Saddam Hussein to Hang out with Paris, Lindsay

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  • frets5150
    • Feb 2004
    • 1461

    Saddam Hussein to Hang out with Paris, Lindsay

    BAGHDAD - Iraq'shighest court upheld Saddam Hussein's death sentence Tuesday, opening the way for the former Iraqi president to be hanged within 30 days, Iraqi judicial officials said.

    Officials in the Iraqi government have already begun to address the logistics and security measures for the execution, possibly a closed and secret one, according to sources familiar with the preparations.

    Under Iraq's constitution, the execution can proceed only if ratified by President Jalal Talabani and the country's two vice presidents. There was no immediate comment from the three Tuesday

    If they uphold the decision, as many Iraqis expect, Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki would have 30 days to order Hussein's execution. People close to him said Tuesday he would do so quickly.

    Capping a trial that was controversial from the start, the decision split the Iraqi public along the fault lines of sect and history. Shiite Muslims and Kurds, whose groups suffered most under Hussein's rule, generally celebrated. Many of Hussein's fellow Sunni Arabs, however, warned that hanging the former president would intensify the current insurgency and sectarian killings.

    It remains unclear whether a hanging would be carried out at a pre-announced time, with public observers present. Among several proposals before Maliki is one that calls for Hussein to be executed in secret as early as next week.

    His body would then be formally identified by independent observers and the death revealed to the Iraqi public and the rest of the world, according to an official familiar with the proposal. The goal of such an approach would be to reduce retaliatory attacks by Sunnis and other loyalists.

    Calls for a speedy execution
    On Tuesday, Iraqi politicians, including some Sunnis, issued calls for a speedy execution, expressing concern that a delay could cause more sectarian bloodshed and division.

    "The people who wanted Saddam to be hanged and the people who were defending Saddam both were expecting this verdict," said Mahmoud Othman, a Kurdish lawmaker widely seen as neutral by Sunnis and Shiites. Many people would like the execution to happen quickly, Othman said, "because they're afraid that he might escape from prison. The more it's delayed, the more people will talk about it. It will be a divisive thing in society."Tuesday's decision came 51 days after Hussein was sentenced to death for crimes against humanity for the killings of 148 Shiite men and boys from the town of Dujail after an assassination attempt there in 1982.

    The U.S-backed trial was marred by allegations of bias and by courtroom speeches and outbursts from the defendants. Intended to deliver justice to Iraqis oppressed under Hussein, the proceedings unfolded against a backdrop of escalating sectarian strife that took thousands of lives and widened the gap between Sunnis and Shiites.

    Talabani, a Kurd, is firmly against the death penalty. But in past cases he has deputized one of the vice presidents -- Adel Abdel-Mehdi, a Shiite, and Tariq al-Hashemi, a Sunni -- to sign execution orders on his behalf. All three signatures are required for an execution order to be valid.

    Some analysts in Baghdad questioned whether Hashemi would endorse the execution. But they also noted that he had recently called on President Bush at the White House.

    If the government does not send Hussein to the gallows, the Iraqi High Tribunal's code would ensure his execution by other means, legal experts said.

    Several officials close to Maliki, a Shiite, said Tuesday that he plans to proceed with the execution as soon as legally possible. "Definitely," said Sadiq Rikabi, a political adviser to the president. "This is in order to open a new page in the history of the Iraqi people."

    The nine-judge appeals court also upheld execution sentences for Barzan Ibrahim, Hussein's half brother, and former judge Awad Haman Bander for their roles in the Dujail killings. The judges also changed the sentence of former vice president Taha Yassin Ramadan from life to death.

    "In the name of the good Sunnis, the liberal Sunnis, the patriotic Sunnis, we are happy to hear this decision," said Mithal al-Alousi, an influential Sunni politician. "The people are asking us to make political pressure to execute Saddam immediately. We need to close this file. There's no other way for Iraq to move forward."

    Hussein's lawyer warns of region's reaction
    Saleh al-Armouti, one of Hussein's lawyers, warned against a hanging. "The region now will be more in flames, and the resistance will increase across the Arab world," he said, speaking by telephone from neighboring Jordan. "His absence will lead to more strife and civil war inside Iraq."

    Armouti said that Hussein, who is being held at Camp Cropper, a U.S. military prison near Baghdad airport, had expected the appeals court's decision. "His morale is very high," Armouti said. "He doesn't fear death. His will and his faith are very strong."

    International human rights groups criticized the Dujail trial as unfair and improperly run, describing it as a victor's court. Human rights activists said they had hoped the appeals court would carry out a careful and comprehensive legal review and correct what they viewed as major flaws in the conduct of the trial.

    "We think, given the unfairness in the proceedings, it would be indefensible to execute Saddam Hussein regardless of the crimes alleged in Dujail in 1982," said Richard Dicker, director of the International Justice Program of New York-based Human Rights Watch.

    Dicker criticized the appeals court for reaching a decision so soon after Hussein's attorneys filed an appeal, which they did Dec. 3. He said the former president's defense team did not even receive the written judgment from the trial until weeks after the verdict was pronounced, which delayed their preparation for the appeal. "The whole manner in which this has unfolded suggests a highly politicized, nonjudicial approach to what is such an important case," Dicker said.

    Bassam Ridha, who serves as a government liaison to the Iraqi High Tribunal, disputed charges that the government had interfered in the judicial process. "It was a very fair process," Ridha said, adding that the trial met international legal standards. "What we are doing is not a human rights violation. Where were these activists when my people were slaughtered?"

    In Dujail, residents described the decision as bringing them a step nearer the closure they have awaited for nearly 25 years. "Now I feel that there is actually a God up there in Heaven," said Haiyder Hamed, 43, a farmer.

    Other residents wondered what the future would bring in a world without Hussein. "Executing Saddam is achieving justice on earth and in heaven," said Hussein Mahmoud, 28, a police officer. "But will executing him bring Iraq as it used to be or will it make Iraq a burnt land?"

    In Mosul, college student Sardar Mohamad Hassan, 25, said Hussein should not be executed because he still faces charges of crimes against humanity in at least a dozen other cases.

    Anfal trial underway
    In the current phase of the trial, Hussein and six co-defendants are accused of orchestrating the killing or wounding of hundreds of thousands of Kurds with poison gas and other weapons during the so-called Anfal campaign of the late 1980s. Hussein is scheduled to return to court on Jan. 8.

    Ridha said the Anfal trial would continue even if Hussein is executed and that Kurdish victims would get the justice they seek. "If Saddam Hussein is gone, it doesn't mean all these guys go free," he said.

    In the northern city of Tikrit, Hussein's home town, residents reacted angrily to the decision. "We should not pour oil on the fire," said Khairallah Muhammad 45, a merchant. "This verdict is going to be the end to America, and it will be another Vietnam."

    At Hannah restaurant in Baghdad's Karrada neighborhood, employees and regular customers crowded around the butcher's table to talk about the possible execution. Each said he had a relative or friend who had been imprisoned or killed by Hussein's government.

    Sadiq Esa, 31, said he wants more than to see him executed. "I swear to God, I will kill him with my own hands," he said, sipping a cup of sweet tea at a table covered with raw meat and blood.

    Jafar Hani, the 22-year-old butcher, called Hussein a "monster." As he diced and skewered pieces of meat, he said, "The whole world wants him to be put in the center of Baghdad so everyone can see him hang."

    Special correspondents Saad al-Izzi, Naseer Nouri, Waleed Saffar, Muhanned Saif Aldin and other Washington Post staff in Iraq contributed to this report.

    © 2006 The Washington Post Company

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    • Mar 2004
    • 4372

    Da svidanya, nigga.


    • bueno bob
      • Jul 2004
      • 22951

      Other residents wondered what the future would bring in a world without Hussein. "Executing Saddam is achieving justice on earth and in heaven," said Hussein Mahmoud, 28, a police officer. "But will executing him bring Iraq as it used to be or will it make Iraq a burnt land?"

      Probably a good question, unfortunately...

      In Mosul, college student Sardar Mohamad Hassan, 25, said Hussein should not be executed because he still faces charges of crimes against humanity in at least a dozen other cases.

      What the fuck are they gonna do? Kill him twice?
      Twistin' by the pool.


      • Dr. Love
        • Jan 2004
        • 7833

        I suspect they will kill him until he dies from it.
        I've got the cure you're thinkin' of.


        • Seshmeister

          • Oct 2003
          • 35212

          Originally posted by bueno bob
          Other residents wondered what the future would bring in a world without Hussein. "Executing Saddam is achieving justice on earth and in heaven," said Hussein Mahmoud, 28, a police officer. "But will executing him bring Iraq as it used to be or will it make Iraq a burnt land?"

          Probably a good question, unfortunately...

          In Mosul, college student Sardar Mohamad Hassan, 25, said Hussein should not be executed because he still faces charges of crimes against humanity in at least a dozen other cases.

          What the fuck are they gonna do? Kill him twice?
          A lot of his other crimes were done when he was being supported by the US so they will never be investigated.


          • knuckleboner
            Crazy Ass Mofo
            • Jan 2004
            • 2927

            Originally posted by Dr. Love
            I suspect they will kill him until he dies from it.
            ah, the old navy way; first man to die, loses...


            • Guitar Shark
              ROTH ARMY SUPREME
              • Jan 2004
              • 7579

              LMFAO, Doc has had some hilarious sig pics lately.
              ROTH ARMY MILITIA

              Originally posted by EAT MY ASSHOLE
              Sharky sometimes needs things spelled out for him in explicit, specific detail. I used to think it was a lawyer thing, but over time it became more and more evident that he's merely someone's idiot twin.


              • blueturk
                • Jul 2004
                • 1883

                So presumably Saddam Hussein will die, and "President" Bush will have accomplished the only mission he has had the whole time; revenge on the man who tried to kill his daddy. Meanwhile, the war he started so he could wreak his vengeance will go on and on, and more Americans will die. And the motherfucker will get away with it.

                "You know, one of the hardest parts of my job is to connect Iraq to the war on terror." --George W. Bush, interview with CBS News' Katie Couric, Sept. 6, 2006


                • pflo
                  • Nov 2006
                  • 420

                  Why do you all hate bush now? More than half you fuckers voted for him...TWICE! Just when things go south everyone jumps on the bash-bush bandwagon.WHY did you elect that lying little fuck AGAIN?? Maybe the rest of the world telling you he is completely incompetent TWICE was not enough. Bullshit....if you guys wanna be the last superpower you have to get control of your nation.Stop electing jackasses with "personality" over basic reasoning. Jesus Christ!! Or just give up and isolate yourselves and keep your fuckin noses out of everyone elses business. "he'll just get away with it"? Fucking DO something about it!! Americans HAVE legal recours against their leaders! You guys have a big responsibility in the world, and that includes your nation.That fucker lied to YOU and you all sit and go, "oh well", meanwhile your buddy down the street just died in Iraq because of a series of LIES .and I thought Canadians were apathetic..... The US cannot and will not EVER be capable to police the world.You are already maxed out trying to police ONE country.Big deal, Saddam hangs. That only took 30000 plus Iraqi civillian deaths and almost 3000 US troop deaths to accomplish.Worth it? Lets remember that he was also an ALLY to the US when he gassed the Kurds, and thats what he was on trial for.Pretty fuckin ironic. Your country has developed quite a record for breaking countries in the first place and trying to clean up the mess.Do you think Afghanistan would be such a shithole if you had stayed out in the 70's and 80's?
                  Last edited by pflo; 12-27-2006, 06:45 PM.


                  • blueturk
                    • Jul 2004
                    • 1883

                    Originally posted by pflo
                    Why do you all hate bush now? More than half you fuckers voted for him...TWICE! Just when things go south everyone jumps on the bash-bush bandwagon.WHY did you elect that lying little fuck AGAIN?? Maybe the rest of the world telling you he is completely incompetent TWICE was not enough. Bullshit....if you guys wanna be the last superpower you have to get control of your nation.Stop electing jackasses with "personality" over basic reasoning. Jesus Christ!! Or just give up and isolate yourselves and keep your fuckin noses out of everyone elses business. "he'll jus get away with it"? Fucking DO something about it!! American HAVE legal recours against their leaders! and I though Canadians were apathetic....
                    FUCK YOU. You don't know what the hell you're talking about. You don't live in this fucking country, and you have no idea of the political climate here except what you read. Or do you even know how to fucking read? If you did you would know that Bush has divided this country, instead of thinking that all Americans are a bunch of fucking sheep. Bandwagon my fucking ass! Take your own advice, and mind your own fucking business. Once again, FUCK YOU.


                    • pflo
                      • Nov 2006
                      • 420

                      Originally posted by blueturk
                      FUCK YOU. You don't know what the hell you're talking about. You don't live in this fucking country, and you have no idea of the political climate here except what you read. Or do you even know how to fucking read? If you did you would know that Bush has divided this country, instead of thinking that all Americans are a bunch of fucking sheep. Bandwagon my fucking ass! Take your own advice, and mind your own fucking business. Once again, FUCK YOU.
                      29% approval rating is beyond "dividing", as dividing means half, Einstien.Dont get your panties in a knot and look at the FACTS. You voted him in TWICE the second time AFTER there were no WMD's...No bandwagon huh? Look at the posts from 2001 compared to now and tell me the sentiment towards bush is the same.Look at the polls from then and now. Thats the proof right there. Sorry if the truth is too hard to face.I didnt say all americans are sheep, fuckhead.I am even married to one, and my In-laws are the greatest people I know. As far as voters, more than half are sheep, apparently. The facts are there, you relected him after he lied, and now 71% dissaprove of him.Think about it.
                      Last edited by pflo; 12-27-2006, 07:01 PM.


                      • blueturk
                        • Jul 2004
                        • 1883

                        Originally posted by pflo
                        29% approval rating is beyond "dividing", as dividing means half, Einstien.Dont get your panties in a knot and look at the FACTS. You voted him in TWICE the second time AFTER there were no WMD's...No bandwagon huh? Look at the posts from 2001 compared to now and tell me the sentiment towards bush is the same.Look at the polls from then and now. Thtas the proof right there.Sorry if the truth is too hard to face.I didnt say all americans are sheep, fuckhead. But more than half are, apparently.
                        Give me a fucking break. Or at least learn how to spell "Einstein", dumb shit. Division is an arithmetic operation which is the inverse of multiplication. Dividing doesn't "mean half", you fucking idiot. Either you're a Canadian moron or 4moreyears has created an alias. You're not even worth the trouble of debating with, but I have to admit that I'm looking forward to your next post. You remind me of Bob & Doug from SCTV, but not as smart. Not that I'm trying to categorize a country that I don't live in....


                        • blonddgirl777

                          • Mar 2005
                          • 5805

                          OFF WITH HIS HEAD!!!
                          (It's already a too easy and beautiful death for him)...

                          And other criminals of that sort should go as well...
                          Originally posted by Nitro Express
                          ... What erases the linger of horniness more than Al Quaida? Then blondegirl can post some new hot dudes and stir a new wave of horniness...
                          Originally posted by Jérôme Frenchise
                          [B]... Cooking, I mean Cooking, is men's field...
                          Originally posted by VanHalener
                          ... Fight the Good Fight and Win!...
                          Originally posted by FORD
                          ... And let's face it, if mothers (except Chelsea Clinton's) ruled this world, there would be no goddamned war in the first place...


                          • pflo
                            • Nov 2006
                            • 420

                            Originally posted by blueturk
                            FUCK YOU. You don't know what the hell you're talking about. You don't live in this fucking country, and you have no idea of the political climate here except what you read. Or do you even know how to fucking read? If you did you would know that Bush has divided this country, instead of thinking that all Americans are a bunch of fucking sheep. Bandwagon my fucking ass! Take your own advice, and mind your own fucking business. Once again, FUCK YOU.
                            Bandwagon your ass?? Are you sure?


                            • pflo
                              • Nov 2006
                              • 420

                              Originally posted by blonddgirl777
                              OFF WITH HIS HEAD!!!
                              (It's already a too easy and beautiful death for him)...

                              And other criminals of that sort should go as well...
                              like bush

