Better Call Saul

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  • Seshmeister

    • Oct 2003
    • 35573

    That one is difficult because it is very American and just looks wrong to me.

    Defence and defense are different spellings of the same word. Defense is preferred in American English, and defence is preferred in all other main varieties of English, including Australian, British, and Canadian English. The spelling distinction extends to most derivatives of defence/defense, including defences/defenses and defenceless/defenseless. But the words defensive, defensiveness, and defensively have an s everywhere.


    • High Life Man
      • Jan 2004
      • 1286

      Originally posted by Von Halen
      Never watched Cheers.

      I'm a little behind. I recently started watching Seinfeld for the first time.
      Keep an eye out for Bob Odenkirk. I think he plays one of Elane's boyfriends.


      • High Life Man
        • Jan 2004
        • 1286

        Easter eggs. Don't read if you haven't finished the season.


        • Fairwrning
          • Jan 2004
          • 11371

          Originally posted by Von Halen
          You should try talking on the phone to that fucker.
          Ive heard the same about need a canadian dictionary


          • Fairwrning
            • Jan 2004
            • 11371

            Originally posted by Seshmeister
            He's a dick but in his defence remember that he found out about Jimmy doing the billboard scam and keeping it secret from him so some justification that he hadn't changed.
            True,,but Jimmy also waited on the guy hand and foot..brought him everything..Chucks a dick..


            • DLR Bridge

              • Mar 2011
              • 5479

              Originally posted by High Life Man
              Easter eggs. Don't read if you haven't finished the season.

              That's great about the Costner line. The ring, too. Next season should be the emergence of Saul, circa 2003.


              • Von Halen
                ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                • Dec 2003
                • 7557

                Fuck Chuck. Jimmy took care of that fucker. Say what you want about Jimmy, but he has a good heart. That's more than you can say for that douchebag brother of his.


                • private parts
                  • Jan 2007
                  • 926

                  Originally posted by Von Halen
                  Never watched Cheers.

                  I'm a little behind. I recently started watching Seinfeld for the first time.
                  Holy crap Von! Your living in the stone age- do your self a favor and watch Cheers (its on Netflix). Frazier was good too.

                  Also if you like "Seinfeld" you'll like "Curb Your Enthusiasm"
                  sigpic" You ever notice when I scream I sound like Mr. Bill on acid" DLR


                  • chefcraig
                    DIAMOND STATUS
                    • Apr 2004
                    • 12172

                    Has anyone else noticed how great the camera angles and music are in this show? Man, that whole segment where Mike stole the money from the Kettlemans (jazz trio: lead bass, keys and drums) along with the ending, with Jimmy kicking the shit out of his dream office's door (somber, light strings) and sitting, defeated on the floor as his phone rings was stunning, artistic as all hell work.

                    And the episode involving Mike killing the cops, and his telling of the tale deserves the actor an Emmy.

                    If you have not picked up on this show, there is a marathon on xfinity this week.

                    Seriously, compared to Breaking Bad, I thought this would be an afterthought. Fact is, it is on it's way to equal that epic show.

                    “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.”
                    ― Stephen Hawking


                    • Von Halen
                      ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                      • Dec 2003
                      • 7557

                      Originally posted by private parts
                      Holy crap Von! Your living in the stone age- do your self a favor and watch Cheers (its on Netflix). Frazier was good too.

                      Also if you like "Seinfeld" you'll like "Curb Your Enthusiasm"
                      When all that stuff was on, I had a boy playing travel hockey, then when he was 16, we had another one that also ended up playing travel hockey. I never had time to watch tv. If I wasn't at hockey in the evenings, I was building my '71 Challenger. After my wife passed, I spent the time building the VH Buggy. I'm taking more time to catch up on some of these shows lately, but I'm actually feeling like I'm spending too much time doing that now. Thank goodness the weather is starting to warm up. I need to get the engine out of the buggy this weekend, to do some more tweaking on it.


                      • private parts
                        • Jan 2007
                        • 926

                        Originally posted by Von Halen
                        When all that stuff was on, I had a boy playing travel hockey, then when he was 16, we had another one that also ended up playing travel hockey. I never had time to watch tv. If I wasn't at hockey in the evenings, I was building my '71 Challenger. After my wife passed, I spent the time building the VH Buggy. I'm taking more time to catch up on some of these shows lately, but I'm actually feeling like I'm spending too much time doing that now. Thank goodness the weather is starting to warm up. I need to get the engine out of the buggy this weekend, to do some more tweaking on it.
                        I hear ya man. There are more important things to do than watching tv, but at least now you can binge watch a lot of it
                        and get through the good stuff pretty quickly. I do most of my binge watching in the winter anyways.
                        sigpic" You ever notice when I scream I sound like Mr. Bill on acid" DLR


                        • hain23x
                          Head Fluffer
                          • Mar 2004
                          • 418

                          So happy this show turned out to be great. That scene where he talked about the Chicago moonroof was classic
                          Eat Us and Smile!
                          Alright!!! Lemme' se yo hands!!


                          • Igosplut
                            ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                            • Jan 2004
                            • 2794

                            TV dumbs you down.
                            Chainsaw Muthuafucka


                            • Seshmeister
                              ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                              • Oct 2003
                              • 35573

                              Great stuff season 2 has started.

                              I'm not sure I like it just quite as much as Breaking Bad but it's a great show.

                              Trivia from episode 1 includes Clifford Main the boss of Jimmy's new company was the original Spinal Tap drummer so that's 2/4 of the band in the show now.

                              The actor who plays the nerdy guy Price(guy with Hummer)used to be 'The Zim Zam YoYo Man'. As a prank he sent a press release around 12 morning TV shows claiming to be a yoyo champion who was touring schools using yoyos as a way to teach kids about the environment. From the 12 offers he got 10 invitations to shows and appeared on 6 or 7 before they realised...

                              The 'Nitro' type stockbroker that Jimmy scams is the same guy whose car Walt blows up in season 1 of Breaking Bad for being an obnoxious asshole.

                              The $50 a shot tequila that they get him to buy a bottle of (in the UK that would work out at $1500 but less in the US I think) is the same stuff that Gus uses as poison in BB.


                              • DONNIEP
                                DIAMOND STATUS
                                • Mar 2004
                                • 13373

                                I got bored after a couple episodes. I probably shoulda stuck with it.
                                American by birth. Southern by the grace of God.

