You know since this thread is going nowhere (like most threads) I'd like to take the time to ponder to last moth before my weed moratorium and take some time out to talk about when I was getting heavily stoned and watching reruns of Hogan's Heroes.

As Donnie and/or Izzy might put this: Hogan was a "fag." No, not gay (well, a little ghey) but a fag. Even baked the show was highly unrealistic. "Captured" POW's with a secretive underground tunnels that led to numerous sabotage operations that antagonized the Third Reich. Think about that. Hogan was the mastermind and his merry men played upon the alleged stupidity of the German people. I did mention this shit was unrealistic, right?

slave FORD and slave SESH banning people
Critics called the show "insensitive," and um..."unrealistic." To me, Hogan was the original serial killer/psychopath who had no problem blowing up any Nazi cockbreath no matter decension of rank or importance. Yeah, it's not like wasting a "Field Marshall" would ever warrant a investigation or all those collect calls to London were ever monitored. It's not like the Gestapo were that fucking stupid to ever deduct that Hogan was a ringleader and that Klink was his little bitch. It's not like F A T as F U C K Schultz ate too many led paint chips as a baby in order to see, hear, and say "Noth-ING" was acts od deprativty and blantany murder were taking place under his F A T fucking nose.
Hogan was the original Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, and Pedro Alonso Lopez rolled into one. Sure, he loved pussy, too but he seemed to thrive on acts of murder and yes, terrorism. He was the original thrill merchant of death. Hogan's Psychopaths was really a disturbing and vile show. More brutal than Dexter or that fucking gawd-awful 'Hannibal.' Just really, really fucked up for its time.

As Donnie and/or Izzy might put this: Hogan was a "fag." No, not gay (well, a little ghey) but a fag. Even baked the show was highly unrealistic. "Captured" POW's with a secretive underground tunnels that led to numerous sabotage operations that antagonized the Third Reich. Think about that. Hogan was the mastermind and his merry men played upon the alleged stupidity of the German people. I did mention this shit was unrealistic, right?

slave FORD and slave SESH banning people
Critics called the show "insensitive," and um..."unrealistic." To me, Hogan was the original serial killer/psychopath who had no problem blowing up any Nazi cockbreath no matter decension of rank or importance. Yeah, it's not like wasting a "Field Marshall" would ever warrant a investigation or all those collect calls to London were ever monitored. It's not like the Gestapo were that fucking stupid to ever deduct that Hogan was a ringleader and that Klink was his little bitch. It's not like F A T as F U C K Schultz ate too many led paint chips as a baby in order to see, hear, and say "Noth-ING" was acts od deprativty and blantany murder were taking place under his F A T fucking nose.
Hogan was the original Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, and Pedro Alonso Lopez rolled into one. Sure, he loved pussy, too but he seemed to thrive on acts of murder and yes, terrorism. He was the original thrill merchant of death. Hogan's Psychopaths was really a disturbing and vile show. More brutal than Dexter or that fucking gawd-awful 'Hannibal.' Just really, really fucked up for its time.