ObamaCare at Supreme Court hearing

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  • kwame k
    • Feb 2008
    • 11302

    Originally posted by Jagermeister
    What? lol this law was written by fucking Democrats!

    Jesus H Christ!

    If you believe that the bill wasn't written by pharma and the insurance companies read this Link
    Originally posted by vandeleur
    E- Jesus . Playing both sides because he didnt understand the argument in the first place


    • Jagermeister
      Full Member Status

      • Apr 2010
      • 4510


      Reporting from Washington—
      The Supreme Court's conservative justices said Wednesday they are prepared to strike down President Obama’s healthcare law entirely.

      Picking up where they left off Tuesday, the conservatives said they thought a decision striking down the law's controversial individual mandate to purchase health insurance means the whole statute should fall with it.

      The court’s conservatives sounded as though they had determined for themselves that the 2,700-page measure must be declared unconstitutional.

      "One way or another, Congress will have to revisit it in toto," said Justice Antonin Scalia.

      Agreeing, Justice Anthony Kennedy said it would be an "extreme proposition" to allow the various insurance regulations to stand after the mandate was struck down.

      Meanwhile, the court's liberal justices argued for restraint. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said the court should do a "salvage job," not undertake a “wrecking operation." But she looked to be out-voted.

      Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. and Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. said they shared the view of Scalia and Kennedy that the law should stand or fall in total. Along with Justice Clarence Thomas, they would have a majority to strike down the entire statute as unconstitutional.

      An Obama administration lawyer, urging caution, said it would be "extraordinary" for the court to throw out the entire law. About 2.5 million young people under age 26 are on their parents' insurance now because of the new law. If it were struck down entirely, "2.5 million of them would be thrown off the insurance rolls," said Edwin Kneedler.

      The administration indicated it was prepared to accept a ruling that some of the insurance reforms should fall if the mandate were struck down. For example, insurers would not be required to sell coverage to people with preexisting conditions. But Kneedler, a deputy solicitor general, said the court should go no further.

      But the court's conservatives said the law was passed as a package and must fall as a package.

      The justices are scheduled to meet Wednesday afternoon to debate the law's Medicaid expansion


      • Jagermeister
        Full Member Status

        • Apr 2010
        • 4510

        Originally posted by kwame k
        If you believe that the bill wasn't written by pharma and the insurance companies read this Link
        kwame if you believe that then open mouth and insert foot. Because it was the Goddamn Democratic controlled congress that rammed it through!


        • kwame k
          • Feb 2008
          • 11302

          They worked with the lobbyists so the lobbyists wouldn't oppose the bill........Jesus Christ are you that dense

          Read the link I posted......it has all the key players talking about the lobbyists.
          Originally posted by vandeleur
          E- Jesus . Playing both sides because he didnt understand the argument in the first place


          • Jagermeister
            Full Member Status

            • Apr 2010
            • 4510

            Originally posted by kwame k
            They worked with the lobbyists so the lobbyists wouldn't oppose the bill........Jesus Christ are you that dense

            Read the link I posted......it has all the key players talking about the lobbyists.
            Goddamn. So now you are saying that lobbyist are responsible for that horse shit bill and not the Democrats that rammed it though the house. Come on man. That bill was Obama's crowning achievement.

            I read that and let's face it lobbyist are just part of the deal in Washington.


            • kwame k
              • Feb 2008
              • 11302

              Where in the fuck did I say the Democrats didn't pass the bill and Obama signed it into law?

              Obama tried to get the pharma and insurance companies on board so they wouldn't spend 100's of millions of dollars to crush the bill.

              So in essence, the bill was passed on with their input.
              Originally posted by vandeleur
              E- Jesus . Playing both sides because he didnt understand the argument in the first place


              • Jagermeister
                Full Member Status

                • Apr 2010
                • 4510

                I can't do this anymore. I need a break.


                • Kristy
                  DIAMOND STATUS
                  • Aug 2004
                  • 16344

                  Originally posted by kwame k
                  Doing nothing has sure worked out great, too!
                  Speaking as someone who has been in debt due to lack of health insurance, I don't think Obamacare is the answer. For one, health care in this country especially in hospitals operate like a business and there is already enough red tape on how they can and cannot go about treating somebody. I find it odd that Obama speaks on and on about "free enterprise" and how he is for the little man and small business and then everything he can to destroy such principles. My roommate works in a hospital trying to finish up her candidacy in some bullshit patient care social work whatever it is and can tell you from what she's seen, hospitals are not these evil institutions that Obama would have you believe; the one she works at are genuinely concerned about the quality of care patients receive and money is not the motivating factor.

                  Most hopsitals have made great strides to keep patient cost down depsite what the insurance companies tell them such as turning off a light in a hallway after a certain hour. What gets me is that Obama would have you believe hospitals are greedy, but when you factor in operating cost, hopital theft by patients, their own insurance, and even to pay for E.R. security it adds up pretty fucking quick. I said this once about Obama and I'll say it again: the guy is pussy. He will attack hospital administration but will cower to insurance companies. Even though I voted for the guy over the past two years of his Administration the guy has left me more than disillusioned, not to say the Rethuglicans can do any better. Health care reform starts at the top: insurance companies and their corporate influence. Until Obama adresses that issue this is all a big waste of time, money and energy.


                  • Nitro Express
                    DIAMOND STATUS
                    • Aug 2004
                    • 32798

                    The money is not in providing the healthcare. The money is in selling the insurance and the drugs. Obamacare is nothing but a scam. It was written by certain connected insurance companies and drug companies. It also eliminates any privacy and the government becomes the decision maker instead of the doctor, the patient, and family. Obamacare is the Patriot Act of healthcare. It all sounds good but the actual results are more expense and a loss of freedom. Do you really want the same people who brought us constant wars and the TSA to be in charge of your healthcare?
                    No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


                    • Nitro Express
                      DIAMOND STATUS
                      • Aug 2004
                      • 32798

                      Originally posted by jhale667
                      No, it doesn't yet, and no, it shouldn't - unless it's to be replaced with a single-payer plan. Love the logic behind "I'll gladly pay 10x more for something, just don't tell me I HAVE TO buy it!!" when you're gonna pay for it anyway...
                      No we need to bail the banks out so they can continue to screw us and then bail them out again. We probably could run a government single payer health program on a fraction of what we waste on the banker bailouts and defense. Where I'm skeptical is can our hopelessly corrupt government manage such a system? I doubt it.

                      The real issue here is management. Your system is only as good as those who manage it. Like I said, we have a real leadership crises in this country in everything. Healthcare can be fixed, the financial system can be fixed. The problem is we don't seem to have the people or institutions capable of overseeing it. We just have a den of thieves. We probably could run a really good health care system surprisingly cheap if we had the right leadership and intelligence managing it. Leadership is a bigger problem than money is.
                      No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


                      • kwame k
                        TOASTMASTER GENERAL
                        • Feb 2008
                        • 11302

                        Originally posted by Kristy
                        Speaking as someone who has been in debt due to lack of health insurance, I don't think Obamacare is the answer. For one, health care in this country especially in hospitals operate like a business and there is already enough red tape on how they can and cannot go about treating somebody. I find it odd that Obama speaks on and on about "free enterprise" and how he is for the little man and small business and then everything he can to destroy such principles. My roommate works in a hospital trying to finish up her candidacy in some bullshit patient care social work whatever it is and can tell you from what she's seen, hospitals are not these evil institutions that Obama would have you believe; the one she works at are genuinely concerned about the quality of care patients receive and money is not the motivating factor.

                        Most hopsitals have made great strides to keep patient cost down depsite what the insurance companies tell them such as turning off a light in a hallway after a certain hour. What gets me is that Obama would have you believe hospitals are greedy, but when you factor in operating cost, hopital theft by patients, their own insurance, and even to pay for E.R. security it adds up pretty fucking quick. I said this once about Obama and I'll say it again: the guy is pussy. He will attack hospital administration but will cower to insurance companies. Even though I voted for the guy over the past two years of his Administration the guy has left me more than disillusioned, not to say the Rethuglicans can do any better. Health care reform starts at the top: insurance companies and their corporate influence. Until Obama adresses that issue this is all a big waste of time, money and energy.
                        I hate the health care bill and I'm done with Obama!

                        He basically allowed the industry he was trying to reform, to write the reform

                        You nailed the biggest problem in health care costs.....the insurance companies. Add in the pharma companies and that is where reform has to start. Hospitals are not the issue, usually, other than certain ones and their criminal billing practices, that bilk millions of dollars yearly for no services rendered.

                        For the most part it's affording the insurance that's the issue and affordable drugs, too!
                        Originally posted by vandeleur
                        E- Jesus . Playing both sides because he didnt understand the argument in the first place


                        • Kristy
                          DIAMOND STATUS
                          • Aug 2004
                          • 16344

                          Originally posted by Nitro Express
                          It all sounds good but the actual results are more expense and a loss of freedom. Do you really want the same people who brought us constant wars and the TSA to be in charge of your healthcare?
                          Unfortunately, that is where it is headed. This whole ideal that healthcare is a "right" simply because you are a U.S. citizen is ridiculous. None of us really has a right to anything in this country except from what has already been stated within the Bill Of Rights itself. It's like me walking into a hardware store and having a right to rope (for um, my bondage experiments) all because I live here. Obama, for whatever reason, cannot grasp the concept of payment for service economics. Granted, there lies greed, corruption and deceit within our health care system but having thugs run the show instructing you on what you can and cannot have when it comes to your health is beyond Orwellian to me.


                          • Switch84
                            • Feb 2004
                            • 2316

                            Originally posted by Nitro Express
                            The money is not in providing the healthcare. The money is in selling the insurance and the drugs. Obamacare is nothing but a scam. It was written by certain connected insurance companies and drug companies. It also eliminates any privacy and the government becomes the decision maker instead of the doctor, the patient, and family. Obamacare is the Patriot Act of healthcare. It all sounds good but the actual results are more expense and a loss of freedom. Do you really want the same people who brought us constant wars and the TSA to be in charge of your healthcare?
                            You hit the nail on the head with that post, Nitro! I'm not comfortable with the idea of government "healthcare". It smacks too much of "1984" and I'm not talking about the Van Halen album, baby...

                            Can't trust it!
                            "He doesn't need to sell millions of records, he doesn't need to fill arenas, he doesn't need to be popular, he doesn't need your money, AND HE DOESN'T NEED YOU!"
                            Blackflag on DLR


                            • Kristy
                              DIAMOND STATUS
                              • Aug 2004
                              • 16344

                              Originally posted by kwame k
                              I hate the health care bill and I'm done with Obama!
                              I am too but the thought of Mitt and his unquestionable eagerness to get on his knees all primed and powered to suck on the tip of corporate cock scares me more. Really, nobody wins in this upcoming election.


                              • Jagermeister
                                Full Member Status

                                • Apr 2010
                                • 4510

                                Originally posted by Kristy
                                I am too but the thought of Mitt and his unquestionable eagerness to get on his knees all primed and powered to suck on the tip of corporate cock scares me more. Really, nobody wins in this upcoming election.
                                That's not true. The only way we lose is if Obama gets reelected. He had his chance and he has failed miserably. I can say that because I voted for him.

