An email for everyone to read.. from you guessed it.. a Pro Hagar Fan

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  • Coyote
    • Jan 2004
    • 8185

    Re: An email for everyone to read.. from you guessed it.. a Pro Hagar Fan

    Originally posted by Sarge
    Sammy can STILL sing his ass off, Sammy is consistently "cool", there are no pretenses with Sammy, none of the "circus is in town" routine that Roth did, that had become SOOOOOOOOOOOO tired, just like a bad lounge act
    Okay, riddle me this, smart guy...

    1. Sammy can sing? (If you're gonna name a song where Sam's "range" is presented deliciously, spare me. His voice just happens to activate my diarrea reflex.)

    2. What's your definition of "cool"? Capri shorts 'n' sandals? Dressing up in what appears to be a pair of womens pajamas? Having the appearance of a fucking troll? I don't know 'bout you, but I'd rather see a late 80's hair metal group on stage than that tastless fuck.

    3. If Dave's the circus, what represents Sam? A political debate? Well suck me sideways for saying this, but I'd rather go see the acrobatic quintuplets than two candidates bullshitting an audience consisting of elderly people and you.

    4. Here's a theory: Doesn't Sam's pre-"reunion" tenure at Cabo make him a lounge act? (A pretty bad one too, judging from what I've heard.)
    Why settle for something you have, if it's not as good as something you're out to get?

    Originally posted by Seshmeister
    It's like putting up a YouTube of Bach and playing Chopstix on your Bontempi...


    • madraoul
      Foot Soldier
      • Feb 2004
      • 530

      Originally posted by Coyote

      1. Sammy can sing? (If you're gonna name a song where Sam's "range" is presented deliciously, spare me. His voice just happens to activate my diarrea reflex.)
      Outstanding!! The "brown sound" is born.


      • Coyote
        • Jan 2004
        • 8185

        Originally posted by madraoul
        Outstanding!! The "brown sound" is born.
        Oh c'mon... LMAO...
        Why settle for something you have, if it's not as good as something you're out to get?

        Originally posted by Seshmeister
        It's like putting up a YouTube of Bach and playing Chopstix on your Bontempi...


        • smaz
          • Mar 2004
          • 1441

          Originally posted by Sarge
          "Hey wake up..... the dream is over!" - Sammy Hagar
          Sam: "Hey wake up.... the dream is over!"
          Ed: "No it's not, I was dreaming we were in a once legendary but now shit band and that we hired some ugly bastard for a singer!"
          Moving webhosts & will be making changes to the picture hosting - watch this space..


          • Golden AWe
            DIAMOND STATUS
            • Jan 2004
            • 34245

            LOL So that's why I keep producing so much bad gas...
            Originally posted by Cato
            Golden, why are you FAT?
            Originally posted by lesfunk
            Much like yourself as the Jim Morrison of Nazi bunker flies


            • jacksmar
              Full Member Status

              • Feb 2004
              • 3533

              The platinum VOA topped out at #32. This guy has “The artist formerly known as and once again known as Prince” confused with Sammy Hagar. I don’t really care if I’m wrong but wasn’t that the year that Bruce Springsteen had decnt charting record along with that other group featuring that other guy? Oh yeah. It was Van Halen 1984 w/DLR.

              VOA featuring the hit song “2 sides of love”. Now for the Rothism: Old Van Halen, when I was in it-classic Van Halen-makes you wanna drink, dance and screw, right? And the new Van Halen encourages you to drink milk, drive a Nissan and have a relationship.

              The part that mofo disagress with is the part he knows is true. Van Halen it ain't, without Roth. Stupid mofo totally applies and sounds fitting somehow.

              A NATION OF COWARDS - Jeffrey R. Snyder


              • famac
                • Mar 2004
                • 117

                Eddie's car mechanic picked Sammy, not the fans. Most Van Halen fans I knew where in shock when Ed appeared at Farm Aid with Cheese in 1985 (or was it 86?).

                But they didn't know how bad it was going to get until it was "5150 time."


                • gslinger
                  Foot Soldier
                  • May 2004
                  • 729

                  Originally posted by madraoul
                  As far as this fan vote thing for Hagar goes, I was a strapping young 20 at the time of the break-up and I don't remember any such thing. VOA wasn't considered to be the next Sgt. Pepper's by any means. If anything, Hagar was always very big with the Journey, Loverboy, and Squier set. Definitely not ready for the upper tier which VH occupied at the time.

                  Stop trying to change our minds by your clever little history re-write. Dave will always be Van Halen. That's not just our opinion, apparently the majority of the civilized world is on board with us.
                  Yea, I've been following and seeing VH, Roth, and yes even Hagar shows, since 1977. I like all the ignorant f--ks, that probably weren't even born, until after the Van Roth era, now being "self chosen educators" of Rock Music and VH History

                  On other matters, hey madraoul:

                  Awesome on the Sam Kinson avatar! Sam (RIP) and Diamond Dave are the two funniest stage performers I have ever heard in my life.

                  IMO, To this day, I have never seen a comic beat Sam's '87 L.A. gig that is on that "Breaking the Rules" video. God that was an awesome show!! Luckily, I got to see Sam six months before he died. His people were recording that show for a new CD, that I got a copy of the uncut tape. Totally sucked that prick that killed Sam never went to prison. It took Bill Kinison a long time to get over that.

                  Hell, if Diamond Dave did a stand-up gig, with his wit and creative genius mind, he'd blow most current comedians off the stage.

                  Keep up the great posts!!!!!!!!!!
                  <center>Accept Only Van <strike>Halen</strike> Roth Classic!
                  "Everyday becomes a better Diamond Dave day"</center><center>
                  </center><marquee><b><font color=Blue><size=+4>The 2004 Spammy “Eat It & Puke” Van ReHash Tour * Coming to a "This Suit is You" Store In Your Tiny Little Neighborhood. Brought to you by the Hemlock Society, Underground Bulemics United, PUTR - People for the Unethical Treatment of Rockfans, & a Special Message from Eddie & Alex Van Halen - Fuck you guyssss!!!!! </size></font></b></marquee></font>
                  "Those cats had me so beat down & confused, made the cancer seem like a tiny zit on my ass..I don't have a clue what's going on"-EVH</center>
                  <center>Click>"Hot Chicks for Dave" & "Dave’s Cavalcade of Bimbos"</center>


                  • Satan
                    ROTH ARMY ELITE
                    • Jan 2004
                    • 6664

                    This was written by the same sheep who wrote the exact same review for every single one of the Dave/Sammy shows in '02. The fool could get a job writing copy for FAUX News (if he doesn't have one already), as he's unusually gifted at believing his own lies.
                    Eternally Under the Authority of Satan

                    Originally posted by Sockfucker
                    I've been in several mental institutions but not in Bakersfield.


                    • DavidLeeNatra
                      TOASTMASTER GENERAL
                      • Jan 2004
                      • 10715

                      what a laugh !!! thanx for posting, sarge...
                      Roth Army Icon
                      First official owner of ADKOT (Deluxe Version)


                      • Panamark
                        DIAMOND STATUS
                        • Jan 2004
                        • 17161

                        We have the facts behinds us. The numbers.
                        These desperados have to make it up as they go along, then dont realize what dicks they look like when we call them out. How stupid can you get ? Fabricating facts about something Van Halen related, throwing it at the most Van Halen knowledgeable gang on the net, and expecting us to believe your fantasy facts ??

                        Are we sure this wasnt written as a joke ? Cos it made me laugh.
                        Sammy was chosen by popular opinion, hahahahhaha
                        Mikey would never work with Dave, hahahhahaha Mikey would run circles bare assed naked on stage if they asked him..

                        That was too funny...
                        BABY PANA 2 IS Coming !! All across the land, let the love and beer flow !
                        Love ya Mary Frances!


                        • DavidLeeNatra
                          TOASTMASTER GENERAL
                          • Jan 2004
                          • 10715

                          Originally posted by Panamark
                          Are we sure this wasnt written as a joke ? Cos it made me laugh.
                          Sammy was chosen by popular opinion, hahahahhaha
                          Mikey would never work with Dave, hahahhahaha Mikey would run circles bare assed naked on stage if they asked him..

                          That was too funny...
                          that's it...hope this fucker joins the army...we'd kick his little ass around here...
                          Roth Army Icon
                          First official owner of ADKOT (Deluxe Version)


                          • VH LINKS SUCKS
                            Foot Soldier
                            • Jan 2004
                            • 639

                            Re: An email for everyone to read.. from you guessed it.. a Pro Hagar Fan

                            Originally posted by Sarge
                            Some Mo'Fo sent me thing in the mail..


                            Your message here... This message is for all of you "true" VH fans. I happened to run across your "little site", and just HAD to respond.

                            First of all, all of this bitching and moaning on your website is quite comical, and a bit sad.... For those of you, who need a reality check, THE REASON that DLR is not , and will not be in VH anymore, is because he is an arrogant, selfish, pretentious ***hole! He has the delusion that it is "ALL ABOUT ME", and that VH is his back-up band. THAT is the main reason that DLR is NOT there. VH has always been a band, but when Roth got a big ego, circa "crazy from the heat", They told him, LATER---.
                            Then, they brought in Sammy, who, at the time was at the TOP of the rock world, having just released VOA. Most of your members probably aren't old enough to know, but VH put the decision, of Roth's replacement, in the hands of the radio airwaves.------ The result was the constant rumble, then thunderous demand for SAMMY HAGAR. THAT IS HOW SAMMY GOT THE JOB; by the fan support. We made the decision.
                            But, I digress. Back to Roth. David Lee Roth will never front VH again because he simply CAN'T, and that's the sad, sad truth. As hard as it is for you "Roth fans" to hear, he simply CAN NOT SING like he once did, he is NOT the frontman that so eloquently graced the stage in 1984. DLR has ceased to be the "BAD ASS". I love the old VH releases, but that DLR is dead and buried, never too be heard from again. I saw the Eat 'em and Smile tour, way back when, and it was KICK-ASS, but that DLR is gone also, and it's time that you realize those facts.
                            If you need any further proof, ask ANYONE who went to a show during the HAGAR/ROTH tour. Sammy kicked Dave's ass every night, on vocals and on showmanship. Anyone will tell you that Sammy kicked ass, and David stood up there and bitched about Sammy and VH. After that tour, Sammy was quoted as saying, "now I know why they can't stand the guy!"

                            Regardless of how much you bitch and whine, VH with Sammy put out some great material, and will continue too. Sammy is still VIABLE, look it up!, Sammy can STILL sing his ass off, Sammy is consistently "cool", there are no pretenses with Sammy, none of the "circus is in town" routine that Roth did, that had become SOOOOOOOOOOOO tired, just like a bad lounge act.
                            The OTHER reason, that Roth will NEVER be back, is because he pissed them off, to no end.
                            Eddie, Alex and Mike have repeatedly talked about Roth's circus-clown routine as a SERIOUS problem. Plus; as I heard it, Mike told the VH brothers that he would NEVER work with Roth again, EVER.
                            So, in closing, sit back and bitch, dream of the "glory days"; as Springsteen would say, and forget that it's 2004!!!!!!!! Listen to all of the Roth-era releases, and KNOW that you are stuck in a time that was very good; but that, is over!!! Unfortunately, the DLR, "circa 1984" IS NOT the DLR "circa 2004", as sad as it may be. There is nothing wrong with loving old VH, but when it becomes an obsession and denies you the capability of growing and experiencing new things, you stagnate. So, go see VH, and live a little....
                            I'll leave you with a very fitting quote....

                            "Hey wake up..... the dream is over!" - Sammy Hagar

                            HAGAR AND VAN HALEN LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!

                            We will party with VH and We are the true fans, because We did not desert them. For the "fair weather VH fans", think about it long and hard, are you TRUE fans, or just people who can't except change, and plan to bitch and whine until you become as "old and tired" as DLR. Oh, I forgot, He's your leader.......

                            Kinda makes you think, doesn't it.

                            VAN HALEN 2004

                            A love letter written by Brett Norton! YAAAAAAAAAAAAWN!


                            • thebuldawg
                              • Jan 2004
                              • 111

                              Originally posted by Sgt Schultz
                              Ask anyone who saw the Sam and Dave tour? OK ask me, I was there and you could not be more wrong. And Dave said nothing about Hagar or Van Halen when onstage as I recall. Sam on the other hand, after the tour, talked trash non stop and destroyed any chance of "Dave fans" giving him a chance. Sam blew it, big time. He's an idiot and every time he talks he shows that fact more clearly.
                              I second that. That's exactly what happened when I went. Hmm, maybe our secret admirer should have done his homework better.
                              "Whatever happens... happens."
                              -Spike Spiegel-


                              • Terry
                                TOASTMASTER GENERAL
                                • Jan 2004
                                • 11967

                                Sammy was at the top of the rock world when he joined Van Halen in 1985?

                                News to me.

                                Van Halen kicked Dave out in 1985?


                                You know for a fact if Roth were doing the VH tour this summer, Vh Links would be going just as apeshit as many on this site are.

                                Only difference is that Roth fans can't be bothered to go onto Red Troll Lover and Eddie Grunt-based websites and start up a bunch of nonsense on the boards.

                                I put that down to being secure in our belief that Roth was, is, could still be and and always will be the man as far as Van Halen frontmen goes.

                                Van Halen with Hagar aren't able to put out anything other than power ballads and lumbering rock tunes that feebly try to conjure up the spirit and energy Van Halen had when Roth was at the helm. Van Hagar just isn't a very distinctive or special band. Really no better or worse than Warrant and Winger, but with Hagar on board and Eddie out to lunch, Sam Halen falls right into that category.

                                And I don't buy this bullshit of Van Hagar fans saying they appreciated classic Van Halen for what it was but liking Van Hagar too. What that tells me is there's a bunch of Eddie Sheep who decided to settle for second best after Dave left, and lap up any old rehashed swill Eddie fobs out there.

                                And none of the above means "Dave was Van Halen"
                                Scramby eggs and bacon.

