Let's Bash the Fuck Out Of...Week 1

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  • Splooge
    Head Fluffer
    • Sep 2004
    • 392

    Tch...I'll danth with you Maxi...
    We're on a mission from ROTH


    • Black Sheep
      • Oct 2004
      • 44

      Actually I didn't mean to post with the last one. Lets just say it was like the "RED Phone" a line of communication so to speak, and I used it by mistake. As for this banning... YOU don't have the final word.

      Eazy E? Who is THAT and why do YOU know?

      AS for me coming back, your damed right. I come back to defend the truth about me and about Wolf. Rikk does not suprise me... But YOU, You suprise the hell out of me. Mainly because your a friend of John and I consider him a really decent person and a good judge of character. I figured if he liked you so much there must be some good in YOU. But what I have witnessed in you of late is simply dispicable.
      Not what I would expect from a friend of John at all. I may have had my differences with John and Brett but they never lied and they never stooped to these low levels and most importantly... They NEVER turned on JIM.


      • Black Sheep
        • Oct 2004
        • 44

        Go dance with lms... She's more your speed... I'm outtie


        • 5151 Parrothead

          Originally posted by Rikk
          You tell that fucking hamster to put out more.
          The only response I can come up with here is.... EWWW.


          • SoCalChelle
            • Jan 2004
            • 1597

            Lisa, you really gotta try this ignore feature....best thing ever invented for a message board
            Formerly Tormented VH Fan
            Facebook: Chelle Marley


            • MAX
              Rotharmy Gladiator

              DIAMOND STATUS
              • Jan 2004
              • 13001

              Dear Fab, Peaches, Almost Guilty, Atomic Pink, Black sheep and the other twenty banned names,

              Oh, I've known about your Batsignal since yesterday "Peaches" and there you go again betraying someone's trust by gloating about it publicly. You just can't keep your big yapper shut can you? A bit of friendly advice, when Fab tries to be buddy buddy with you, don't EVER share anything with her unless you want the entire board to know about it. Miss "I'm not a psycho in real life. I just play one on the internet" Fab loves to tell all publicly.

              Also, would you mind keeping both Seen and Brett out of your latest episode cos they have absolutely NOTHING to do with it!!!

              One last thing, I motion that we unban you. Seriously, since you are so well loved here and "Everyone" wants you back. Hell, then it will actually be The Army again, you Dave or the Graver you! It would make all of our jobs a lot easier as well not having to ban you every five fucking minutes. You are just like that movie "What about Bob" where the doctor says "He's not gone!!!! He's NEVER gone!!!!!" Just like you in our little production "What about Fab?"

              It's dizzying, the possibilities.
              Ashes, Ashes all fall down.

              Now I'm "outtie" cos I'm about ready to go watch my President kick some Kerry ass!!!!

              Later Buttercup.
              Last edited by MAX; 10-08-2004, 08:44 PM.
              EAT US AND SMILE!!!!


              • lms2

                Yea... and if you unban her, then I can use the IGNORE button too!


                • Black Sheep
                  • Oct 2004
                  • 44

                  Oh Max I'm sure you do not know what you think you know and if you look carefully I mentioned NO Names so no TRUST was betrayed.

                  As for seen and Brett I mentioned THEM with regards to JIM as he STILL remains friends with BOTH of them in spite of their differences with me.

                  Ban me unban me, as you can see it makes no difference to me. Thing is, I do hate disrespecting the decisions of the admins here. From the very beginning they were good to me and have been even through all of this. Those are the people I want to apologize to and I have... You dont KNOW everything that goes on here MAX...

                  Oh and lms... why dont you just ignore me on your own... Why do you need a silly special feature to do it? Lack of self control? Maybe you should stop staying on line all nite cyber drinking and go spend some time at the Clinique counter!
                  Last edited by Black Sheep; 10-08-2004, 09:55 PM.


                  • Black Sheep
                    • Oct 2004
                    • 44

                    Oh one MORE thing before I go watch BUSH kick Kerrys ass... If you knew about the Batsignal yesterday then I'm pretty sure I know who told you since it has been in place alot longer than THAT, so obviously THAT person broke the trust FIRST... However, the signal was NOT set up for THAT individual... How typical of you to sell someone out to try and make a point.


                    • MAX
                      Rotharmy Gladiator

                      DIAMOND STATUS
                      • Jan 2004
                      • 13001

                      Originally posted by Black Sheep
                      Oh Max I'm sure you do not know what you think you know and if you look carefully I mentioned NO Names so no TRUST was betrayed.
                      Oh stop trying to kid everyone here cos you knew exactly what you were doing by posting your "red phone" garbage. Most everyone has you figured out by now.

                      As for seen and Brett I mentioned THEM with regards to JIM as he STILL remains friends with BOTH of them in spite of their differences with me.
                      See, you just simply refuse to respect anyone? Again, leave both of those stellar individuals out of your latest verbal menstrual cycle. They do not deserve to be brought into this PERIOD!!!! Regardless of our little online spat, if I turned on Jim I have a good reason. I'm fucking beyond loyal to people that are close to me. Unlike yourself, I will NEVER sell said person out either publicly or privately. I have my reasons for my change of heart and I stand by them 100%!!!! End of fucking story and I will not discuss this issue EVER again. Another thing as long as you did bring these guys up. You repeatedly mention that you are a different person than how you portray yourself on the net. That is where we differ and why I am friends with both of those guys. What you read from me is what you get. I'm the same online and off. If I tell you to fuck off online, I'll do the same to you face to face. Also, if I tell someone I'd like to give them a fucking hug and buy them a beer online, the same applies face to face! Get it?

                      Ban me unban me, as you can see it makes no difference to me. Thing is, I do hate disrespecting the decisions of the admins here. From the very beginning they were good to me and have been even through all of this. Those are the people I want to apologize to and I have... You dont KNOW everything that goes on here MAX...
                      It makes no difference to you? Are you serious? I just about fell out of my chair with that statement. Most sane and rational people would realize when they are no longer welcome. You know the links wont take you back and that is why this site has to endure your daily tantrums and multiple bannings. You have absolutely nowhere else to post. We need to replace the carpet leading to the front door from your fingernails tearing it to pieces from being dragged out so many times. It's in shreds.

                      Seriously, I now hope you do stay. Pick a good name though ok?

                      Oh and lms... why dont you just ignore me on your own... Why do you need a silly special feature to do it? Lack of self control? Maybe you should stop staying on line all nite cyber drinking and go spend some time at the Clinique counter!
                      My goodness you are both such a repulsive and a disgusting individual. Listen up cupcake, lms is loved at this site. Unlike you. Just keep going you deranged demon cos Instant Karma is gonna get you.

                      Oh one MORE thing before I go watch BUSH kick Kerrys ass... If you knew about the Batsignal yesterday then I'm pretty sure I know who told you since it has been in place alot longer than THAT, so obviously THAT person broke the trust FIRST... However, the signal was NOT set up for THAT individual... How typical of you to sell someone out to try and make a point.
                      Fuck you!!!! You brought it out publicly you witch, not me!!!! Another thing biker mama, "Peaches" is a new moniker. That's the problem with pathological liars as yourself. You tell so many fucking lies that you can not keep them straight. You are busted every single time that you speak.

                      In closing and at the end of the day, let's just completely throw both anything and everything that you've EVER done to anybody. You can go straight downstairs for what you said to OLO alone!!!! Since "God" has forgiven you for all that you have done in your mind then so be it. However, I've yet to EVER hear or read you once publicly condemning or repenting for threatening the man physically, wanting to watch and laugh as it happens? The God that I believe in does not forgive individuals who do not apologize. Unfortunaltely, you are the one that has to live with your actions alone. Thanks goodness that I do not.

                      God Bless......
                      EAT US AND SMILE!!!!


                      • wraytw

                        Originally posted by SoCalChelle
                        Lisa, you really gotta try this ignore feature....best thing ever invented for a message board
                        Be sure to let us know when you actually use it. :p


                        • SoCalChelle
                          • Jan 2004
                          • 1597

                          I'm using it right now
                          Formerly Tormented VH Fan
                          Facebook: Chelle Marley


                          • MAX
                            Rotharmy Gladiator

                            DIAMOND STATUS
                            • Jan 2004
                            • 13001

                            Originally posted by SoCalChelle
                            I'm using it right now
                            Sorry, but I'm positive you have read everything here within this thread.
                            EAT US AND SMILE!!!!


                            • Rikk
                              DIAMOND STATUS
                              • Jan 2004
                              • 16518

                              Originally posted by Black Sheep
                              OMG!!! MORE FAB-RIKK-ations...

                              I, ME, Fab, LISA... Told Wolf.... DIRECTLY... MYSELF... that I didn't think he should join this site because he would not like what he saw. I was doing MY OWN THING which I am entitled to do, I am single... And even if I were with Wolf, and even if I were cheating... HOW is that any of YOUR business or the business of this board? Is Max cheating when he flirts online with lms? Fact is, I was staright up with Wolf about the Army, about Pete and about anyone else in my life. I was not cheating on anyone.

                              Yes, I actually FILED a law suit, NEVER denied it! Get your facts straight for ONCE would ya!

                              You won? Cheaters NEVER win Rikk. Lying to get people to take your side does not a winner make. It makes you a lying cheater. Nothing more. Sure you may be winning the popularity contest but you and I know the truth. Well, I know the truth and I'm sure alot of the people you talk to do too. You on the other hand probably believe your own lies. You take everything you hear with a grain of salt and then add to it to make it a pillar. I feel sorry for you. YOU my friend are pitiful. You need to win this SO BAD that you will stoop to any level.

                              On a final note before I have to come back AGAIN to retract MORE lies...

                              I never threatened Guitar Shark, infact I never did ANYTHING to him.

                              I never threatened Top Timmy, infact when asked about him I said he is basically non existant to me. Worthless... Invisable...

                              I NEVER THREATENED MAX

                              The only people I ever did threaten with vilolence was Brett and OLO and I did threaten to report seen to his employer who happend to be a friend of mine. I apologized numerous times to seen and Brett and OLO, well he can go straight to hell. He came looking for it and got what he wanted.

                              Now if any of your aliances are wooda or Mike B... They were never threatened by me. They just got caught playing both sides of the fence. Lets just say that they are more worried about THEIR own actions then they are mine. They may like to see me get HIT hard while they remain anonomous as to relieve themselves of their own guilt and not have to take any responsibilty for the mistakes THEY made against their own family. If I'm gone so are their worries.

                              Aside from that, why should people feel that it is ok to sit behind a monitor and taunt someone over and over so harshly and cruely and not worry that they may ever have to suffer repercussions of such actions? If you were to stand infront of someone and have them say the things to you that people have said to me, are you saying you would not feel like kicking their ass?

                              Anyway... Your dishonest, you dont fight fair and you'll do whatever it takes to have the upperhand. You win by cheating. I know that, you know that. I'm Happy. I have fought with the best of um and alway fought fairly and with the TRUTH. Take no pride in this... YOU LIE!
                              LOL. I never stated that you threatened GUITAR SHARK. Obviously you have something to feel guilty for there if you're stating that defensively.


                              Roth Army Militia

                              Originally posted by WARF
                              Rikk - The new school of the Roth Army... this dude leads the pack... three words... The Sheep Pen... this dude opened alot of doors for people during this new era... he's the best of the new school.


                              • Rikk
                                DIAMOND STATUS
                                • Jan 2004
                                • 16518

                                Originally posted by Peaches
                                I'm not sure, I asume they did. However from what I understand there is no REAL reason for my banning since I really didnt do anything wrong according to site rules and SARGE will have the final say once he gets back from duty. I really dont LIKE forcing my being here like this but when lies are being told I feel like I have to tell my side, and the TRUE side... I DO have friends reading this stuff...
                                You didn't do anything wrong? How about the clear fact that everyone hates you? Did you ever think that there might be a reason for that, you bitch?

                                You have hurt so many people. You continually deny it. You even think it's cool that you threatened a lawsuit about Brett...and it's all because you admitted it? There's nothing cool about it. You're a fucking psycho. Seriously. Who does that over message board behavior? And I have enough posts, even two weeks old, with you stating that Wolfman is your boyfriend. Now you're even contradicting that.

                                FLAB, you bore me so much I'm not even going to bother countering your posts. I have won. You have lost. Everyone hates you and thinks you're a loser because they know the real you. Every time you come here to start shit up after you were already banned, you just justify everyone's opinion of you. You have made it worse yourself.

                                Now go get a drink, make up shit about your dying husband, ignore your kid more and make me laugh even more at you. You are a joke.

                                You are the most pathetic person I've ever spoken to. Can you make me laugh even more? I dare you.

                                You lying, contradictory, hurtful sack of shit.
                                Roth Army Militia

                                Originally posted by WARF
                                Rikk - The new school of the Roth Army... this dude leads the pack... three words... The Sheep Pen... this dude opened alot of doors for people during this new era... he's the best of the new school.

