1947 Roswell UFO Crash Blamed On Russians, Not Aliens - Stalin, Mengele Mentioned Too

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  • Nitro Express
    • Aug 2004
    • 32798

    My brother passed away several years ago and he was into astronomy big time. We had to clean out his house right before Christmas and it was completely full of telescopes and equipment. We had no idea what to do with all of it so we gave it to the Mexican landscaper saying he could sell it and keep the money. We had a whole house to go through and only a few days to get things done. I have no idea what that stuff was worth but we didn't have the time to mess with it. Some of those telescopes were huge, you would have to pack them in the back of a truck. Anyways, one of the neighbors showed up wondering who we were and what was going on. It turned out he was a star gazing buddy on my brother and we had to tell him the bad news and then once he got over that he goes, what did you do with the telescopes? When we told him we gave them to Jose he didn't look too thrilled. We just told Jose anything we don't want you can have. The next day he had trucks full of Mexicans and my sister is fluent in Spanish. She was supervising the Mexicans and it was like watching a mass of worker ants carrying stuff out. We cleaned that house out in three days. All I know is the pawn shops around town probably ended up with some nice telescope equipment. Too bad the neighbor didn't show up sooner, we would have given it all to him or donated it to the astronomy club they were in.
    Last edited by Nitro Express; 06-16-2011, 01:40 PM.
    No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


    • Seshmeister

      • Oct 2003
      • 35215

      Originally posted by Hardrock69
      Not only that, even if they could only travel at the speed of light.....if they left their home world 2 billion years ago, they could easily have reached Earth by the 1950s, depending upon where they started from.
      Even allowing for the fact that relativity theory means that time would virtually stop for the aliens travelling at the speed of light, it's a mind blowing concept that a creature could travel for that length of time just to stick a probe up Sammy Hagars asshole.


      • Seshmeister

        • Oct 2003
        • 35215

        Originally posted by Nitro Express
        When I passed through the rings of Saturn...


        • Hardrock69
          • Feb 2005
          • 21888

          Ok, here is the latest dirt on SETI. Apparently we already HAVE received transmissions from outer space, and the government knows of this.


          A document posted at the website of the National Security Agency discusses the methodology used to translate the transmissions they received:

          Here is a direct link to the NSA's webpage with the document in question:


          • Seshmeister

            • Oct 2003
            • 35215

            Wow an amazing worldwide scoop of the most significant discovery of the last 100 years by...em...uh...ufodigest.com...???


            • Seshmeister

              • Oct 2003
              • 35215

              Holy shit!


              • Hardrock69
                DIAMOND STATUS
                • Feb 2005
                • 21888

                Hey, you think the mainstream media is going to report on UFO proof? Even when it is the NSA that provides it?

                Here is something else pretty interesting dealing with National Security concerns:

                Robert Hastings: Unidentified Aerial Object Sighted During October 2010 Nuclear Missile Incident
                * Reuters is not responsible for the content in this press release.

                Mon Jun 20, 2011 1:56pm EDT

                TAOS, N.M., June 20, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- On October 23, 2010, F.E. Warren Air Force Base in Cheyenne, Wyoming temporarily lost the ability to communicate with 50 of its Minuteman III missiles. The five Missile Alert Facilities responsible for launching those ICBMs—Alpha through Echo, comprising the 319th Strategic Missile Squadron—would have been unable to do so during the period of the disruption.

                This dramatic story was leaked to Mark Ambinder, a contributing editor at The Atlantic, which published it three days later. The U.S. Air Force then quickly acknowledged the problem, saying that a back-up launch system could have performed the task and claiming that the breakdown had lasted a mere 59 minutes.

                However, the latter statement was untrue, according to two missile technicians stationed at F.E. Warren, who say that the communications issue, while intermittent, actually persisted over several hours.

                Significantly, these same individuals report sightings by "numerous teams" of an enormous, cigar-shaped craft that maneuvered high above the missile field on the day of the disruption. The huge UFO appeared similar to a World War I German Zeppelin but had no passenger gondola or advertising on its hull, as would a commercial blimp.

                The confidential Air Force sources also report that their squadron commander has warned witnesses not to talk to journalists or researchers about "the things they may or may not have seen" in the sky and has threatened severe penalties for anyone violating security. Consequently, these persons must remain anonymous at this time.

                The disquieting information was provided to noted researcher and author Robert Hastings who, over the past seven months, has interviewed law enforcement and civilian eyewitnesses to ongoing UFO activity near F.E. Warren's ICBM sites between September 2010 and April 2011. Hastings has just published a detailed exposé on these developments titled, "Huge UFO Sighted Near Nuclear Missiles During October 2010 Launch System Disruption," which may be read at:

                (The article can also be located at The UFO Chronicles homepage by placing its title in the Google "Site Search" box.)

                The October 23rd missile incident occurred less than a month after Hastings' September 27, 2010 UFO-Nukes Connection press conference at the National Press Club in Washington D.C., during which seven U.S. Air Force veterans discussed UFO incursions at nuclear weapons sites during the Cold War era. CNN streamed that event live; a full-length video is at:

                English subtitles based on the ProjectAvalon.net transcript http://projectavalon.net/lang/en/ufo_disclosure_conference_at_the_national_press_club_washington_...

                According to the veterans, including two retired colonels, the still-classified incidents involved the sudden appearance of a mysterious aerial craft that briefly hovered over ICBM sites and sometimes disrupted the missiles' guidance and control systems; during one December 1980 case, a disc-shaped UFO sent down laser-like beams into a nukes storage depot.

                The witnesses said that they felt compelled to speak out about the reality of UFO activity at nuclear weapons sites and urged the U.S. government to finally reveal the facts to the American people.

                Regarding the recent situation at F.E. Warren AFB, Hastings emphasizes, "My sources have not said that the UFO sighted during the October 23, 2010 missile-communications disruption actually caused it. And it must be noted that the Air Force's Global Strike Command has officially attributed the problem to an improperly-replaced circuit card in a weapons-system processor."

                He adds, "Nevertheless, the intermittent presence of a huge, cigar-shaped aerial craft during the hours-long—not minutes-long—crisis was definitely noted and remarked upon by various technical teams working in the base's missile field."

                Hastings concludes, "The UFO sightings near F.E. Warren's missile sites in recent months—by Air Force personnel and civilians—represent the latest chapter in the UFO-Nukes Connection saga. Its well-documented history, as revealed in declassified U.S. government files and military eyewitness testimony, extends back to December 1948. Countless official denials about the reality of the situation have been issued over the years but, sooner or later, this amazing story will break wide open. What we need now is a courageous government whistleblower to come forward with the facts, and some daring journalists willing to treat the story seriously and write about it."

                SOURCE Robert Hastings

