Better Call Saul

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  • Seshmeister

    • Oct 2003
    • 35573

    My aunt and uncle who are in their mid 70s watched the whole 5 seasons and the second it ended immediately started again from episode 1 and watched the whole thing again.


    • Seshmeister

      • Oct 2003
      • 35573

      Originally posted by Fairwrning
      And whats with Tuco at the end..I guess we are closer to the BB days than I thought..
      The weird thing about that is that the actor asked for his character to be killed off early in BB.


      • Fairwrning
        • Jan 2004
        • 11371

        Originally posted by Seshmeister
        I don't think he is a different character, they will have a clever way of explaining that.
        Yeah..remembered also that Mike was Sauls' " Cleaner" in BB..Walter called Saul to fix the Jane situation..


        • FORD

          • Jan 2004
          • 59357

          Originally posted by Seshmeister
          I don't think he is a different character, they will have a clever way of explaining that.
          I can totally picture Mike working as a parking lot attendant and using the job as a front for one criminal enterprise or another, so yeah, it's probably the same character. If this parking lot is near the courthouse, he'll probably be recurring and not just a one time cameo.
          Eat Us And Smile

          Cenk For America 2024!!

          Justice Democrats

          "If the American people had ever known the truth about what we (the BCE) have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." - Poppy Bush, 1992


          • Seshmeister

            • Oct 2003
            • 35573

            Yeah if you listen to podcasts from the writers of BB they spent fucking weeks plotting each episode, they wouldn't just throw Mike in for no reason.


            • FORD

              • Jan 2004
              • 59357

              Wiki says he's definitely Mike, and that (eventually) he'll be working for Saul as a private investigator

              Eat Us And Smile

              Cenk For America 2024!!

              Justice Democrats

              "If the American people had ever known the truth about what we (the BCE) have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." - Poppy Bush, 1992


              • DLR Bridge

                • Mar 2011
                • 5479

                Originally posted by DONNIEP
                Honestly I enjoyed the show. I'll keep watching it, depending on when it comes on.

                But really, it's hard to see Lenny without wanting him to break into Big Bottom.
                I give him another episode before he's killed off quick for shock value.


                • DLR Bridge

                  • Mar 2011
                  • 5479

                  Originally posted by Fairwrning
                  And whats with Tuco at the end..I guess we are closer to the BB days than I thought..
                  Before Saul hits the skater con-artist dude, he's reading his credit card to over the phone and gives '04 as the expiration date, so I'd say this show is backed up to atleast 3 years prior to BB.

                  Tuco is awesome. I'm looking forward to his meth-snorting misbehavior. Bring on Gus, too!


                  • Seshmeister
                    ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                    • Oct 2003
                    • 35573

                    Originally posted by DLR Bridge
                    Before Saul hits the skater con-artist dude, he's reading his credit card to over the phone and gives '04 as the expiration date, so I'd say this show is backed up to atleast 3 years prior to BB.

                    Ah yeah that sounds about right, I was judging it by cell phones.


                    • DLR Bridge

                      • Mar 2011
                      • 5479

                      Just finished watching the 2nd episode. Great opening scene. Tuco is the Latino Henry Rollins.


                      • twobad
                        • Jan 2012
                        • 74

                        Having watched the entire BB series and listened to every BB podcast, I was praying they wouldn't really shit their legacy with some Better Call Saul crap. That said, I LOVED Saul in the BB series. That also said, I'm BLOWN AWAY by the first episode of the new show, can't wait to see it!


                        • Seshmeister
                          ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                          • Oct 2003
                          • 35573


                          Saulbacks: An Exhaustive Compendium of 'Breaking Bad' References in 'Better Call Saul'

                          Better Call Saul may be a spin-off of Breaking Bad, but after just two episodes it's already clear you don't need to know the original to enjoy the prequel. That said, familiarity with Breaking Bad makes Better Call Saul better by turning it into a treasure hunt for satisfying callbacks. Some of the Saulbacks, as we're calling them, have been obvious, others subtle, and many debatable. For fans of Breaking Bad, they're winks that reward years of commitment. Vince Gilligan has said as much, telling the Hollywood Reporter, "We love rewarding the audience that pays strict, close attention. We love little Easter eggs." Each week, we're planning to catalogue those Easter eggs, at least all those that we notice. First up, the first two installments, "Uno" and "Mijo."

                          Season 1, Episode 1: "Uno"

                          The Cinnabon in Omaha
                          In "Granite State," the table-setting penultimate episode of Breaking Bad, a dejected Saul Goodman speculates about his life after he disappears from New Mexico. "If I'm lucky in a month from now, best-case scenario, I'm managing a Cinnabon in Omaha," he says. Consider Saul lucky, even if his life in Omaha appears bleak and meaningless. Also worth mentioning is the way director Vince Gilligan shows those gooey Cinnabons transforming from disparate parts into a divine, cohesive creation. The close-ups, the detail, the process—it all mirrors scenes showing Walt and Jesse cooking their renowned blue meth, perhaps the only substance more addictive than Cinnabon's 1,000-calorie dough bombs.

                          Saul's hiding place and the video in it
                          Just like Walter before him, Saul has taken to hiding his most valuable goods, in this case, remnants of his past life, in a hole under his floorboards. In a moment of weakness during our brief glimpse of Saul in the present day (living as a mustachioed lunk named Gene), he reaches into that hiding place and pulls out a VHS tape with recordings of his cheesy commercials.

                          Zen Nail Spa
                          In season three of Breaking Bad, Saul enjoys a manicure at this seemingly unremarkable nail salon as he tries to convince Jesse to use it as a money-laundering operation. In season four, he tries to convince Walt and Skyler to buy it to help them launder their money. Now we know why he was so convinced of its utility: When he was still known as Jimmy McGill, Saul ran his two-bit law office out of a broom closet in the back of the building.

                          Tuco and Mike show their faces
                          Maybe the appearances of two characters central to Breaking Bad aren't so much callbacks as indications that Albuquerque is a small town. Given the importance of these two characters, though, we're including them here. When we meet Mike, he's a parking-lot attendant at the local courthouse hassling Saul (then Jimmy) about parking fees. Meanwhile, Tuco is seen only briefly sticking his head out of his grandmother's front door after pulling a gun on Saul (aka Jimmy—let's hope he changes his name on the show soon so this is easier).

                          Saul's Cadillac DeVille
                          Throughout Breaking Bad Saul drives a white Cadillac DeVille, similar to the car we briefly glimpse before setting eyes on the piss-yellow Suzuki Esteem Saul drives before becoming the sleaziest lawyer in ABQ.

                          Windshields break
                          It was a running joke on Breaking Bad—the windshield on Walt's Pontiac Aztek broke easier than a skateboarder's legs—and if the premiere of Better Call Saul was any indication, the gag will live on. Two windshields broke in this episode, one on Saul's clunker and one on Tuco's abuelita's wagon.

                          Juan Tabo Avenue
                          Gale Boetticher lived on Juan Tabo Avenue and the insurance scamming twins followed Tuco's abuelita on Juan Tabo Avenue. Yes, Juan Tabo Avenue is a major thoroughfare in Albuquerque, but when Gilligan needed a street to reference in the Better Call Saul premiere, he surely chose Juan Tabo Avenue as little treat for those watching and listening closely.

                          Season 1, Episode 2: "Mijo"

                          Another cooking montage
                          At a certain point, stylistic choices like the method in which Tuco is shown cooking will stop reminding us of Breaking Bad and exist as part of a continuum. That point hasn't yet arrived, so Tuco's pepper chopping and the way it's shown qualifies as a Saulback.

                          Tuco respects his elders
                          It's impossible to see the way Tuco treats his abuelita—you think he would scrub a rug for anyone else?—and not think of the respect he had for his diabolical Tio, who, like Tuco's abuelita, really enjoyed TV. Elderly family members are this psychotic drug dealer's only soft spot. Call one of them a "biznatch" and he'll bring fury down on your face with a cane.

                          No Doze gets mouthy
                          As Tuco debates his options (murder? maiming? torture?) for dealing with Saul and the idiot twins in the vast emptiness of the desert, his henchman No Doze speaks without being spoken to. That's a mistake. Tuco quickly admonishes No Doze, a reminder of the how the sidekick would eventually meet his demise for popping off to Tuco in a junkyard.


                          • DLR Bridge

                            • Mar 2011
                            • 5479

                            Originally posted by twobad
                            Having watched the entire BB series and listened to every BB podcast, I was praying they wouldn't really shit their legacy with some Better Call Saul crap. That said, I LOVED Saul in the BB series. That also said, I'm BLOWN AWAY by the first episode of the new show, can't wait to see it!
                            Was skeptical, too. I think we've got ourselves a TV show here. Thank God.


                            • Fairwrning
                              TOASTMASTER GENERAL
                              • Jan 2004
                              • 11371

                     DVR is set..


                              • Seshmeister
                                ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                                • Oct 2003
                                • 35573

                                Yeah I half expected a quirky sitcom that reset after each episode, it's much better than that.

                                It's been getting good reviews over here from people who have seen BB and those that haven't too.

