Who are some fellow Republicans in here?

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  • knuckleboner
    Crazy Ass Mofo
    • Jan 2004
    • 2927

    Originally posted by John Ashcroft
    show me a national-level moderate Liberal?
    [img] http://mccain.senate.gov/_images/bio_headshot.gif[/img]

    but yeah not quite what i meant on welfare. i think that job training and education are an important part OF social welfare.

    i view "welfare" as any of those programs where

    as for national democrats; i really don't view most of them as much more liberal than lott, hatch, (the late) helms, are conservative.

    it's not that i think the republican party is evil. i don't. i just don't see them championing most liberal social issues. nor do i see them making much inroads into tackling health care and and the middle class economy.

    i fully admit the national democrats are still a group in need of a voice (and sometimes one with the wrong voice.) and i would like to see some changes to it's policy.

    but i'd feel no less comfortable with the current republican party, either.

    who knows? maybe barrack's the answer...

    maybe not. we'll have to see.


    • John Ashcroft
      • Jan 2004
      • 2127

      I'll give you that. He certainly doesn't talk like a democrat (or any current Republican). I'm absolutely stoked by any mention of personal responsibility from politicians. Not because I believe politicians will magically deliver us from irresponsibility, but because there are so many of them willing to sell the country out in the name of destroying any sense of personal responsibility. And all for their own interests (I.E. reelection), and certainly not in the long term interests of our great country. It gets a bit depressing to tell you the truth. These assholes are literally selling our wonderful country into bankrupcy just to get reelected. They have no vision. They have no greater cause. They have no interest in the betterment of mankind. Only the betterment of themselves for the insignificant period of time they will reside on this planet.

      I believe our country is special. I believe in the human spirit. I believe that freedom unleased reaps rewards unrealized by history. I believe when push comes to shove, most of my fellow man will rise to a cause greater than themselves, and make the world a better, more producitve place. I believe that those who exist simply to milk the benefits of such people should be an abomination to us all. I believe that so called "darwinism" should run it's course with such people.

      I know, I know... That last line is going to send a bunch of you libs over the edge. But hell, you're the secularists, no??? You're the proponents of evolution, and staunch opponents of creationism, no??? You can't have your cake and eat it too, right?

      Seriously, I believe that for those who are truly disadvantaged in this life, society can provide education for a better life. I am so strongly against giving them no more than a paycheck, ensuring that all they need to do is register to vote under a certain party once every couple of years. I realize that there are people who are desparate and desolate. I really believe that the riches nation on the planet can help pretty much ever single one of these people. But I just don't agree with how we've gone about it so far. I don't believe in building a dependent class. I believe in education vs. dependency.

      And finally, I certainly believe that if you can't make it in the U.S., you simply can't make it. The problem is you, not the "system".


      • TwoFoolsAMinute
        • Apr 2004
        • 925

        Originally posted by Wayne L.
        I'm not a card carrying Republican or Democrat but I am an Independent who is for low taxes or no taxes, I'm anti-war but I'm for a strong defense, I'm pro life which makes more sense instead of pro choice, I think pot should be legalized even though I don't smoke it.
        You're a Libertarian, except maybe for the pro-life part.

        Libertarian = no laws that prevent us from doing things that don't hurt other people--victimless crimes.

        other than that...pro choice...on every issue.

        No taxes. We can take care of ourselves. get the fed out of my ass.


        • Cathedral
          • Jan 2004
          • 6621

          I'm a registered Republican, no secret there.


          • MAX
            Rotharmy Gladiator

            DIAMOND STATUS
            • Jan 2004
            • 13001

            Originally posted by Cathedral
            I'm a registered Republican, no secret there.
            Why do you think I agreed to be blood brothers with you, eh?

            EAT US AND SMILE!!!!


            • ELVIS
              • Dec 2003
              • 44120

              Originally posted by John Ashcroft
              I believe our country is special. I believe in the human spirit. I believe that freedom unleased reaps rewards unrealized by history. I believe when push comes to shove, most of my fellow man will rise to a cause greater than themselves, and make the world a better, more producitve place.
              The key is in motivating and encouraging individuals to better themselves, to move up the ladder of productive society...

              If people lived as if their society depended on their personal contributions, there would be no need for welfare and government programs...

              BTW, I've always been independant, but hanging out here with all of you, I've come to the realization that I am a Conservative Republican...


              • Cathedral
                ROTH ARMY ELITE
                • Jan 2004
                • 6621

                Originally posted by MAX
                Why do you think I agreed to be blood brothers with you, eh?

                Good Point, I used to spend lots of time in this forum. I just got tired of repeating myself every couple of weeks in similar threads.

                Now i just browse and shake my head at the Liberal stupidity trying to lead us into socialism.

                It won't stand in this country and 8 years of nothing from Clinton proved nothing to them but how to be weak.
                I'm sorry, but Iraq was the key place to take this battle to the Terrorists back yard and keep them out of ours.

                Saddam is gone, Iraqi's are free, and Bin Laden is running scared digging holes in the ground.
                We keep getting them and they have to start planning all over again how to hit us next.
                Open your windows and listen....You'll hear the sound of security, that which soldiers enlisted to provide for all of us while we all have the freedom to sit here on a website and debate it.

                I support this war because our friends and children are the one's fighting it, and if they believe in the cause we should either pick up a weapon and join them or shut the fuck up about it right now.


                • ELVIS
                  • Dec 2003
                  • 44120

                  I can imagine it's pretty discouraging for a soldier in Iraq to read all of this anti-war, anti-American, Liberal spew...


                  • Cathedral
                    ROTH ARMY ELITE
                    • Jan 2004
                    • 6621

                    i've spoken with a few, and they are pretty pissed not discouraged.
                    I was humbled by their stories and have far more understanding of what is really going on than any news program or paper has ever reported.

                    It's pretty sad what we learn from our information sources these days.
                    Yet i get identical stories from soldiers who have never met and served in different parts of Iraq.

                    I don't even watch or read news anymore, it's all lies from all so called sources.
                    Even the Conservative sides are off the mark.


                    • MAX
                      Rotharmy Gladiator

                      DIAMOND STATUS
                      • Jan 2004
                      • 13001

                      Man, oh man......

                      It's so refreshing to both hear and read such stellar posts from people whom I've respected for years. You guys are great and you KNOW that I mean it!!!! I just don't have the energy to type or argue with people. I've noticed ONE THING during this election that I will agree with Kerry. Yes, we are a fucking divided nation! However, I have yet to hear as to why Kerry should be our country's Commander in Chief? When I argue with people regarding the upcoming election it NEVER has to do with Kerry or how he will make a better President. It's always me being on the defensive to people attacking and just plain hating Bush. I rarely see Kerry/Edwards stickers? I just see Buck Fush, Reclaim America! Defeat Bush! Etc.

                      Anyway, it's nice to have compadres who feel the same!!!
                      EAT US AND SMILE!!!!


                      • Cathedral
                        ROTH ARMY ELITE
                        • Jan 2004
                        • 6621

                        Right back at ya, Max...

                        I am sick of hearing about 30 years ago, or the pissing contests about who's service record was better or who was bravest in their youth.

                        I want to hear about the issues from both sides. I want Bush to explain to me why he thinks i should vote for him again.
                        I want to hear about Kerry's voting record over 18 years in washington and why i should trust that as President he will act any differently.

                        These subjects are NOT being addressed and quite frankly, both of them are pissing me off with this crap.
                        Stop bullying each other and talk to the people, earn the votes they seek and shut the hell up about Nam and the National Guard already.

                        Bring on the debates, i am anxiously awaiting them going head to head on issues...all this other shit means jack to me.


                        • ELVIS
                          • Dec 2003
                          • 44120

                          Well, the GOP convention is next week, so we will get to see a glimpse of where President Bush intends to take us...

                          Originally posted by Cathedral
                          Right back at ya, Max...

                          Mega dittos !!


                          • Cathedral
                            ROTH ARMY ELITE
                            • Jan 2004
                            • 6621

                            LOL, I was approached by Nader supporters at the Hobby Lobby parking lot last week.
                            They asked me if i'd sign a petition to get Nader on the Ballot in Ohio, and i did.

                            Funny how today i hear that it was all the actions of Bush to take support from Kerry as his campaign officials were belly aching, lmmfao.

                            That thought never crossed my mind.
                            I signed it in an attempt to get the Green Party to finally get enough votes so we can have more than two choices legitimatly in presidential Elections.
                            Bush never called me up and asked me to do it, it was a great idea to add another debater in these things.

                            I'm all for more competition for the highest office in the land.


                            • MAX
                              Rotharmy Gladiator

                              DIAMOND STATUS
                              • Jan 2004
                              • 13001

                              Nice post Cat!!!

                              You know what sucks the most? Kerry is the one who keeps bringing up Nam. Bush has repeatedly said that his (Kerry's) service to the country should be both honored and respected. Just like you've stated..... MOVE THE FUCK ON!!!!!

                              I'm sooooo stoked for the debates. Everyone likes to claim how fucking "illiterate and stupid" Bush is. Well, I don't give a rat's ass how wealthy one is cos one doesn't get a MBA from Harvard being stupid.

                              Believe me, I follow this election closely and Bush is the only candidate who is CLEAR on the issues asked and addressed to this point. I do not feel comfortable voting for a pussy-whipped guy who has to rub a bottle of ketchup to make a decision that effects all of us. All kidding aside, I really think it's a poor business decision to change management during wartime. If that makes any sense? Especially with a "man" who is completely incapable of making a concrete decision, let alone sticking with it!!!
                              EAT US AND SMILE!!!!


                              • Cathedral
                                ROTH ARMY ELITE
                                • Jan 2004
                                • 6621

                                You got that right, broham...
                                Kerry has more waffles than the House of Pancakes and I DO NOT TRUST HIM AT ALL...

                                He also loses his cool under pressure, which is not the kind of guy i want living in the White House.

