I say the doc so far is very well done.
But I'm thinking this seems like another slagfest on Dave while not looking at the faults of Eddie or Alex. Sure Dave was drunk during the US performance. So what. He sill delivered under those circumstances. And the focusing on the "I forgot the fucking words" bit. We all know that was a staged thing Dave was doing during the Diver Down tour.
For years Dave was painted as the main villain in the 1985 breakup when we all know it was all of them (Dave, Ed and Al) and their actions that led to the fall.
But I'm thinking this seems like another slagfest on Dave while not looking at the faults of Eddie or Alex. Sure Dave was drunk during the US performance. So what. He sill delivered under those circumstances. And the focusing on the "I forgot the fucking words" bit. We all know that was a staged thing Dave was doing during the Diver Down tour.
For years Dave was painted as the main villain in the 1985 breakup when we all know it was all of them (Dave, Ed and Al) and their actions that led to the fall.