Donations Required
This is a sticky topic.
Approaching 2 years on we could really do with some donations to keep things running around here. We run on a budget of a fraction of similar sites so even some small donations can mount up and be a real help.
Thanks Nick!!!
That was a pretty brutal bill we had to pay to get things back up and running so much appreciated.Comment
Belated thanks for the generous donation from Terry.
Awesome world of awesome and apologies for forgetting to post about it, unfortunately news of it reached me during a lost weekend.Comment
Wasn't much, but I figure...hey, I've been posting here for 16 years. Haven't had to do jack squat in terms of the day-to-day operations, have no idea what it costs in terms of time and money to keep the site running, but I'd imagine anything helps. Apologies on my end for having taken so long to throw a few bucks your way.Scramby eggs and bacon.Comment
Your donation will pay for the whole rest of this month.
We don't need a huge amount of big donations to keep this place running, we pay a lot less than for example VH Links. A dozen or so people throwing in a little from time to time will do it.Comment
Ok, paid.
I come here every day, don't post much but enjoy reading what the rest of you have to say.
I probably woulda contributed earlier but the $20. minimum was like "C'mon, can't I pick my
own amount?"
Maybe if you offered $5 or $10 options more folks would be more likely to chip in? I dunno...Originally posted by sadaistI don't mind that one Nickelback song. I just hate the fact that they put it on every album 10 times.Comment
Hey many thanks for that!
Also to be honest I hadn't even noticed the minimum donation setting it's been like that for years. I've reduced it down to $5.