The Magnificat Advent Companion

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  • Unchainme
    • Apr 2005
    • 7746

    Originally posted by Unchainme
    This ones for you AXL S.

    Just to make it clear I Dedicated to you cause you like Megadeth, not cause of the song title.
    Still waiting for a relevant Browns Team


    • Axl S
      • Jun 2005
      • 145

      Originally posted by Unchainme

      This ones for you AXL S.
      \m/ (-.-) \m/

      5 starts for you unchainme
      Help my mate out, check his site


      • flappo
        • Jan 2004
        • 8223

        Originally posted by Katydid
        Dear God, Most Righteous Heavenly Father, your Son Jesus Christ, Mother Mary, St. Joseph and all the Heavenly angels, Saints and archangels,

        Please come to this thread and help me wage war against the powers of darkness, (Satan, lucifer, the devil). Please bring down your most holy wrath on the principalities of Satan and send him back to HELL where he belongs...Please smite his followers down and let them see the power of your holy might and power and glory.

        God, let a few Christians to step forward and pray also.

        God, please put your light of protection around Christians every where. Please lead, guide, guard, direct and protect us from the powers of darkness and sin.

        Please forgive our sins, our faults, and our failures. Please forgive the things we have done, and the things we have failed to do. Never let us pretend we don't need you, as the things of this world run thru our brains.

        Thank you for your unconditional love. For GOD our Father and all the angels, saints and arch angels...Let the hetherns see that their God is darkness and the very utmost evil from Hell...

        But God, let them also see and know that all the powers of HELL could not keep our Savior down. As well as our Mother Mary triumped over all the powers of sin and Hell and darkness to trample on the snake...

        Let them all know that Jesus Christ our God is the great I AM not the great I WAS.

        God I know Jesus prayed, even as they were nailing him to the cross, "Father forgive them for they know not what they do." Let us be able to also pray that prayer. But God when they do know what they do, and do it anyway, they need to be set straight...and you are the perfect person to do that.

        Father, the Devil can never conquer, because you are the most powerful, for your angel Michael kicked Lucifer out of Heaven, he and his principalities. They fell as lightening into Hell to be bound for a thousand years.

        God, help Christians every where to pray and let him stay bound forevermore.


        jesus fucking christ , you REALLY are a nut


        • Unchainme
          • Apr 2005
          • 7746

          Heres Katydid caughtm on camera
          Still waiting for a relevant Browns Team


          • fuckhowardstern
            • Nov 2005
            • 1210

            can't someone ban her ip from the forum - this thread alone justifies it. I have read that Sarge doesn't like to ban users but this is rediculous!


            • VR_Killer Girl
              Roth Army Recruit
              • Sep 2005
              • 5

              Originally posted by Unchainme

              Last edited by VR_Killer Girl; 11-29-2005, 01:26 AM.


              • WARF
                DIAMOND STATUS
                • Jan 2004
                • 15347


                • PHOENIX
                  • Jan 2004
                  • 2212

                  The Lord said beware of false prophets. And he knoweth that Katydid speaketh gibberishly.


                  • Hardrock69
                    DIAMOND STATUS
                    • Feb 2005
                    • 21888

                    To sayeth the least!


                    • Katydid
                      I am a Giant CUNT
                      • Apr 2004
                      • 2407

                      CHAPTER 35

                      Becoming a Companion of Jesus


                      MY CHILD, turn to Me as often throughout the day as your duties will permit. Learn to turn to Me as others turn to their loved ones and friends. I will give your mind great thoughts which will raise you above your narrow earthly view. My thoughts will refresh you, console you, make you wise, strengthen you, and give you joy.

                      2. Prepare your soul for My loving companionship, and I shall draw closer to you with greater graces. I shall raise you up from your natural human level to My heavenly heights. There you will have a broader view of life, a deeper understanding, and a greater strength for life's daily activities and burdens.

                      3. Strive to meditate upon My earthly life. Learn to enter into all that I experienced on earth. Every thought, every word, every act of Mine was lived for love of you. You have a place in My earthly life, and My life belongs to you. Therefore, learn to share it now through meditation and reflections.

                      4. Learn to pierce the barriers of time and space by the use of prayer. The more you strive to step into My earthly life and become a companion of Mine in it, the more actively will I share your earthly life by granting you greater graces.

                      What a wonderful privilege--to be able to step into the earthly life of Jesus and become a closer companion of His! I can share His every thought, word, and action. Ah! But isn't that just a bit of imagination on my part? No. He lived every second of His earthly life for me. Being God, he thought of me personally from all eternity. Surely He did not stop thinking of me while He was working out my salvation. Because of His infinite love for me, His earthly life belongs to me. For my sake He lived each moment of it. I have every right to step into it and share it with Him through mental prayer. I can do this by contemplating what He did, meditating on what He said, and considering what he thought and felt in each event.


                      My loving Saviour, my heart is overflowing with joy for having discovered a precious secret today! I can step over the barriers of time and space. I can come to You in your earthly life as You come to me in mine. Today I have found You in a new way. I will not let You go, but I will hold on to You. I desire to do whatever is necessary to become a true companion of Yours. As earthly friendship requires time, attention, and sympathetic understanding, so too will I give you my time, my attention. I will make my best efforts to understand You better by daily meditating upon what You said and did in Your earthly life. I shall read a portion of Your life and mentally live it with You for a while each day. You will grant me the grace to gain the same benefits from this experience as I might have gained had I followed You as one of Your disciples. Lord, grant me the faith and the love which I need to give myself to You in this wonderful method of prayer. Amen.


                      • Jimmy Jingles
                        • Mar 2004
                        • 1611

                        Chapter 36:

                        Katydid smells of Sasquatch poon.
                        23. That's the number of people Mr. T has pitied in the time it has taken you to read this sentence.


                        • ALinChainz
                          DIAMOND STATUS
                          • Jan 2004
                          • 12100

                          Back for more ... huh Granny ?

                          You that lonely ?

                          You need some company ... at your sites?

                          Please die ... soon ...

                          Hey ... I wonder what your family is doing for Christmas?

                          Bet I know ...


                          • Katydid
                            I am a Giant CUNT
                            • Apr 2004
                            • 2407

                            Friday December 2
                            First Friday of Advent
                            In today's gospel, two blind men approached Jesus and asked to be cured of their blindless. That may sound like no big deal, but remember they could not see Jesus.

                            They heard the people calling his name and they must have asked others to bring them to him. As they approached Jesus, they did not ask him to heal their blindness but to have pity on them. The word pity is often avoided becuse of its negative connotation. To pity others is seen as judging them!

                            In Webster's Dictionalry, the wrod pity is defined as "feeling of sorrow and compassion caused by the sufferings of others."

                            When Mother Teresa walked the streets of Calcutta, she took pity on the poor but she didn't stop there. She went right up to them and helped them! She washed their wounds, fed their stomachs, and bathed their bodies. If pity is just a feeling, it's negative because it doesn't do anyone any good! But if in our pity for other we are motivated to reach out and help them, then pity becomes a positive, and through it others are helped!

                            Let us keep in mind that Jesus has a special place in his heart for the poor, and for all those who minister to them. "Blessed are the poor for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven."

                            Reflection based on Matthew 9:27-31 Molly Kelly

                            Loving Father, let my compassion towards others manifest my confidence in your love for me.


                            • ALinChainz
                              DIAMOND STATUS
                              • Jan 2004
                              • 12100

                              Originally posted by Jimmy Jingles
                              Chapter 36:

                              Katydid smells of Sasquatch poon.
                              And not the average sasquatch either ... the ols skanky whore sasquatch that stands by the big trees and puts off that slutty, rotten odor of being had by all the neighborhood bigfoots.


                              • Katydid
                                I am a Giant CUNT
                                • Apr 2004
                                • 2407

                                Saturday, December 2
                                Saint Francis Xavier, priest
                                At All Cost
                                "Without cost you have received; without cost you are to give." These words of JEsus are a departing reminder to the 12 apostles being sent out on their first excursions as preachers of the kingdom.

                                The words deepen in significance after Jesus has left this life, when the apostles are pouring out their lives in missionary efforts.

                                They will have to remember often what happened: it was our Lord who took the first step inviting them to encounter God in the flesh, and there was only one need at that time, not to run away.

                                Always, even now, our Lord in approaching a soul in spritual need asks nothing more than an open door to his knocking.

                                He gives himself without exacting an initial cost. There is, however, a cost later, but oe that must be offered with generous love.

                                Mother Teresa often urged her sisters: "Give without counting the cost."

                                Faithfulness to Jesus can be very demanding; and zeal for souls can bring frustrations, even revilement.

                                But we have received much, and we ought to have great longing for Jesus Christ to be known and loved. We can never return but a fragment of the love we have received from him. Let us be faithful at all costs to bringing knowledge of him to others. Let us pray this Advent for souls in need.

                                Reflection based on Matt. 9:35-10: 1,5a, 6-8
                                Father Donald Haggerty

                                Loving Father, increase my longing to know your SOn and to reveal him to others.

