Angelina Jolly cuts her tits off

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  • LoungeMachine
    • Jul 2004
    • 32576

    Originally posted by flappo
    yeah , this place is rapidly turning to shit

    i'll see you at the real roth forum !
    You'll be back.....

    Posting to the tumbleweeds over there won't satisfy your Joe Rogan.
    Originally posted by Kristy
    Dude, what in the fuck is wrong with you? I'm full of hate and I do drugs.
    Originally posted by cadaverdog
    I posted under aliases and I jerk off with a sock. Anything else to add?


    • Coyote
      • Jan 2004
      • 8185

      Originally posted by LoungeMachine
      You'll be back.....

      Posting to the tumbleweeds over there won't satisfy your Joe Rogan.
      Is that code?
      Why settle for something you have, if it's not as good as something you're out to get?

      Originally posted by Seshmeister
      It's like putting up a YouTube of Bach and playing Chopstix on your Bontempi...


      • LoungeMachine
        • Jul 2004
        • 32576

        Originally posted by Coyote
        Is that code?
        Johnson, Willy, Tool.......
        Originally posted by Kristy
        Dude, what in the fuck is wrong with you? I'm full of hate and I do drugs.
        Originally posted by cadaverdog
        I posted under aliases and I jerk off with a sock. Anything else to add?


        • sonrisa salvaje
          • Jun 2005
          • 2098

          Originally posted by cadaverdog
          I got no beef with you. Funning around is one thing. Posting something with the intent of pissing off the other poster is another. I don't like the sock shit but I did start it myself. That's a bit different than talking about my niece or implying something unnatural about throwing down a few cheap margaritas with her at happy hour. I was checking out the old crows while the old farts were checking her out. We both got a giggle out of it. Then we went to a Rangers game with my other niece and her husband.
          Don't take any offense to my jests C-Dog; i'm just joshing with you and i thought our back and forth was quite entertaining. I'm not trying to be mean spirited.


          • cadaverdog
            • Aug 2007
            • 8955

            Originally posted by sonrisa salvaje
            Don't take any offense to my jests C-Dog; i'm just joshing with you and i thought our back and forth was quite entertaining. I'm not trying to be mean spirited.
            No problem. I might let this piss me off to a point of posting a pissy rebuttal but it fades fast. Unless you get real nasty then it lasts a wee bit longer but I've heard worse from real friends so It takes a bit more to piss me off to that point. I end up mad at myself for not backing the fuck up and bailing.
            Beware of Dog


            • ELVIS
              • Dec 2003
              • 44120

              Angelina Jolie part of a clever corporate scheme to protect billions in gene patents

              Mike Adams

              Angelina Jolie’s announcement of undergoing a double mastectomy (surgically removing both breasts) even though she had no breast cancer is not the innocent, spontaneous, “heroic choice” that has been portrayed in the mainstream media. Natural News has learned it all coincides with a well-timed for-profit corporate P.R. campaign that has been planned for months and just happens to coincide with the upcoming U.S. Supreme Court decision on the viability of the BRCA1 patent.

              Just gaze into that evil fucking stare...

              This is the investigation the mainstream media refuses to touch.

              Here, I explain the corporate financial ties, investors, mergers, human gene patents, lawsuits, medical fear mongering and the trillionsof dollars that are at stake here. If you pull back the curtain on this one, you find far more than an innocent looking woman exercising a “choice.” This is about protecting trillions in profits through the deployment of carefully-crafted public relations campaigns designed to manipulate the public opinion of women.

              The signs were all there from the beginning of the scheme: Angelina Jolie’s highly polished and obviously corporate-written op-ed piece at the New York Times, the carefully-crafted talking points invoking “choice” as a politically-charged keyword, and the obvious coaching of even her husband Brad Pitt who carefully describes the entire experience using words like “stronger” and “pride” and “family.”

              But the smoking gun is the fact that Angelina Jolie’s seemingly spontaneous announcement magically appeared on the cover of People Magazine this week — a magazine that is usually finalized for publication three weeks before it appears on newsstands. That cover, not surprisingly, uses the same language found in the NYT op-ed piece: “HER BRAVE CHOICE” and “This was the right thing to do.” The flowery, pro-choice language is not a coincidence.

              What this proves is that Angelina’s Jolie’s announcement was a well-planned corporate P.R. campaign with carefully-crafted messages designed to influence public opinion. But what could Jolie be seeking to influence?

              …how about trillions of dollars in corporate profits?

              Upcoming U.S. Supreme Court decision to rule on patent viability for BRCA1 gene

              Angelina Jolie’s announcement and all its carefully-crafted language had four notable immediate impacts:

              1) It caused women everywhere to be terrified of breast cancer through the publishing of false statistics that drove fear into the hearts of anyone with breasts.

              2) It caused women to rush out and seek BRCA1 gene testing procedures. These tests just happen to be patented by a for-profit corporationcalled “Myriad Genetics.” Because of this patent, BRCA1 tests can cost $3,000 – $4,000 each. The testing alone is a multi-billion-dollar market, but only if the patent is upheld in an upcoming Supreme Court decision (see below).

              3) It caused the stock price of Myriad Genetics (MYGN) to skyrocket to a 52-week high. “Myriad’s stock closed up 3% Tuesday, following the publication of the New York Times op-ed,” wrote

              4) It drove public opinion to influence the upcoming U.S. Supreme Court decision to rule in favor of corporate ownership of human genes (see more below).

              Women all over the world are being duped into supporting Angeline Jolie, having no idea that what she’s really doing is selling out women to the for-profit cancer industry. But to fully understand what’s happening, you have to dig deeper…

              Myriad Genetics sees stock price skyrocket thanks to Jolie, and Obamacare will funnel billions their way

              “Salt Lake City-based Myriad Genetics (MYGN) holds the patent on the test that determined the actress had an 87% chance of developing breast cancer, as well as the genes themselves,” wrote

              And that’s only the beginning. If the U.S. Supreme Court can be influenced to uphold Myriad’s patent, it could mean a trillion-dollar industry over just the next few years. Even more, Myriad Genetics is reportedly “ripe for mergers” according to the financial press, because it’s part of the super-hot human genome industry.

              “The world’s largest maker of DNA testing and analysis tools, Life Technologies Corp. said that it is set to be acquired by Thermo Fisher Scientific for a record $13.6 billion,” writes “A race that kicked into high gear more than 26 years ago is heating up, with foreign governments and corporations joining the U.S. in funding the quest to map all the human genomes. And even as the recent flurry of mergers and acquisitions in the genomics space has spurred returns, investors still have opportunities to profit from this multibillion-dollar industry.”

              The higher Myriad’s stock price goes, the more profitable a merger becomes for its current owners. So Jolie’s P.R. stunt just happened to generate unknown millions of dollars in value for the very people who claim a patent monopoly over the breast cancer genes residing in the bodies of women. Coincidence? Hardly.

              Obamacare mandates taxpayers pay for BRCA gene testing: yet another government handout to wealthy corporations

              But here’s what’s even more crooked about all this: You know how Obama likes to talk “free market” but actually engages in so-called “crony capitalism” by handing out money to all his corporate buddies, Wall Street insiders and deep-pocketed campaign donors? Part of Obamacare — the “Affordable Care Act” — mandates that taxpayers pay for BRCA1 genetic testing!

              Myriad Genetics, in other words, stands to receive a full-scale windfall of profits mandated by government and pushed into mainstream consciousness through a campaign of “medical terror” fronted by Angelina Jolie and the New York Times. Are you starting to see how this all fits together yet?

              This is all one big coordinated corporate sellout of women, and it’s all being hidden by playing the “women’s power” card and using “choice” language to more easily manipulate women. Angelina Jolie, remember, is a key spokesperson for the United Nations, an organization already caught engaged in child sex slavery and drug running. Although Jolie obviously isn’t engage in that sort of behavior, her job is to covertly influence American women into supporting a carefully-planned, plotted and executed corporate profit campaign that turns women’s bodies into profits.

              Here’s why the Supreme Court decision puts trillions of dollars at stake…

              Details on the upcoming Supreme Court decision

              The ACLU and the Public Patent Foundation filed a lawsuit in 2009, challenging the corporate ownership of human genes. Anyone who believes in women’s rights, human rights, civil rights or even the right to eat non-GMO foods should immediately agree that corporations should NOT be able to patent human genes and then use those patents to rake in billions of dollars in profits while stifling scientific research into those genes.

              A question to all women reading this: Do you believe a corporation in Utah owns your body? If not, you should be opposed to corporate ownership of human genes. It also means you should oppose Angelina Jolie’s P.R. campaign because although she’s running a brilliant public relations campaign, behind the scenes her actions are feeding potentially trillions of dollars of profits directly into the for-profit human gene patenting industry that denies human beings ownership over their own genetic code.

              The ACLU explains the basics of its lawsuit against Myriad Genetics as follows:

              On May 12, 2009, the ACLU and the Public Patent Foundation (PUBPAT) filed a lawsuit charging that patents on two human genes associated with breast and ovarian cancer, BRCA1 and BRCA2, are unconstitutional and invalid. On November 30, 2012, the Supreme Court agreed to hear argument on the patentability of human genes. The ACLU argued the case before the U.S. Supreme Court on April 15, 2013. We expect a decision this summer.

              On behalf of researchers, genetic counselors, women patients, cancer survivors, breast cancer and women’s health groups, and scientific associations representing 150,000 geneticists, pathologists, and laboratory professionals, we have argued that human genes cannot be patented because they are classic products of nature. The suit charges that the gene patents violate the First Amendment and stifle diagnostic testing and research that could lead to cures and that they limit women’s options regarding their medical care.

              Got that? If the Supreme Court rules against Myriad Genetics, it will cause a multi-billion-dollar breast cancer genetic testing industry to collapse virtually overnight. This means a huge loss for not just Myriad, but also many other human gene corporations that wish to exploit the human body — including the bodies of women — for monopolistic profits. (All patents are government-granted monopolies.) Ultimately, trillions of dollars in corporate gene patents are at stake here.

              Patenting human genes is huge business

              Today, about 20 percent of your genes are already patented by corporations and universities. As the ACLU explains, “A gene patent holder has the right to prevent anyone from studying, testing or even looking at a gene. As a result, scientific research and genetic testing has been delayed, limited or even shut down due to concerns about gene patents.”

              This means that when corporations own patents on human genes, it stifles scientific research while granting that corporation a monopoly over the “intellectual property” encoded in your own DNA! (How criminal is that? You decide…)

              What this means is that if the Supreme Court rules against Myriad, it would set a precedent that would dismantle the entire human gene patenting industry, affecting trillions of dollars in future profits.

              This, I believe, is the real reason behind Angelina Jolie’s announcement. It seems designed to invoke women’s emotional reactions and create a groundswell of support for corporate-owned genes, thereby handing these corporations a Supreme Court precedent that will ensure trillions in future profits. It’s a for-profit PR stunt that tries to trick women into supporting a corporate system of patents and monopolies that claims, right now, to own portions of the bodies of every woman living today.

              While most media outlets have no clue about the patent issues at stake here, the Detroit Free Presstook notice, saying:

              “The Hollywood star’s decision to get tested for a breast cancer gene mutation, undergo a double mastectomy and then write about it calls attention to a case now pending before the court. The justices have just weeks to decide if Myriad Genetics’ patent on the two genes that can identify an increased risk of breast and ovarian cancer is legal. Critics complain that the company’s monopoly leaves them as the sole source of the $4,000 tests needed to determine each woman’s risk.”

              Lying with statistics: Jolie’s 87% risk exaggeration

              There’s more to this story than just the patents on BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. Angelina Jolie is also using blatantly misleading statistics to terrify women into thinking their breasts might kill them.

              In the NYT op-ed piece, Jolie claims her doctor told her she has an “87% risk” of developing breast cancer. But what she didn’t tell you is that this number doesn’t apply to the entire population: it’s actually old data derived almost exclusively from families that were previously documented to have very high risks of breast cancer to begin with.

              A study published on the National Human Genome Research Institute website and conducted by scientists from the National Institutes of Health reveals that breast cancer risks associated with BRCA1 genes are significantly lower than what’s being hyped up by Jolie and the mainstream media.

              In fact, in a large room of 600 women, only ONE will likely have a BRCA mutation in her genetic code. The actual incidence is 0.125 to 0.25 out of 100 women, or 1 in 400 to 1 in 800. I used 600 as the average of 400 and 800.

              And out of that 1 in 600 women who has the mutation, her risk of breast cancer is only 56 percent, not 78 percent as claimed by Jolie. But 13 percent of women without the BRCA mutation get breast cancer anyway, according to this scientific research, so the increased risk is just 43 out of 100 women.

              So what we’re really talking about here is 1 in 600 women having a BRCA gene mutation, then less than half of those getting cancer because of it. In other words, only about 1 in 1200 women will be affected by this

              Yet thanks to people like Jolie and the fear-mongering mainstream media, women all across the nation have been terrified into believing their breasts might kill them and the best way to handle the problem is to cut them off!

              This, my friends, is the essence of doomsday fear mongering. This issue affects less than one-tenth of one percent of women but is being riled up into a nationwide fear campaign that just happens to feed profits into the for-profit cancer diagnosis and treatment industry, not to mention the monopolistic human gene patenting cartels.

              That’s the real story of what’s happening here. Don’t expect to read this in the New York Times.

              Corporate media refuses to mention real prevention and treatment options

              As part of the breast cancer fear mongering and treatment scam now being run across the mainstream media, nearly all media sources are prohibiting any mention of holistic or natural options for treatment or prevention.

              Sure, the media talks about “options,” but all those options just happen to lead back to the for-profit cancer industry. As an example, read this story by ABC News, part of the lying mainstream media that misinforms women and pushes a corporate agenda:

              If you do test positive for BRCA, you have options, and you don’t necessarily have to go the Jolie route. Some women choose not to have surgery. Instead, they increase cancer surveillance with imaging tests. These include regular mammograms to test for breast cancer, and regular pelvic sonograms and blood-tests to watch for ovarian cancer.

              Nowhere in this article does ABC News mention ways to suppress the BRCA1 gene by, for example, eating raw cruciferous vegetables containing Indole-3-Carbinol (I3C), a potent anti-cancer nutrient that halts breast cancer in its tracks. Nowhere does ABC News mention vitamin D which prevents nearly 4 out of 5 cancers of all types, including breast cancer.

              Nope, the “options” being pushed by mainstream media are nothing more than mammograms, surgery, radiation and chemotherapy — all owned and run by the for-profit cancer industry that feeds on women and exploits their bodies for profit.

              Nor is their any discussion of the total scam of the “pink ribbons” cancer cure industry which is primarily focused on giving women cancer through “free mammograms.” As any scientist or physicist already knows, mammograms cause cancer because they emit ionizing radiation directly into the breast and heart tissues. Get enough mammograms done and sooner or later they will detect breast cancer because they caused it! To date, 1.3 million women have been harmed by mammography.

              Thanks, Angelina, for keeping the wool pulled over the eyes of women everywhere while selling out to for-profit, monopolistic, corporate interests that incessantly seek to exploit women for profit.

              Photo credit: PEOPLE Magazine cover, used under Fair Use for public commentary and education.

              Last edited by ELVIS; 05-17-2013, 07:44 AM.


              • WARF
                DIAMOND STATUS
                • Jan 2004
                • 15347

                Last edited by WARF; 05-17-2013, 08:02 AM.


                • Anonymous
                  • May 2004
                  • 12749

                  Originally posted by ELVIS

                  Just gaze into that evil fucking stare...
                  I REALLY want to slap that face with my dick.


                  I mean, just SLAP her. HARD. With my dick.



                  • cadaverdog
                    ROTH ARMY SUPREME
                    • Aug 2007
                    • 8955

                    I saw something on tv about this. I think that chick is weird but you can't fault her for not wanting cancer. I've seen it destroy a person in a matter of months. I can't say I'd cut my dick off just to be sure I didn't get it if I was at risk for dick cancer.
                    Beware of Dog


                    • ELVIS
                      • Dec 2003
                      • 44120

                      Hey d dog....

                      Brain cancer is on the rise...

                      Maybe you should cut your fucking head off !!

                      And stop watching the fucking TV !!

                      You're clueless...


                      • cadaverdog
                        ROTH ARMY SUPREME
                        • Aug 2007
                        • 8955

                        Originally posted by Sarge
                        I hate fake tits.
                        Pass them over this way. Tits are tits.
                        Beware of Dog


                        • cadaverdog
                          ROTH ARMY SUPREME
                          • Aug 2007
                          • 8955

                          Originally posted by ELVIS
                          Hey d dog....

                          Brain cancer is on the rise...

                          Maybe you should cut your fucking head off !!

                          And stop watching the fucking TV !!

                          You're clueless...

                          I could just have it removed like you did. Then again your brain wasn't working very good before removal.
                          Beware of Dog


                          • ELVIS
                            • Dec 2003
                            • 44120

                            Yours seemingly doesn't work at all...

                            Did you read the Mike Adams article ??

                            This case of self mutilation isn't some act of good will...

                            It's about corporate ownership of human genes, for God's sake...

                            Do you know anything about the upcoming Supreme Court case regarding gene patents ??

                            No, but you did see the emotional feel good story on the idiot box and it made you all warm and fuzzy...

                            You are asleep, dog...

                            Wake up!


                            • cadaverdog
                              ROTH ARMY SUPREME
                              • Aug 2007
                              • 8955

                              I saw a woman claim she didn't want to risk getting a disease that killed other members of her family that she might be more susceptible to than others. Everythings not a conspiracy.
                              Beware of Dog


                              • ELVIS
                                • Dec 2003
                                • 44120

                                Scientology, Satanic Link?

                                New York Post

                                THE trendiest religion in Hollywood was founded on the teachings of a Satanist, a new essay by Camille Paglia claims. The Church of Scientology - which boasts Tom Cruise, John Travolta, Lisa Marie Presley, Hilary Swank, Juliette Lewis and Kirstie Alley among its members - was founded by science-fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard. According to an article by Paglia in Boston University's Arion journal, Hubbard got many of his ideas from infamous devil worshipper Alistair Crowley.

                                "Hubbard had met Crowley in the latter's Los Angeles temple in 1945," Paglia writes. "Hubbard's son reveals that Hubbard claimed to be Crowley's successor: Hubbard told him that Scientology was born on the day that Crowley died."

                                According to the article, Scientologists perform some of the same rites that Crowley invented, all designed to free practitioners from human guilt.

                                "Drills used by Scientologists to cleanse and clarify the mind are evidently a reinterpretation of Crowley's singular fusion of Asian meditation and Satanic ritualism, which sharpens the all-conquering will . . . Guilt and remorse, in the Crowley way, are mere baggage to be jettisoned," Paglia says.

                                She writes that Crowley, a Nazi sympathizer who used opiates and hallucinogens and called himself "The Great Beast," advocated total sexual freedom, including orgies and bestiality.

                                Long after his death in 1947, the diabolist attracted even bigger followers than Hubbard, who founded Scientology in 1954.

