John "caterpillar face" Bolton says "Nuke Chicago" and the crowd CHEERS!!
Clay, on behalf of the ENTIRE INTERNET log off, leave the library and never come back.
Signed THE ENTIRE INTERNETOriginally posted by vandeleurE- Jesus . Playing both sides because he didnt understand the argument in the first place :DComment
What's left in the party are the extreme fringe and they are not people to fuck with. You push them they will take your head off. I grew up Mormon so I know what I'm talking about. I know enough not to fuck with them because they feel justified in killing you if they feel you are endangering their rights. These people are well organized and educated. It's a big mistake to think the extreme right is just Bubba in a KKK robe.
I believe in peace, above and beyond almost anything else in life, and a "live and let live" outlook, but to be quite blunt about it, if there was ever ANY group of people I wouldn't mind seeing thrown under the sword it would be the ultra-zealots of any religious sect, be it Christianity, Judaism, Muslims, Mormons, whatever. These people trade off almost their entire common sense and basic human thread of compassion for fellow man for a fantasy - faith is nothing more than a concept without proof at its base definition, and I can think of nothing more dangerous to thrust ones entire life into the singular mindset of converting everyone to that thought pattern - at gunpoint, if necessary.
Organized religion MUST be destroyed, utterly. It is far too destructive to the human race to allow to continue unchecked, and that's one lesson that mankind has never allowed itself to be learned due to the psychological benefit of a faith and the community it brings together. There's real power in it.
Where these people are "ready for war", however, they must be countered with intelligence, proof, facts, patience and determination. Anybody can be broken with facts and evidence...hell, I was. To meet their dormant violence with violence? I've no doubt they'd fight FAR better and far longer than any other army you could assemble. Simply put, they'd win - how do you convince an army to go die when the army has no rewards for doing so?
Ahh...but when the other army believes that paradise waits for them when they die, then you have a very large problem on your hands. That army becomes machine more than human, and it's collective thought parallels that of a machine - do and do and do without worry of cause and effect. Do because it's what the program mandates, and the collective machine mind becomes God itself. The actual deity? Lost in the shuffle.
I'd never support a war against the zealot-religious, much as I might actually rail against them - to adopt their tactics in an attempt to crush out their existence would strip us of the essential element of humanity that they've already lost. No point in fighting a machine when you have to be a machine yourself in order to win, or even compete. The win becomes pointless, even if you do achieve it, because you suddenly find yourself in the same boots as the people you just blew out of them.
Subtlety and an honest effort to build bridges to awareness are the keys.Twistin' by the pool.Comment
That is just unacceptable. They ARE laughing at the thought a martyred a person or city.
Elvis, Migrate to Israel as a non-Jew and tell me that what a Israeli is. Migrate to Israeli as a convert Jew and tell me what Israel is.
Nitro, it is not acceptable to "just leave them be". FLDS and LDS criminal enterprises and corruption among both are not acceptable. And not all FLDS nor LDS are dysfunctional, it is not fair to pois to have to live and work within a system that is corruption riddled. And talk to me I went through the Davidian issues.
Israel IS reliving the trauma through proxy, Israel is like the battered woman that beats her husband and kids and cries but my husbands and children are so bad.
The only realistic thing that can be done is throw the corrupt leaders and convicted abusers in the kink but hundreds of thousands of people still will live the life. You won't get rid of it. It's too entrenched and has been around for a century and a half.
Then let's look at the LDS. You want to make war with them? They are very organized, very rich, and very educated. They will clamp down like the Jews in Israel and rally around their beliefs. Sure you can embargo them but these people have the will and knowhow to take raw iron ore and make finished weapons with it. They don't want to do that but if they are backed into a corner, you are going to unleash hell on yourself. I grew up in their system and know better than to fuck with them.No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!Comment
The LDS are also entrenched in the federal govt. Variouse govt. agencies love to recruit returned missionaries. Many are fluent in various foreign languages, they have lived in shitty conditions overseas, they have excellent people skills, and best of all, good Mormons are fiercely loyal to organizations they belong to and follow orders without question.
The FBI and CIA are full of Momrons. The guys who were behind the torture techniques the CIA used under Bush were Mormon. Don't think the upper LDS leadership aren't part of the global cabal. They are. Mormons have close ties to various world leaders including the former chancelor of East Germany. Mormon leadership sells loyalty to world leaders in exchange for letting the church operate there. East Germany liked the Mormons. The Mormon leaders just tell the political leaders we can keep our people in line and even back your cause if you let us to continue to operate.
The Church of Scientology worked with the KGB acting as an information gathering arm for them. It was the Church of Scientology that gave the Soviets the information on a heat seeking missle that was top secret in the 1950's.
So there are governmental ties as well. These organizations are more than a bunch of kooks. They make deals and it's one reason they are hard to get rid of.No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!Comment
So who is going to go after these churches when in fact they are a part of the government in a information gathering and personel supply role? They are too entrenched. The only way they fall is the next generation deciding they want out.No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!Comment
What religions can offer governments is loyal surfs and information drummed out of members in auditing or interview processes. The Mormon church in Nazi Germany even ratted out resistance members in it's own fold just to stay in good with the government. The LDS Church will always side with power over any one member. I saw this early and bolted from it which basically made my a third class citizen amongst my Mormon friends and family but it was worth it.No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!Comment
So who are going to go after the LDS? They are too tied with the global financial and political powers. The FLDS are another story. They stayed isolated because that's the only way you can operate their way. They never got to the level of sophistication of the LDS and if you compare the infastructer of both groups, the FLDS are a joke.No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!Comment
Organized religion MUST be destroyed, utterly. It is far too destructive to the human race to allow to continue unchecked, and that's one lesson that mankind has never allowed itself to be learned due to the psychological benefit of a faith and the community it brings together. There's real power in it.No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!Comment
Organized religion MUST be destroyed, utterly. It is far too destructive to the human race to allow to continue unchecked, and that's one lesson that mankind has never allowed itself to be learned due to the psychological benefit of a faith and the community it brings together. There's real power in it.No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!Comment
I dunno. Are you one of those pot-bellied, unemployable trailer trash fuckwits who has been on at least three episodes of "Cops" wearing nothing but your shit stained boxers and one flip-flop?Comment
Things won't change until we elect politicans who are indapendant from the Republican or Democrat system. The financial backers of the Democrats and Republicans play both sides off each other as they advance their agenda. The Mormons were tottaly loyal to the neocons. What's funny is a Mormon is a rabid believer in the US Constitution but they full heartedly supported the president that butchered it with the Patriot Act. Mormons hate Muslims so it's easy to sell them on a war against them. Basically the Republicans used and played their own base to get a loophole around the US Constitution using terrorism as an excuse.
Then you get a Democrat in power and he/she whittles the constitution down more using social programs and change as an excuse.
Basically, you start an overseas war and send the regular military over there and then you build a 400,000 plus army domestically offering citizenship to illegal aliens. Add in Americare civil servants and youth groups and you have a force willing to shoot US Citizens and a bunch of snitches. Of course there will be opposition but that's the idea. Divide and conquer. It's an old strategy. Wear them down with economic collapse and war to where they beg for the UN to come save the day and offer a global solution. This is the plan of the richest 1%. They offer power to people who are useful to them and religiouse leaders and politicians usually bite. Obama is just another puppet in the game.No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!Comment
Things won't change until we elect politicans who are indapendant from the Republican or Democrat system. The financial backers of the Democrats and Republicans play both sides off each other as they advance their agenda. The Mormons were tottaly loyal to the neocons. What's funny is a Mormon is a rabid believer in the US Constitution but they full heartedly supported the president that butchered it with the Patriot Act. Mormons hate Muslims so it's easy to sell them on a war against them. Basically the Republicans used and played their own base to get a loophole around the US Constitution using terrorism as an excuse.
Then you get a Democrat in power and he/she whittles the constitution down more using social programs and change as an excuse.
Basically, you start an overseas war and send the regular military over there and then you build a 400,000 plus army domestically offering citizenship to illegal aliens. Add in Americare civil servants and youth groups and you have a force willing to shoot US Citizens and a bunch of snitches. Of course there will be opposition but that's the idea. Divide and conquer. It's an old strategy. Wear them down with economic collapse and war to where they beg for the UN to come save the day and offer a global solution. This is the plan of the richest 1%. They offer power to people who are useful to them and religiouse leaders and politicians usually bite. Obama is just another puppet in the game.No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!Comment
Anyone who continues to see the country as Republican and Democrat is blind to reality and lives in a simple black and white world.No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!Comment