Stop Funding NASA, Because The Aliens Are All Going to HELL Anyway!!

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  • Satan
    • Jan 2004
    • 6664

    Originally posted by DONNIEP
    I think it was a Pomegranate
    Damn right it was! You think I would break out the snake suit and go to all that trouble over a boring old apple??
    Eternally Under the Authority of Satan

    Originally posted by Sockfucker
    I've been in several mental institutions but not in Bakersfield.


    • Nitro Express
      • Aug 2004
      • 32798

      Originally posted by ZahZoo
      NASA's mission is space exploration not searching for extraterrestrial life... What an idiot.

      The US government stopped funding to SETI back in 95.
      In the old days it was demons and angels. Now it's good aliens and bad aliens. It used to be church's. Now it's UFO cults. Heaven's Gate drank the Kool Aid. The Billy Meir cult think they know it all and hey, pay us your money and give us your children. It's all the same shit.

      I will believe as soon as I see an alien and frankly, I don't have to look to outer space to find weird, scary shit.
      No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


      • Nitro Express
        • Aug 2004
        • 32798

        I think people have lost interest in space exploration. Mars looks like the Arizona desert. The moon is just one desolate ugly place. I mean who wants to go colonize these shit holes? People will get very interested the day the probe sends footage of hot naked women frolicking in a natural paradise.
        No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


        • DONNIEP
          • Mar 2004
          • 13373

          Originally posted by Nitro Express
          I think people have lost interest in space exploration. Mars looks like the Arizona desert. The moon is just one desolate ugly place. I mean who wants to go colonize these shit holes? People will get very interested the day the probe sends footage of hot naked women frolicking in a natural paradise.
          Will they be wearing too much make up, have big hair, and smell of Orange California Coolers and Marlboro Lites? Because I'm ready to lauch a shuttle right now!
          American by birth. Southern by the grace of God.


          • Seshmeister

            • Oct 2003
            • 35215

            Originally posted by ZahZoo
            NASA's mission is space exploration not searching for extraterrestrial life... What an idiot.

            The US government stopped funding to SETI back in 95.
            It's getting a lot of funding from Paul Allen these days one of the Microsoft founders.

            It's a bit pointless though picking out just a single fact that the creationist museum moron is wrong about.


            • VetteLS5
              • Mar 2012
              • 1130

              Originally posted by Seshmeister
              It's getting a lot of funding from Paul Allen these days one of the Microsoft founders.

              It's a bit pointless though picking out just a single fact that the creationist museum moron is wrong about.
              True. It's a bit of a grown up version of a little child not wanting to give up his binkie. Enough already... maybe we can all agree that Hay-Zeus was a real guy, and a real nice, kind, caring, visionary guy to boot. But dinosaurs walking with men? Are you serious? Anybody else have a dog over 90 lbs.? You'd be up to your ears in dino-shit and worrying about being trampled all the time whilst simultaneously trying to pull the old "quest for fire" maneuver on our own personal Rae Dawn Chong. No way the human race survives or evolves past that.


              • Nitro Express
                DIAMOND STATUS
                • Aug 2004
                • 32798

                Originally posted by DONNIEP
                Will they be wearing too much make up, have big hair, and smell of Orange California Coolers and Marlboro Lites? Because I'm ready to lauch a shuttle right now!
                I never liked the smell of Marlboros but if she smells like Winston Ultra Lights I'm popping to Pluto!
                No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


                • Nitro Express
                  DIAMOND STATUS
                  • Aug 2004
                  • 32798

                  There's a missing chapter of the bible that the Catholic church purposefully left out. It's where Adam gets in a flying saucer and has massive group sex with a bunch of green bitches. He knocks them all up and they shit out babies and those babies fucked each other and then populated other planets.
                  No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


                  • ashstralia
                    ROTH ARMY ELITE
                    • Feb 2004
                    • 6566


                    Anyways... The 'SETI at home' project has been active for as long as sciencey nerds have had computers and an innernet conxion.

                    There's a dude here who runs an all sky survey every night. And it doesn't matter if it's cloudy, cause of X-rays and infra red.

                    These massive gamma ray bursts which contain unimaginable amounts of power and data in a one tenth of a second blast!! That's how a far advanced civilisation would communicate. We're just dumb primates and haven't quite figured it out yet.


                    • Anonymous
                      • May 2004
                      • 12749

                      Originally posted by VetteLS5
                      True. It's a bit of a grown up version of a little child not wanting to give up his binkie. Enough already... maybe we can all agree that Hay-Zeus was a real guy, and a real nice, kind, caring, visionary guy to boot. But dinosaurs walking with men? Are you serious? Anybody else have a dog over 90 lbs.? You'd be up to your ears in dino-shit and worrying about being trampled all the time whilst simultaneously trying to pull the old "quest for fire" maneuver on our own personal Rae Dawn Chong. No way the human race survives or evolves past that.
                      Debunking religious bullshit with logical arguments is about as smart as coming up with reasons why Sandy Claws & Donald Duck can't exist.

                      You may think you're being so smart, but any sensible person would just look at you funny.

                      Sesh debunks god & Jesus with science all the time & just look at him. Is that how you want to end up?



                      • Seshmeister
                        ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                        • Oct 2003
                        • 35215

                        Originally posted by ashstralia
                        These massive gamma ray bursts which contain unimaginable amounts of power and data in a one tenth of a second blast!! That's how a far advanced civilisation would communicate. We're just dumb primates and haven't quite figured it out yet.
                        They would still take many years to reach us though as gamma rays are limited to the speed of light.

                        Plus would they not try and talk down a bit to any emerging civilizations so that we could understand in the same way we would when talking to a small child or Ken Ham?

                        I've always been a bit conflicted with the whole SETI thing anyway. Making contact with a more advanced civilization never worked out well for anyone on Earth like the Native Americans, Aztecs, Aborigines etc...


                        • Anonymous
                          • May 2004
                          • 12749

                          Originally posted by Seshmeister
                          They would still take many years to reach us though as gamma rays are limited to the speed of light.

                          Plus would they not try and talk down a bit to any emerging civilizations so that we could understand in the same way we would when talking to a small child or Ken Ham?

                          I've always been a bit conflicted with the whole SETI thing anyway. Making contact with a more advanced civilization never worked out well for anyone on Earth like the Native Americans, Aztecs, Aborigines etc...
                          They didn't have bacon.

                          They tried writing mathematical formulas in the dirt, but the aliens have different symbols & much more advanced calculations, so they figured it was naked monkeys playing around in the dirt.

                          Bust out a few rashes on the frying pan, let the sight, sound & smell invade the invaders sense & hey, presto! Instant galactic peace.

                          As soon as they taste it, they'll give us anything we want. Even many breasted ladies.



                          • ELVIS
                            • Dec 2003
                            • 44120

                            Originally posted by Seshmeister

                            Plus would they not try and talk down a bit to any emerging civilizations so that we could understand in the same way we would when talking to a small child or Ken Ham?
                            That's exactly what God is trying to do, but you wont listen...


                            • Seshmeister
                              ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                              • Oct 2003
                              • 35215


                              To paraphrase Carl Sagan: in one unremarkable galaxy among hundreds of billions, there is an unremarkable star among hundreds of billions of stars in that one galaxy. Around that star revolves a world with life. Some people who live on that world believe they are the center of the universe.

                              Sagan nicely puts into perspective how absurd it is to believe, given our current knowledge of the cosmos, that we are the center of all things, either physically at the literal center, or metaphorically as in, we are the most important things in the universe. This is a childish view, held by our ancestors because they couldn’t know any better. Science, as Stephen Gould noted, is partly a process of smashing pillars of human narcissism. Neither the earth, nor our sun, nor our galaxy are at the center of the universe. The universe, it turns out, has no center. Neither are humans at the pinnacle of the evolutionary tree – we are just one twig, and every other twig has just as much evolutionary history behind it as we do.

                              Humans are certainly the most encephalized species on the planet, with by far the most advanced culture and technology, so we are special in that sense. Every time, however, scientists believe they have nailed down something that is unique about humans, some researcher finds that chimps (our closest cousins), or even other species, can do it too. We are part of the animal kingdom, part of this physical world, the result of natural processes that seem ubiquitous throughout the universe.

                              This view of the universe and ourselves, a view that has been hard won over centuries of ego-smashing scientific discoveries, is very different from the world view held by herders and farmers living thousands of years ago. Yet, that primitive, prescientific, egocentric, and tiny world view still holds sway over many people living today.

                              Take Ken Ham (please) – he recently wrote a post in which he attacks the modern scientific world view as a “desperate” and “secularist” attempt to prove evolution in order to rebel against God. It is a little window into the mind of extreme fundamentalists.

                              Even in his speculations about the motivations of scientists, he believes that it is all about him and his religious beliefs. He equates scientists and secularists, as if they are defined by rejecting his religious faith. He thinks it is all about rebelling against his God, rather than simply discovering the nature and state of the universe.

                              He also thinks were are still trying to prove evolution, when in fact evolution is already an established scientific fact.

                              Ham writes:

                              You see, according to the secular, evolutionary worldview there must be other habited worlds out there. As the head of NASA, Charles Borden, puts it, “It’s highly improbable in the limitless vastness of the universe that we humans stand alone.” Secularists cannot allow earth to be special or unique—that’s a biblical idea (Isaiah 45:18). If life evolved here, it simply must have evolved elsewhere they believe.

                              Clearly he thinks that scientists are rejecting a biblical idea, rather than accepting what the science tells us – that there is no reason to think that the earth is unique.

                              Reading creationists write on such topics also gives me the impression that they have never tried to wrap their minds around how truly big the universe is. As was said in the movie Contact, if this is all for us, it seems like an awful waste of space. There are hundreds of billions of galaxies each with hundreds of billions of stars, many with planets, including earth-like planets. That is just in the part of the universe we can observe, but there’s much more.

                              We do get a (sort of) prediction from Ham:

                              And I do believe there can’t be other intelligent beings in outer space because of the meaning of the gospel. You see, the Bible makes it clear that Adam’s sin affected the whole universe. This means that any aliens would also be affected by Adam’s sin, but because they are not Adam’s descendants, they can’t have salvation. One day, the whole universe will be judged by fire, and there will be a new heavens and earth. God’s Son stepped into history to be Jesus Christ, the “Godman,” to be our relative, and to be the perfect sacrifice for sin—the Savior of mankind.

                              This does make me wonder what will happen if we do contact intelligent aliens. What will the Ken Hams of the world believe – that they are demons, that they are not truly self-aware, that they are damned to human hell? If we one day have relations with an alien civilization, will we have to deal with fundamentalists and their bizarre beliefs that aliens can’t exist, or that God will one day wipe out their entire civilization for the salvation of earth?

                              When the authors of the bible wrote their fables, they believed the earth was the entire universe, and everything in the sky was close and revolved about the earth. Ham is trying to apply that primitive world view to the universe as we now understand it, with all its vastness. The result is beyond absurd.

                              Ham does not think we should be investing in looking for extraterrestrial life, writing:

                              I’m shocked at the countless hundreds of millions of dollars that have been spent over the years in the desperate and fruitless search for extraterrestrial life.

                              This is a good example of primitive and firmly held beliefs squashing curiosity and exploration.


                              • vandeleur
                                ROTH ARMY SUPREME
                                • Sep 2009
                                • 9865


                                fuck your fucking framing

