The Rick Perry Thread

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  • binnie
    • May 2006
    • 19145

    Originally posted by jhale667
    Supposedly he makes W look like a rocket scientist. So, yes - imagine a MORE dim-witted W in office. If that happens, we're doomed.
    That's frightening idea. The sort of person who makes you feel like you're losing brain cells as you're talking to them....
    The Power Of The Riff Compels Me


    • jhale667
      • Aug 2004
      • 20929

      Originally posted by binnie
      That's frightening idea. The sort of person who makes you feel like you're losing brain cells as you're talking to them....
      What kills me is these assbags have no clue or understanding of US history and what this country was founded on - and they actually state openly their goal is to turn the US into a "Christian nation based on biblical law" when that's one of the things the founding fathers (whom they have no problem invoking like they're the 12 apostles or some shit) were trying to's maddening.
      Originally posted by conmee
      If anyone even thinks about deleting the Muff Thread they are banned.... no questions asked.

      That is all.

      Originally posted by GO-SPURS-GO
      I've seen prominent hypocrite liberal on this site Jhale667

      Originally posted by Isaac R.
      Then it's really true??:eek:

      The Muff Thread is really just GONE ???

      OMFG...who in their right mind...???
      Originally posted by eddie78
      I was wrong about you, brother. You're good.


      • standin
        • Apr 2009
        • 2274

        Originally posted by Seshmeister
        Lets face it if prayer worked the way Perry says it does then the world would be run by Muslim clerics by now. A billion x 5 a day is a lot of praying.
        That's a lot of catching up to do!

        To put it simply, we need to worry a lot less about how to communicate our actions and much more about what our actions communicate.


        • Little Texan
          Full Member Status

          • Jan 2004
          • 4579

          Originally posted by Little Texan
          I wouldn't want him praying for our economy. Back in April of this year, he called for Texans to pray for rain. Well, only 15-20% of the state was in exceptional drought then, and now it is more like 75-80% exceptional after all of the praying! So, by that logic, I figure we wouldn't have an economy left by the time he got through praying for it to get better. Look, that big prayer meeting down in Houston last weekend was nothing more than a political stunt by Perry to capture the support of the religious right wingnut Repukes for a future Presidential run, nothing more. We've had this jackass in office for the last 10 years and we can't get rid of him. There are too many stupid rednecks that keep voting for this fucker every election. All we need is another religious fucknut like Dumbya in office waging more wars because "gawd told him to".

          I REALLY don't want this man praying for our country!


          • Little Texan
            Full Member Status

            • Jan 2004
            • 4579

            The Rick Perry Thread


            Governor Perry's biggest problem is Rick Perry

            EASTON, Md., August 18, 2011 — From Republicans to the media, everyone seems to be in a swoon now that Governor Rick Perry has declared his candidacy for President.

            They just can’t get enough of the Texas governor.

            Republicans think he just might be the Third Way: not Bachmann, not Romney, an alternative with all their strengths and none of their faults. They see him as a candidate who can unite Bachmann's and Romney's bases, appealing to all and offending none.

            The media are excited for new, chili-hot copy, and Perry looks good, and not just on paper. He cuts a fine figure in the flesh.

            Perry has better hair than Mitt Romney, he sports custom-made cowboy boots emblazoned with the 1842 Texas motto Come and Take It (a slogan that summarizes the spirit of Texan defiance), he can drop to his knees to pray for the country in a nanosecond, he is the longest serving governor of the second largest (both in area and population) U.S state, and he is the father of the Texas Miracle, the more than 1 million jobs created in Texas since 2000, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

            Or as like the Governor himself likes to brag: “Since June of 2009,Texas is home to 40 percent of all the jobs added in the United States.”

            So what’s not to love about Perry? He sounds like Perry the Perfect.

            His sumptuous mansion, the one he chose to live in while the Governor’s house is repaired and renovated, also sounds perfect. Do you want to see taxpayers seethe? Then ask Texans about the rental bill they’ve been footing for the past four years. Rick Perry and his family currently reside in a $1 million plus residence with all expenses paid, including new window treatments by Neiman Marcus, all financed by Texans to the tune of $700,000. So far.

            Want to take a tour of the house? Be my guest. Just don’t use the guest towels, if you please.

            Now if you are ready to take a closer look at Perry’s Texas record, you will see something very different from Perfect Perry, something scary.

            Here are five reasons why Governor Perry is a problem for the GOP and bad for America. There are many more, but let’s start with these five.

            1. Perry’s job creation record is less than it seems:

            * Most of the jobs created in Texas have been in the natural gas and oil industries; as energy prices rise, those jobs increase, soaring by 16.8% over the last year;

            * fewer state regulations attract businesses to Texas that don’t like following the usual rules of health and safety;

            * nearly 10% of Texas’ hourly laborers earn less than the $7.25 an hour minimum wage, sharing that bottom of the barrel distinction with Mississippi;

            * Perry just slashed the state budget, which will kill 100,000 jobs. Most of those fired will be public sector workers, such as teachers;

            *Perry’s braggadocio aside, Texas’ unemployment rate is 8.2%, lower than in many states, but higher than in 25 others, including liberal Massachusetts and New York (CNN Money).

            2. The Texas economy is rocky.

            Governor Perry signed a budget this year that is balanced only through the use of accounting gimmicks, such as delaying payment on bills coming due in 2013. Perhaps he believes he will be in the White House by then.

            Over the last decade Perry doubled the state's debt, from $12.7 billion in 2001 to $34.08 billion in 2009. He did this by refusing to raise any state taxes, at the same time pruning property and business taxes and handing out tax breaks and exemptions.

            He claims that he preserved the Rainy Day Fund, but angry fellow Republicans say that’s untrue and have demanded that he drop the claim. (AP report)

            3. Texas is the country’s biggest polluter.

            Just look at what lax or nearly nonexistent regulations can do to a state. They've made Houston the smog capital of the nation, according to the Houston mayor’s report. The Texas Legislative Study Group on the State of Our State wrote in its damning report that Texas has the rare distinction of being:

            1st in amount of carbon dioxide released into the air;

            1st in amount of volatile organic compounds released into air;

            1st in amount of toxic chemicals released into water;

            1stin amount of recognized cancer-causing carcinogens released into air;

            1st in amount of hazardous waste generated;

            1st in amount of toxic chemicals released into the air.

            Perry’s solution to the problem is to tell the EPA, “Don’t mess with Texas.”

            In February, 2010, Governor Perry sued the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in federal court for its recent finding that CO2 is a pollutant. EPA’s national campaign to tighten pollution regulations led to this pushback from Texas, not surprising since the state is home to huge petrochemical corporations, major producers of industrial pollutants and carbon dioxide.

            4. Just as you would expect, then, Texas has an abysmal health record, ranking at 40th out of the 50 states.

            Texas is last in:

            * percent of non-elderly women with health insurance;

            * percent of pregnant women getting prenatal care in the first trimester;

            * workers’ compensation coverage;

            * per capita spending on mental health.

            Nearly 26% of Texas' children live in poverty.

            Texas is on the brink, thanks to Republican misrule, including the misrule of that other infamous Texan, George W. Bush. The policies of its current governor continue to push it towards the edge.

            Or as the Texas Legislative study put it:

            “You get what you pay for. In Texas, we do not get much because we do not pay for much. Compared to other states, Texas ranks near the bottom in spending for education, health care, environmental protection, workforce development, public safety, and other services and protections. Our failure to invest in ourselves puts our children at risk and our future in jeopardy.” (Texas on the Brink)

            5. Perry looks to God to step in and solve Texas’ problems when he won't.

            Stop: Wildfire ahead.

            In April of this year, Governor Perry declared three days of prayer in Texas to get God to intervene and stop the drought and the ensuing wild fires that were engulfing the state. What did Perry do to help God out?

            Since fire season started on Nov. 15, 2010, the Texas Forest Service and area fire departments have responded to 18,300 fires that have burned 3,435,963 acres, according to the Forest Service. July was the hottest month ever recorded in Texas, according to state climatologist John Nielson-Gammon, and the 12 months ending July 31 were the driest since records started being kept in 1895. The drought has ravaged more than 78 percent of Texas and is rated historically exceptional.

            Texas depends mostly on volunteers to fight wildfires in rural areas. The appropriate response to the situation might be to raise the Forest Service's budget to fight fires. When the Ft. Worth Star-Telegram asked the Governor's office about a proposed 30 percent budget cut, spokeswoman Lucy Nashed responded:

            "We’re still working through the budget process, but the governor is committed to continuing to work with lawmakers in the House and Senate to craft a budget that prioritizes essential services, including public safety, without raising taxes."

            So, Governor, rather than raise taxes to fight fires, I guess you'd prefer to pray that God stop them for you, “Pretty please.”

            In May the Governor revealed that he prayed for President Obama every day: “I pray that God will open his [Obama] eyes. I wish this president would turn back the health care law that’s been passed, ask that his EPA back down these regulations that are causing businesses to hesitate to spend money.”

            Are you listening, God? It’s me, Rick Perry. We're 40th in health care, so won't you please do something about Obama?

            And don’t forget the big pray-in Perry sponsored with his right-wing minister pals on August 6th, calling together nearly 30,000 people to fast and pray all day to bring an end to our economic woes and set this country on the right track.

            Of course it was too late for God to step in and stop Standard and Poors from downgrading our nation’s credit rating, since S&P did that the Friday before God heard about it from Perry.

            And two days after the day of prayer on August 8th, the stock market plunged 635 points. Guess God wasn’t paying much attention or we are not worth saving. Or perhaps He only helps those who help themselves. State deficits are a big part of the problem, so He might leave his prayer line off the hook when Perry calls.

            This is the man the GOP thinks will be its savior/warrior ready to smite President Obama in 2012. However, the chinks in Perry’s armor are enormous and his backside is exposed, with more to be revealed about Perfect Perry. Stay tuned.


            • Little Texan
              Full Member Status

              • Jan 2004
              • 4579

              Believe it or not, this guy is not even popular in his own state, and the only reason he keeps getting reelected governor that I can think of is the weak opponents that have run against him the last few elections. I've voted against him in every election the last ten years.


              • Seshmeister
                ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                • Oct 2003
                • 35212

                His strengths are(in order) good hair, religious fanaticism and keeping Texan unemployment average during a massive oil boom?


                • Dr. Love
                  ROTH ARMY SUPREME
                  • Jan 2004
                  • 7833

                  Just yesterday I thought I was reading that he had minimal executive experience and was just a figurehead. Today I'm reading that he single-handedly raised the debt, cut the taxes and screwed over Texas.

                  I must have misunderstood what a figure-head was.

                  I don't like him either -- he screws over a lot of people and is extremely dishonest.
                  I've got the cure you're thinkin' of.



                  • Jagermeister
                    Full Member Status

                    • Apr 2010
                    • 4510

                    Originally posted by Dr. Love
                    Just yesterday I thought I was reading that he had minimal executive experience and was just a figurehead. Today I'm reading that he single-handedly raised the debt, cut the taxes and screwed over Texas.

                    I must have misunderstood what a figure-head was.
                    I don't like him either -- he screws over a lot of people and is extremely dishonest.
                    Yeah no shit. So the best the Post could come up with is that huh? If that is the only dirt slung on this guy I would be very surprised. Someone is going to have to do better than that before I throw him to the side. Here's the deal. I see 3 players right now, Romney, Bachman or Perry. Bachman is out in my book she has no chance. So that leaves me with 2. Of those 2 right now I like Perry but it's still early.


                    • Jagermeister
                      Full Member Status

                      • Apr 2010
                      • 4510

                      lol. Some of that is funny. Wouldn't you expect the largest state to be the biggest polluter? SO I did a quick search and ill do more but this suggests that's not true.

                      Determining the largest producers of air pollution isn’t simply based on meters and counters but also on the effects of the air that the population breathes. The more number of chronically ill residents and the greater the increase in hospital admissions for diseases linked to air and its pollution, the higher the indicator that the area is indeed a large contributor to air pollution. The EPA's new air quality monitoring system has confirmed our previous list as current data indicates which US cities air pollution is getting better or worse..

                      Largest Producers of Air Pollution in the US
                      However, recent scientific research discloses that even low levels of air pollution can have a negative effect on human health due to the presence of mixed fine particulate matters. The EPA and America's US city mayors have furnished lists of the largest producers of air pollution in the US. They are are categorized in accordance with the type of air pollutant that contributes to the poor quality of air in the U.S.

                      The ranking of these cities is no longer based on studies that link pollutants to the increased hospital admissions and emergency room visits in an area. Air particle pollution is the main cause of the respiratory disorders including death from long or short-term exposure to particulate matter (PM).

                      Find the lists below categorized according to types of air pollutant:

                      Top Ten Cities with the Highest Level of Particle Pollution Exposure – Short Term Category

                      1.Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania -This city has consistently topped the list.
                      2.Fresno, California - previously ranked as 3rd and still getting worse.
                      3.Bakersfield, California- previously occupied the fourth position but was elevated to 3rd as LA dropped from it previous ranking
                      4.Los Angeles, California - used to rank second in this category.
                      5.Birmingham, Alabama -still the same rank as before
                      6.Salt Lake City, Utah - this city was no included in the previous list of most polluted US city.
                      7.Sacramento, California - ranking elevated one notch higher from its previous 8th-- despite the addition of Salt Lake to this list.
                      8.Logan, Utah - this city's ranking dropped from its previous 6th position.
                      9.Chicago, Illinois - another addition to this list, replacing Detroit's previous ranking.
                      10.Detroit, Michigan- dropping to the tenth from a previous 9th place.
                      Washington was a previous 10th placer, but today, Seattle, Washington tops the list of America's Most Green Cities, having little or no risk in the city’s air pollution aside from other environmentally positive green factors.

                      Read more:


                      • Seshmeister
                        ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                        • Oct 2003
                        • 35212

                        But that's cities NOT states.

                        Also how is Texas the biggest state when California has a much bigger population and Alaska is far far bigger in area?


                        • Seshmeister
                          ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                          • Oct 2003
                          • 35212

                          Originally posted by Jagermeister
                          Yeah no shit. So the best the Post could come up with is that huh? If that is the only dirt slung on this guy I would be very surprised. Someone is going to have to do better than that before I throw him to the side. Here's the deal. I see 3 players right now, Romney, Bachman or Perry. Bachman is out in my book she has no chance. So that leaves me with 2. Of those 2 right now I like Perry but it's still early.
                          The completely shocking thing about this is that in a country of 300 million those are the choices.

                          I can't think of a democratic system that functions more poorly these days.


                          • Jagermeister
                            Full Member Status

                            • Apr 2010
                            • 4510

                            Originally posted by Seshmeister
                            But that's cities NOT states.

                            Also how is Texas the biggest state when California has a much bigger population and Alaska is far far bigger in area?
                            True. I have not found any data on just states. The EPA web site is a joke.


                            • Seshmeister
                              ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                              • Oct 2003
                              • 35212

                              In millions of metric tons:

                              Texas: 688
                              California: 394
                              Pennsylvania: 275
                              Ohio: 262
                              Florida: 256

                              The Measure of America: American Human Development Report 2008-2009, a Colombia/SSRC book

                              I'm not sure it's a useful argument anyway. If California imports its power from Texas then it's meaningless. What you need to do is look at the policies.

                              Perry has a moronic ignorance of climate science at odds with almost every scientist in the field including those at the good Texas universities.


                              • Jagermeister
                                Full Member Status

                                • Apr 2010
                                • 4510

                                Originally posted by Seshmeister
                                In millions of metric tons:

                                Texas: 688
                                California: 394
                                Pennsylvania: 275
                                Ohio: 262
                                Florida: 256

                                The Measure of America: American Human Development Report 2008-2009, a Colombia/SSRC book

                                I'm not sure it's a useful argument anyway. If California imports its power from Texas then it's meaningless. What you need to do is look at the policies.

                                Perry has a moronic ignorance of climate science at odds with almost every scientist in the field including those at the good Texas universities.
                                Fuck you can't fart in California without running the gas through a smog device. It's been that way for decades. Anyway I am not one of those that thinks the climate is huge issue. I think most places in the US are about as clean as you can expect. Climate will not be an issue I take into account in the primary.

