Donations Required
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I just dropped $50 from my Blow Fund™©®.... Merry Christmas/Hannukah/Kwanzaa/IndigenousSomething/WiccanWhatever/Saturnalia....
Icon™©®An Icon©®™Incorporated/GODDAM BUCK-KNIFE JACKBOOT MOTHERFUCK©®™ Production.© and Old Boy Club© Co-Founder, Investor, and Spiritual Leader 1996-2024©™®
E.U.A.S. - "The Feng Shui in the House That Roth Built!"
R.I.P. - Douglas Hitchens, Jr. aka Hitch1969 aka Supermodel Doug et al... 1-23-2017
"It is possible to OverGap©®™" - Sesh©®™, 5-8-2013
"A reacharound doesn't need to be gay." - Sesh©®™, 1-18-2012
"If we are going to have ex mods posting cocks can they at least be a manageable size." - Sesh©®™, 8-24-2011
"For the love of jive, have a waborita and chill out." - Hitchman©®™, 5-18-2004Comment
Many thanks to IgoSplut for stepping up to help the site with a big donation.
Some of you will remember him from the DDLR site back in the day he's going to be giving me a hand with stuff around here.Comment
We are now officially out of red alert and into amber, thanks guys.
I would say we have cut some good deals over the years that mean to keep the site going is a fraction of what some similar sites cost and we're doing it without annoying advert popups.
At this point it's expensive for one or two people to pay for all by themselves but if every so often people with a history here or who continue to post or read the stuff could send modest amounts we will be fine.
With the band being inactive, Roth being quiet musically and internet forums being replaced a bit by new social media I was seriously concerned about whether we could keep doing this.
Thanks for all your help it's been encouraging. I think the ideal way to fund this site would be for 200 people to donate a beer worth of donation each year but at the moment we have second best which is a dozen of us being super cool which I guess works too.Last edited by Seshmeister; 04-02-2019, 11:07 PM.Comment