crying. He took pity on her and said,
                            "Look, you have so much to live for. I'm off to Europe in the morning, and
                            if you like, I can stow you away on my ship. I'll take good care of you and
                            bring you food every day." Moving closer, he slipped his arm round her
                            shoulder and added, "I'll keep you happy, and you'll keep me happy."

                            The girl nodded yes. After all, what did she have to lose? Perhaps a fresh
                            start in Europe would give her life new meaning.

                            That night, the sailor brought her aboard and hid her in a lifeboat. From
                            then on, every night he brought her three sandwiches and a piece of fruit,
                            and they made passionate love until dawn. Two weeks later, during a routine
                            inspection, she was discovered by the captain.

                            "What are you doing here?" the captain asked.

                            "I have an arrangement with one of the sailors," she explained. "I get food
                            and a trip to Europe, and he's screwing me."

                            "He certainly is," the captain said. "This is the Staten Island Ferry."
                            Talk Classic Rock - The Official Message Board For Classic Rock -- Now on XenForo!


                            • frets5150
                              • Feb 2004
                              • 1461

                              A blind man walks into a restaurant and sits down. The waiter, who is
                              also the owner, walks up to the blind man and hands him a menu.

                              "I'm sorry, sir, but I am blind and can't read the menu. Just bring me a
                              dirty fork from a previous customer. I'll smell it and order from

                              A little confused, the owner walks over to the dirty dish pile and picks
                              up a greasy fork. He returns to the blind man's table and hands it to
                              him. The blind man puts the fork to his nose and takes in a deep breath.

                              "Ah, yes, that's what I'll have -- meatloaf and mashed potatoes."

                              Unbelievable, the owner thinks as he walks towards the kitchen. The cook
                              happens to be the owner's wife. He tells her what had just happened.

                              The blind man eats his meal and leaves.

                              Several days later, the blind man returns and the owner mistakenly
                              brings him a menu again.

                              "Sir, remember me? I'm the blind man."

                              "I'm sorry, I didn't recognize you. I'll go get you a dirty fork."

                              The owner retrieves a dirty fork and brings it to the blind man.

                              After another deep breath, the blind man says, "That smells great. I'll
                              take the macaroni and cheese with broccoli."

                              Walking away in disbelief, the owner thinks the blind man is screwing
                              around with him and tells his wife that the next time the blind man
                              comes in he's going to test him.

                              The blind man eats and leaves.

                              He returns the following week, but this time the owner sees him coming
                              and runs to the kitchen.

                              He tells his wife, "Mary, rub this fork on your panties before I take
                              it to the blind man."

                              Mary complies and hands her husband the fork. As the blind man walks in
                              and sits down, the owner is ready and waiting.

                              "Good afternoon, sir, this time I remembered you and I already have
                              the fork ready for you."

                              The blind man puts the fork to his nose, takes a deep whiff, and says,
                              "Hey I didn't know that Mary worked here..."


                              • Anonymous
                                • May 2004
                                • 12749

                                One blonde said to another, "I had a pregnancy test last week." The other asked, "Really? Were the questions difficult?"

                                Two nicely-dressed ladies were chatting while waiting at the airport. One was an arrogant, wealthy, egotistical Californian. The other was a well-mannered Southern lady. The California woman said, "When my first child was born, my husband built a beautiful mansion for me." The Southern lady replied, "Well, isn't that precious." The first woman continued, "When my second child was born, my husband bought me a beautiful Mercedes-Benz." Again, the other commented, "Well, isn't that precious." The first continued boasting, "Then when my third child was born, he bought me this exquisite diamond bracelet." Yet again, "Well, isn't that precious." The Californian asked, "What did your husband buy you when you had your first child?" "He sent me to charm school," said the Southern lady. "Charm school? Oh, God! Why?" The Southern lady replied, "Well, for one thing, I learned to say, 'Well, isn't that precious' instead of, 'Who gives a sh¡t?!'"

                                Cheers! :bottle:

