The Myth of Nazareth

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  • cadaverdog
    • Aug 2007
    • 8955

    Originally posted by Seshmeister
    No child left behind...

    Seriously go read up on it, it's much more interesting and informative that the writings of superstitious primative goat herders 2000 years ago...
    Science is based on theories not facts .
    Religions are based on believes.
    What's the difference?
    How can anyone be absolutly sure their theory or belief
    is the correct one?
    Maybe it's a combination of both.
    What I do know is true christianity is based on forgiveness .
    Some people try to twist christianity to suit their agenda.
    Just like they twist any other belief to fit their needs.
    Hitler tried to twist science it self for his agenda .
    To justify killing millions of people by claiming only
    the strong should survive .
    The sick .mentally ill , handicapped , dark skinned ,
    and anyone else that didn't meet his standards should
    be killed .
    His version of natural selection.
    It is intolerance that causes wars not religion.
    Just some times it is the intolerence of others religions
    and other ways of life that motivates these conflicts.
    Believe everthing I believe or die.
    Beware of Dog


    • cadaverdog
      • Aug 2007
      • 8955

      Originally posted by LoungeMachine

      But Feedback To Heretics was full.

      On the forum community page it says this thread is about
      the war on terrorism , dedicated to the memory of the victims
      of 9/11.
      Where the fuck does it say the forum to discuss whatever
      Loungeasshole decides to discuss?
      I see no mention of politics or religion.
      But if they started discussing those subjects elsewhere
      you wouldn't be able to control them.
      That might lead to open discussions not fitting your
      political agenda.
      But you could still make smartass "look at me"comments.
      Last edited by cadaverdog; 03-15-2008, 04:40 AM.
      Beware of Dog


      • Seshmeister

        • Oct 2003
        • 35215

        Originally posted by cadaverdog
        Science is based on theories not facts .
        Religions are based on believes.
        What's the difference?
        This is probably at least the 15th time this crazy nonsense has come up on this forum and it's starting to get pretty fucking tedious answering it so rather than posting about peer review, being able to repeat through experimentation etc etc. and pointing out yet a fucking gain the reasons why scientists use the word 'theory' I'll try sonething else for the hard of thinking.

        Go and fucking google it. Why not start with the theory of Pythagoras and then explain to me how that is a belief rather than a fact! Tell us how a belief in triangles is equal to that theory.

        Belief<>Science fucking hell. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO.

        I mean think about it?

        "I believe and have faith that if we build a rocket and send it out into space it will arrive in the right place and deliver a satellite to allow cadaverdog to watch the Olympics in China on TV"

        "How is that going to work? How high should it go to achieve a geostationary orbit"

        "It will because I believe it will"

        "Do you think maybe we should use Newtons theories and stick it at 22,236 miles?"

        "No I believe I can put it where I want and an invisible cloud guy will sort it all out."


        "Are you questioning my beliefs? How dare you!"


        Last edited by Seshmeister; 03-15-2008, 09:54 PM.


        • Seshmeister

          • Oct 2003
          • 35215

          Originally posted by thome

          over simplified CRAP!


          PS Seshmeister, I don't believe in SH!T.

          Black and White no Grey area.

          The Grey area is Tolerance and I have very little.
          Over simplified crap is what you get from every preacher in every Christian church each Sunday.

          The whole religion is entirely based on the bible so why not go and read about how the bible came into being, particularly the Jesus stuff, who wrote it, why, and what was left out and why?



          • Baby's On Fire
            • May 2004
            • 1747

            Anyone who believes in the Bible is a total fucking idiot.

            The Tooth Fairy is more believable. At least when I was a kid, my tooth was gone from under my pillow. That's some actual evidence.

            Pillar of salt? Amusing at the least.


            • bueno bob
              DIAMOND STATUS
              • Jul 2004
              • 22951

              Originally posted by Baby's On Fire
              Anyone who believes in the Bible is a total fucking idiot.
              Well, science and archeology have, in times past, verified the existance of people and places referenced to in the bible. Like I said, I think the bible is closer to fictional history than anything else, but disregarding all of it in face of some of uncovered evidence doesn't make any better sense than believing all of the bible as factual blindly, either.

              Fictional history and a rough guideline on how to be a good person, with a lot of fire and brimstone and nonsense interspersed throughout is, I think, the most accurate way to look at it. Disregard all of it if you like, but it has been scientifically authenticated as factual in more than a few areas, in so far as names and dates and locations. It's not entirely inaccurate.
              Twistin' by the pool.


              • Baby's On Fire
                • May 2004
                • 1747

                On how to be a good person????

                Surely you're joking?

                The Bible teaches that humans are master over everything.....I say fuck that.

                What right does a human have to dominate over or cause the suffering of animals?

                The Bible teaches that if I don't FEAR "God", then I will go to Hell, notwithstanding my good deeds as a human being.

                Yeah, what a loving and compassionate divine being.........

                Fuck off with that horseshit. The Bible isn't worth toilet paper.

                Fucking religious babble horseshit.......


                • bueno bob
                  DIAMOND STATUS
                  • Jul 2004
                  • 22951

                  Originally posted by Baby's On Fire
                  On how to be a good person????
                  Do unto others and's pretty basic, if you examine it at it's most basic level, which is truthfully all it's really good for.

                  Originally posted by Baby's On Fire
                  The Bible teaches that humans are master over everything.....I say fuck that. What right does a human have to dominate over or cause the suffering of animals?
                  Well, religious admonitions aside, mankind has (with or without any major religions influence) extended his iron grip across this entire planet to the point where NOTHING is safe from mankind anymore. I'm a realist; I believe this would have happened whether or not any book told humans that it was their natural right.

                  Originally posted by Baby's On Fire
                  The Bible teaches that if I don't FEAR "God", then I will go to Hell, notwithstanding my good deeds as a human being.
                  Agreed, a very good point. For clarity's sake, the translation of the word which is "Fear" is defined as "Love"...but yes, I fully agree that the fire and brimstone bullshit is completely out of line with the overall message of Christianity, and I for one think that Hell and it's practical applications in regards to religion were an invention of middle age witchfinders (for lack of a better term) in order to keep people in line.

                  If there's any actuality to any of it, my guess is that it's much different. If there is truly a God, I seriously doubt he cares much about religion, or what it tells you that you have to do in order to meet him...

                  Originally posted by Baby's On Fire
                  Yeah, what a loving and compassionate divine being.........
                  I don't personally hold infinity accountable to those of a limited range. I don't blame the guy who rear ended me yesterday for an asteroid in the next galaxy over that just wiped out several thousand aliens...

                  Originally posted by Baby's On Fire
                  Fuck off with that horseshit. The Bible isn't worth toilet paper.

                  Fucking religious babble horseshit.......
                  But my original point is that it's not entirely fictional - perhaps fictionalized history and more an experiment in social psychology that got really crazy...but different people certainly hold different opinions...
                  Twistin' by the pool.


                  • Baby's On Fire
                    • May 2004
                    • 1747

                    The Bible is a work of fiction in its entirety.

                    The sole purpose of the Bible is for the religious leaders to hold power over their followers, through brain washing and fear.

                    Same thing holds true for Church and worship, regardless of religion.

                    I despise religion, for its falsities and corruption. Money is not the root of evil, religion is the root of evil.

                    Religion is nothing more than man's fear of death.


                    • bueno bob
                      DIAMOND STATUS
                      • Jul 2004
                      • 22951

                      Originally posted by Baby's On Fire
                      The Bible is a work of fiction in its entirety.
                      So...Egypt, Jerusalem, Pharaohs, romans, none of that ever existed? All fictional?

                      Come on.

                      Originally posted by Baby's On Fire
                      The sole purpose of the Bible is for the religious leaders to hold power over their followers, through brain washing and fear.
                      I disagree. Again, I don't think it's anything more than an overly fictionalized account of historical events.

                      Originally posted by Baby's On Fire
                      I despise religion, for its falsities and corruption. Money is not the root of evil, religion is the root of evil.

                      Religion is nothing more than man's fear of death.
                      That's cool. I certainly understand that point of view, and personally know a lot of people that feel the same way. But...I can say from experience that a lot of people get a lot of good things out of it and I've seen a lot of people turn their lives around and become much better people because of it. My Uncle's a pastor, and the amount of good he's done locally (and yes, globally) cannot be understated by any measure.

                      I just don't believe everybody who believes a certain thing falls into a cut 'n' paste format. But, that being said, I certainly understand where you're coming from, because I've seen a great deal of that myself...which is why I completely renounce any form of organized religion.
                      Twistin' by the pool.


                      • Baby's On Fire
                        • May 2004
                        • 1747

                        Points well taken. You're argument is valid.

                        I have a cynical view of religion, but I should realize some people do turn their lives around and do good.

                        It's just too easy for some people to sway too far to the religious right.

                        That said, there have been unimaginable atrocities caused by religion....the Inquisition, The Crusades, fucking name only a few.

                        I despise religion in all forms. One does not need religion to be a good person or to be spiritual. I believe in Mother respecting ALL life...not just human life....and being kind to animals. To me, that is the mark of a truly good person, not the belief in some Diety.


                        • bueno bob
                          DIAMOND STATUS
                          • Jul 2004
                          • 22951

                          Originally posted by Baby's On Fire
                          Points well taken. You're argument is valid.

                          I have a cynical view of religion, but I should realize some people do turn their lives around and do good.

                          It's just too easy for some people to sway too far to the religious right.
                          Yes...I can count more than once when I've been on the victimized end of the stick for not being "Good enough", and that has soured me on organized religion more than anything else over the years...

                          Originally posted by Baby's On Fire
                          That said, there have been unimaginable atrocities caused by religion....the Inquisition, The Crusades, fucking name only a few.
                          Absolute truth. I personally abhor all of it, and religion is STILL TO THIS DAY accountable for all of it. Worse yet, there's been essentially NO accountability. Religion is fucking run amok on a global level, and there is no doubt of that.

                          Originally posted by Baby's On Fire
                          I despise religion in all forms. One does not need religion to be a good person or to be spiritual.
                          Please don't misunderstand me...I don't think ANYBODY needs religion to be a good person at all...

                          Originally posted by Baby's On Fire
                          I believe in Mother respecting ALL life...not just human life....and being kind to animals. To me, that is the mark of a truly good person, not the belief in some Diety.
                          Yes. Couldn't agree more. And I do have to say, if (and I do mean IF) there is some form of higher intelligence in the universe, I would hope sincerely that he/she/it feels the same way...otherwise, I don't think I'd want anything to do with it...

                          "Follow these rules EXACTLY, don't doubt anything, don't think for yourself, follow ME without exception or you're totally fucked, dude! Oh, and by the way, here's absolutely NO physical evidence of my existance for you to hold up to the light....neener neener neener!" would be a completely bullshit way to ordain yourself to the human race...hell, if that was the case, maybe Satan had the right idea after all...
                          Twistin' by the pool.


                          • Baby's On Fire
                            • May 2004
                            • 1747

                            Agreed 100 percent...and good night.

                            Pleasure having a civilized debate with you, without any name calling.

                            A rarity on this board.


                            • cadaverdog
                              ROTH ARMY SUPREME
                              • Aug 2007
                              • 8955

                              Originally posted by Baby's On Fire
                              It's just too easy for some people to sway too far to the religious right.

                              It's just as easy to go too far the other way.
                              Generaly , I say live and let live to people who
                              are involved in shit that don't agree with moraly.
                              As long as it isn't forced on me , cool , do it.
                              Polygamy , homosexual marriage , whatever.
                              To push acceptibility , they preach tolerance .
                              OK .
                              But how tolerant do you have to be?
                              There are sick fucks out there that want you to
                              tolerate child molestation .
                              They believe it's ok , so why not be tolerant?
                              Where do you draw the line on tolerance?
                              Beware of Dog


                              • cadaverdog
                                ROTH ARMY SUPREME
                                • Aug 2007
                                • 8955

                                Is there any philosaphy , call it a belief , religion ,whatever
                                that advocates some form of an afterlife that you will attain just by being a good human?
                                No worship required , just follow the golden rule and your in.
                                I would like to start one if one doesn't exist.
                                Beware of Dog

