How the Site is Run

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  • Seshmeister

    • Oct 2003
    • 35573

    Originally posted by ZahZoo
    The social media sites played a significant role in drawing interest and activity away from these bulletin boards which were in many ways the backbone of the social part of the internet... prior to smart phones.
    It also lowered the amount of shit people were willing to put up with from abusive posters. That and anonymity became more difficult because of FB groups and the spilling over of friendships. People who worked in sensitive jobs couldn't be seen as being in the same space as some of our problem posters and also didn't want to risk some of the crazies attacking them via employers. I regret that we didn't ban the handful of people causing all the trouble earlier but in the long term there was an inevitability to it all. None of this is new and for the last of the trolls to try and pretend banning a few out of control idiots caused a decline is ludicrous and pathetic.

    The thing is the nature of the forum means that most of it is still on here and especially nowadays anyone would be shocked at some of the shit that was posted.


    • Kristy
      • Aug 2004
      • 16616

      Originally posted by Seshmeister
      I think that's more like when the boy in class who likes you keeps pulling your pony tail...
      No, that's not it. Vonny has his buttons. Call his homoerotic fascination with Roth a "Montrose Cover Band" or use the word "Marxist" anywhere near his dipshit extreme right wing views and he goes ballistic


      • Nitro Express
        • Aug 2004
        • 32928

        Originally posted by ZahZoo
        The social media sites played a significant role in drawing interest and activity away from these bulletin boards which were in many ways the backbone of the social part of the internet... prior to smart phones.

        This site was one of the few where there was no heavy-handed banning even though many deserved it long before they received it, if ever. For Elvis to complain/criticize is just plain hypocritical. He knows damn well why he was banned here and at several other related sites. It wasn't due to who was running the sites... it was a pure desire to be booted because he couldn't control his asshole actions... plain and simple.
        Social media bottlenecked the internet and we went from a huge assortment of website boards regulated by the site owners (this worked very well) and we had free speech and lots of fun down to a handful of big tech companies who killed free speech and made everything lame as fuck. The internet is still there but people for whatever reasons flocked to social media. Probably because everyone else is there and the tech companies make a fortune selling the information they collect on everyone.
        No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


        • Nitro Express
          • Aug 2004
          • 32928

          Probably what lowered the interest here was You Tube. People used to hit websites like this one looking for bootlegs and videos they hadn’t heard or seen before. Then you stumble into the forums and start posting. Of course you will build up a community of long term loyals and that’s what is still here. If there is some news about Roth or VH more people pop in.
          No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


          • Kristy
            DIAMOND STATUS
            • Aug 2004
            • 16616

            Originally posted by Seshmeister
            People who worked in sensitive jobs couldn't be seen as being in the same space as some of our problem posters and also didn't want to risk some of the crazies attacking them via employers. I regret that we didn't ban the handful of people causing all the trouble earlier but in the long term there was an inevitability to it all. None of this is new and for the last of the trolls to try and pretend banning a few out of control idiots caused a decline is ludicrous and pathetic.
            I find that to be hypocritical. This site for quite some time pushed and supported outright porn. You alone seemed to support it. I don't do the Facecrook crawl. Never have. Never will. I have my own problems with that site and its ever increasing invasions into the private sector of people's lives. Am I abusive? Quite so. I'll admit it. I've been a total asshole on here at times either purposefully or joke s that backfired or I was on some heavy, heavy drugs but I never attacked anyone here except for maybe that porn posting asshole who had a lot of fucked up personal problems of his own. So while on that subject, what made you think that a site that devotes itself to the fandom of Van Halen would also be a site that would promote and consume pornography? Is it just a "guy thing?" Personally I have never dated or been serious with a porn user, as I figure any man who is so coarse and misogynistic and stupid as not to see the evil, ugliness and exploitation of pornography is not someone I want in my reality. I also have concluded, from discussions with many women, that porn men are shitty lovers, in part because they are acting out porn scripts, and because they are off in their heads in a porn fantasy instead of being fully present in their bodies with their partners and are not experiencing the reality of taste and smell and love and touch and the totality of intimacy.

            That set me right the fuck off off around here because you slave SESH actively participated and defended that shithead and banned me for my views. Oh, yes you did. Just as I choose not to put junk food in my body, I choose not to feed my mind with the toxic garbage of pornography. That alone is on you. I’ve never found it remotely interesting, never had any desire for it. Never. What I do see, loud and clear, from the perspective of a sexual violence survivor, is the abuse of women and children writ large and turned into entertainment which is far from “harmless”. And I took a lot of abuse from certain men on here that when I criticized this site for its unnecessary porn content, they took it personal themselves so I attacked back, If anything, the reach and accessibility of internet pornography has normalized sexual terrorism against women and girls and yes, you are/were a part of that. And yes, I choose that word deliberately. So many women are terrorized on the streets, in popular culture and online each day due to porn culture. So you see, its not just the abusive posters, but they abusive mods who don't see this as a problem.

            I'm glad this site was blocked on the public libraries and those shitty coffee shop chains I have posted from due to its porn content. I have opted out of porn on my internet account but it’s surprising what gets through. I just don’t want this shit in my home or anywhere else, certainly not in any public space. I found allowing porn access on this site that was meant to be a fandom site was abhorrent. So I lashed out. I apologize if I hurt some people on here who having opposing views but god damn it I consider this place my vent for my deep, deep hatred of Jimmy Page not another stupid site that reinforces the belief that women are inherently empty objects just floating around aimlessly until a man wants to use her. Here's a clue slave SESH: Women are not empty, we are whole and complete just as we are and that too is why a "decline" in your site exist. Not just fucktards like myself.
            Last edited by Kristy; 10-18-2021, 11:08 PM.


            • Nitro Express
              DIAMOND STATUS
              • Aug 2004
              • 32928

              Porn is a freak show.
              No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


              • Seshmeister
                ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                • Oct 2003
                • 35573

                Originally posted by Kristy
                I find that to be hypocritical. This site for quite some time pushed and supported outright porn. You alone seemed to support it. I don't do the Facecrook crawl. Never have. Never will. I have my own problems with that site and its ever increasing invasions into the private sector of people's lives. Am I abusive? Quite so. I'll admit it. I've been a total asshole on here at times either purposefully or joke s that backfired or I was on some heavy, heavy drugs but I never attacked anyone here except for maybe that porn posting asshole who had a lot of fucked up personal problems of his own. So while on that subject, what made you think that a site that devotes itself to the fandom of Van Halen would also be a site that would promote and consume pornography? Is it just a "guy thing?" Personally I have never dated or been serious with a porn user, as I figure any man who is so coarse and misogynistic and stupid as not to see the evil, ugliness and exploitation of pornography is not someone I want in my reality. I also have concluded, from discussions with many women, that porn men are shitty lovers, in part because they are acting out porn scripts, and because they are off in their heads in a porn fantasy instead of being fully present in their bodies with their partners and are not experiencing the reality of taste and smell and love and touch and the totality of intimacy.

                That set me right the fuck off off around here because you slave SESH actively participated and defended that shithead and banned me for my views. Oh, yes you did. Just as I choose not to put junk food in my body, I choose not to feed my mind with the toxic garbage of pornography. That alone is on you. I’ve never found it remotely interesting, never had any desire for it. Never. What I do see, loud and clear, from the perspective of a sexual violence survivor, is the abuse of women and children writ large and turned into entertainment which is far from “harmless”. And I took a lot of abuse from certain men on here that when I criticized this site for its unnecessary porn content, they took it personal themselves so I attacked back, If anything, the reach and accessibility of internet pornography has normalized sexual terrorism against women and girls and yes, you are/were a part of that. And yes, I choose that word deliberately. So many women are terrorized on the streets, in popular culture and online each day due to porn culture. So you see, its not just the abusive posters, but they abusive mods who don't see this as a problem.

                I'm glad this site was blocked on the public libraries and those shitty coffee shop chains I have posted from due to its porn content. I have opted out of porn on my internet account but it’s surprising what gets through. I just don’t want this shit in my home or anywhere else, certainly not in any public space. I found allowing porn access on this site that was meant to be a fandom site was abhorrent. So I lashed out. I apologize if I hurt some people on here who having opposing views but god damn it I consider this place my vent for my deep, deep hatred of Jimmy Page not another stupid site that reinforces the belief that women are inherently empty objects just floating around aimlessly until a man wants to use her. Here's a clue slave SESH: Women are not empty, we are whole and complete just as we are and that too is why a "decline" in your site exist. Not just fucktards like myself.
                Link to anything you can find where I was pushing this because I don't think that's true but I'll apologize if you can find me being out of order on something like you describe.

                "You alone seemed to support it"
                Only in your mind where you started it as a campaign against me.

                To be honest I never used to go to that part of this site which was basically a couple of threads of nude models. I inherited it when we took over in 2015 it had been there for 16 years previously. When you started to attack that I actually had no problem with the opinion at all but railing against a non public part of the site as though this was the only nude pictures on the internet or some hardcore pornography was a bit of a stretch and also you went about it like a crazy person.

                Also I'm sorry but if you think you have never dated a man who has used porn then that is completely fucking laughable and ludicrously naive of you unless you have literally not dated.


                • Seshmeister
                  ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                  • Oct 2003
                  • 35573

                  Also you will have read already above how we ruined the site because we banned a few people for crazy shit like photoshopping photos of peoples family members taken from other sites or suicide pics or all sorts of nasty nasty shit so deleting some topless old pics because of the objections of one really abusive poster who was on some really heavy drugs didn't seem like a thing to lose sleep over.


                  • Kristy
                    DIAMOND STATUS
                    • Aug 2004
                    • 16616

                    You haven't learned shit. You push porn. Quit fucking sugarcoating it "a couple of threads of nude models." You are morally bankrupt. There is no use in talking to you. None.


                    • Seshmeister
                      ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                      • Oct 2003
                      • 35573

                      I don't give a flying fuck about it. Organize a poll get people to vote on it, win and I'll happily delete it all.


                      • Seshmeister
                        ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                        • Oct 2003
                        • 35573

                        I may take a look at the stats though because I'm pretty sure you may be the only person that even went to those threads in years.


                        • Nitro Express
                          DIAMOND STATUS
                          • Aug 2004
                          • 32928

                          Zzzzzz. This has been argued to death already. It’s Larry Flynt vs Blah Blah Blah all over again. If you don’t like something then stay away. The internet is the biggest cess pool there is. The Roth Army is pure as the driven snow compared to what’s out there. Go smoke something and meditate on some happy thoughts. It’s a dirty world. Even the Bible admits it’s tainted.
                          No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


                          • Coyote
                            ROTH ARMY SUPREME
                            • Jan 2004
                            • 8185

                            Originally posted by Nitro Express
                            The internet is the biggest cess pool there is.
                            If you know what the term "bug chaser" or "pozzed" means without looking it up on Urban Dictionary, you've seen some dark shit.
                            Why settle for something you have, if it's not as good as something you're out to get?

                            Originally posted by Seshmeister
                            It's like putting up a YouTube of Bach and playing Chopstix on your Bontempi...


                            • Kristy
                              DIAMOND STATUS
                              • Aug 2004
                              • 16616

                              Originally posted by Seshmeister
                              I don't give a flying fuck about it. Organize a poll get people to vote on it, win and I'll happily delete it all.


                              • ELVIS
                                • Dec 2003
                                • 44120

                                I'm almost inclined to thank Krusty...

