Let's Bash the Fuck Out Of...Week 1

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  • Sarge's Little Helper
    • Mar 2003
    • 1322

    In case any newbies haven't seen this, it's from Page 13 of the SHEEP PEN. It's a compilation of some of FAB's best work at the Links. A lot of my good friends were driven away from that site because she loved to attack Dave and Dave fans in general. A few good people were banned because FAB got their blood boiling and they went nuts. Thanks for that FAB. Now, let's read some of FAB's Greatest Hits...as posted in the past issue of the SHEEP PEN...

    Here's one:
    "I do support Ed 100% and I'm sorry if some of my post about Dave are unpleasant but I dont really consider myself a Roth fan... I am A VH fan... I love classic VH but as Ed has said himself "The DLR of the 80's is not the same as the DLR of today" So, that said, is it ok for me to keep ragging on him, since I'm not claiming to be a fan and stuff?"

    Or when janthraxx posted about dreaming about a Roth concert but being disturbed that in his dream everyone at the concert was doing the chicken dance, you posted:

    "Why would this be so weird at a Roth concert?"

    How could you say that about a Roth concert?? And how could you say you're not a Dave fan and agree with Ed's comments about him from 1996? And you admit that you keep ragging on him. I mean, this is the David Lee Roth Army!!!

    Somebody last year posted a rumor that Roth was going to have a radio show. You posted:

    "I'd probably NEED the beers to sit through a full show of Daveisms..."

    Or last year you agreed with a comparison of Dave to Rock Hudson, concerning the insinuation that Dave is gay. Someone suggested that Dave is like Rock Hudson, and you said:

    "You took those two word right out of my mouth SDD!"

    So, now you think Dave is gay?? Well, you had this to say (adding some rumor to the queer conversation mix):

    "Oh yeah... well I know a guy who had several *AHEM* encounters of the close kind with Dave when he was in Argenitalia and he was smoking hot but as queer as a 2 dollar bill..."

    Uh huh. Of course, FAB finally admitted last month that she completely made this us. LOL.

    You also said, "Men are from venus, Dave is from Mars."

    Or when someone asked if Dave should have his own talk show, you said (being the big Dave fan that you are):

    "Absolutly NOT! Unless of course there are no guests because it'd get really old watching a show where Dave constantly out talks and interrupts them. I can't see Dave in that role because with him, it'a All Dave all the time... I doubt he'd be interested in sharing the spotlight... Without guests, the show would last 3.75 mins because after that he be back to using old material..."

    Or when someone asked about Dave vs. Sammy in a fight, you said:

    "Sammy may be short but havent you ever heard about how short guys are pistols when it comes to punching... Little F%$Kers can kick butt! Dave has to turn everything into comedy... maybe that's why in REAL life he's pretty much a loner. But then again, who needs friends..."

    You also were quick to bitch about Dave concerning his release last year, and related it to his lack of talent compared to Sammy:

    "Doing originals is alot more noble and requires alot more talent than doing copies. Dave is out to make a quick buck...He always liked doing covers because 1/2 of the work was already done..."


    "Just my opinion but Dave's been doing the same exact show for years now. I wouldn't pay a nickle to see him."

    Someone states that VH had their fair share of empty seats with VH III, and you jumped in with:

    "AS has Dave ever since leaving VH!"

    Or how about this:

    "I dont think we will EVER see EVH and DLR on the same stage ever again. I really don't think that even the RRHOF will be reason enough for Ed to ever stand by Dave again. If I were Ed I wouldn't give DLR the time of day. The way that Dave goes out and continues to talk smack about Eddie after everything that he's been going through is not the way that people should treat people. I dont believe in kicking people when they are down and I especially don' like the way that Dave has been making a living by riding on the coat tails of the original VH yet continues to slam the people who help made all of it possible..."


    "We all know Dave was always into easy money while Ed was more of an earner."

    Or go to the Army's main page, read what the statement is, and then this statement of yours:

    "Thing about Sammy is that when he is talking badly about someone he just being blantantly honest. He isnt trying to degrade or humiliate them. He makes it perfectly clear that he's simply speaking his opinion from his experiences dealing with that individual. Dave on the other hand gets down and dirty, takes cheap shots and throws in cowardly digs at peoples personal problems. I'd really love to see Sammy and the VH brothers work it out and make some music together. I think there is a chance of that happening. As for DLR, other than his renditions of the old VH songs played with a different band, I think he's finished with VH for good and I'm not sad about it anymore."

    Now I know this seems mean, people. But I am a giant David Lee Roth fan. The man is an idol of mine. And I think the Sheep Pen is the place where sheep are kept. But more than anything, I'm proud of this Army. And I'd prefer it if people stick with who they are. And I think it's good to remember that integrity is most important in this world. So let's close with this one:

    "In a nutshell

    Sammy can still sing, Dave cant
    Sammy makes his own music, Dave does covers
    Sammy looks his age, Dave looks 105
    Sammy puts on a show, Dave just wants to get it over with and get paid...

    Ever hear the same joke twice? Dave is that joke..."

    I hope you enjoyed some of FAB's greatest hits. Seshmeister also had a good collection. Of course, FAB will chime in with (that was the past...I love Dave now). Well, she suddenly claimed to love Dave when she couldn't get her way back into the Links because Brett was sick of her shit (and being threatened with a lawsuit). One of his mods was tired of being threatened with violence from a "family biker gang". So FAB came here and suddenly Dave was God. And she started attacking people right away and lying about EVERYTHING.

    Now Sarge likes her and the mods made this happen behind his back?

    Oh FAB, will you ever learn?
    Oops. I wasn't paying attention. Tell me again what is going on.
    "I decided to name my new band DLR because when you say David Lee Roth people think of an individual, but when you say DLR you think of a band. Its just like when you say Edward Van Halen, people think of an individual, but when you say Van Halen, you think of…David Lee Roth, baby!"!


    • MAX
      Rotharmy Gladiator

      • Jan 2004
      • 13001

      Originally posted by diamondsgirl
      How was screwing you?


      Please don't ever put the two words "screwing" and "Fab" in the same sentence. I almost lost my lunch sweetheart.
      EAT US AND SMILE!!!!


      • Rikk
        • Jan 2004
        • 16518

        Originally posted by lms2
        Rikk, sweety... let it go. There are so much better things to talk about. Please.
        Babe, I promise...it's almost done. But one thing...if she's really got someone feeding her info from the mod room, and after her threat yesterday, I have to quickly finish this up.

        This bitch is toast.

        How are ya, anyway?
        Roth Army Militia

        Originally posted by WARF
        Rikk - The new school of the Roth Army... this dude leads the pack... three words... The Sheep Pen... this dude opened alot of doors for people during this new era... he's the best of the new school.


        • stilleddiesangel
          • Oct 2004
          • 843

          Originally posted by diamond den™
          Denny misses posting at the Links.....
          Hi Den, hows it going


          • lms2

            Originally posted by Rikk
            Babe, I promise...it's almost done. But one thing...if she's really got someone feeding her info from the mod room, and after her threat yesterday, I have to quickly finish this up.

            This bitch is toast.

            How are ya, anyway?
            Im good. How are you?

            I have a few errands to run. Will you do me a favor and don't let my thread I started get to far off the first page. I am still waiting to see if there are any Fab supporters left. So far there aren't any...


            • bueno bob
              DIAMOND STATUS
              • Jul 2004
              • 22951

              Well, I want to thank Rikk for posting Fab's little "Greatest Hits" outlook on David.

              Really sheds a whole new light on the uninformed.

              Fab, doesn't sound to me like you like ANYTHING about Roth.

              That being the case, I would normally suggest that you pursue your sheepisms over at the links. That would normally have put you in good company.

              BUT, since they won't apparently have you there anymore,

              I'll just ask you kindly one last time to leave. It's become obvious to me that you're not wanted here, and if you're not a Roth fan, then there's zero reason for your continued presence, especially when your presence plugs up what would otherwise be good threads with this insane arguing. It's self perpetuating drivel and it doesn't have any place here. You don't seem to be adding anything positive to the board other than the continued argument...

              Moreover, it's worth it to do it for yourself. I'm not your enemy by any stretch of imagination, but your comments about DLR do not sit well with me. I have EVERY reason to believe that Rikk's posting of your comments about him is legit, and those sorts of remarks are not needed at a Roth fan site.

              Maybe it's time for you to head over to the Hagar boards, don't you think?
              Twistin' by the pool.


              • Dan
                DIAMOND STATUS
                • Jan 2004
                • 12194

                Originally posted by ALinChainz
                All I know is, it's either a Katy thread or a Fab thread.

                I'm not liking either kind.

                It is that simple, just as it has been said, for Katy, Fab, or anyone ....

                If you don't like it, leave. Simple.

                This thing is ugly, and we need to get the place back to what it's about.

                David Lee Roth. Not Sammy. Not Eddie. Not Fab. Not Katy.
                Amen to that Brother.
                First Roth Army Kiwi To See Van Halen Live 6/16/2012 Phoenix Arizona.


                • Black Sheep
                  • Oct 2004
                  • 44

                  Originally posted by wraytw
                  Fab, if Angel Eyes wasn't you, then what are you worried about?
                  She is one of my best friends she got gragged into this at the Links, has never psted HERE and now were gonna bring her name into this war too. Then again, THIS is the SAME war just different geography.


                  • bueno bob
                    DIAMOND STATUS
                    • Jul 2004
                    • 22951

                    Originally posted by Black Sheep
                    THIS is the SAME war...
                    This isn't a war, it's internet arguing and it's plugging up the threads. For Gods sake, people
                    Twistin' by the pool.


                    • Black Sheep
                      • Oct 2004
                      • 44

                      Originally posted by Rikk
                      Oh my god, you're such a delusional skank.

                      Well, obviously someone is telling you things that supposedely happened in the mod room. So, you are selling someone out. What a sack of shit you are.

                      But let's look at the facts, you pathetic bitch.

                      1) Nobody asked you to leave? LOL. I guess banning is a form of asking you to stay, huh? They even are banning your IP numbers. Do you think the mods could do that without Sarge's permission? LOL. This isn't a place for banning. Yet, you've been banned. You were so bad that they ended up banning you. I've spoken to most of the mods about this, and they completely supported it. The only mod who said she didn't support this is Ally Kat, and this has me thinking about where you're getting your...er...information. YOU WERE BANNED. You are still being banned!! Do you think they're going to let you back if they are still banning you to this day? LOL. How psycho and delusional are you?

                      2) Why would you even want to come back? LOL. Everyone hates you! People celebrated when you were banned! Should I start digging up links and posts? The only three or so posters I've actually seen protest the banning are Ally Kat, Chelle and Big Trouble. What does that say? Are you actually trying to tell me that Sarge didn't know you were being banned? They would obviously have to go through a lot of trouble to get you banned behind his back, wouldn't they? That's one big conspiracy. OH, I GET IT! It's a conspiracy. And Sarge is going to take YOUR SIDE against all of his mods. LOL!!!!!!!!!

                      3) From what you hear, there is a lot to be discussed? What do you hear? I seem to remember that Wolfman stepped down as a mod because he was sharing mod room secrets with you. Obviously, you are bragging that someone on this site is sharing mod room secrets with you. That's a serious charge. And if it's true, it's very unfortunate. Anyway, don't get your hopes up. As I've said before, you are beyond selfish and you obviously just sold someone out. But if it is who I think it may be, I could really give a fuck.

                      4) You never broke any rules? How about threatening people, attacking females out of jealousy and getting everyone to hate you? I guess you never broke any rules at the other sites you've been banned at either, huh? You're so delusional, it's scary. I have enough dirt on you. I don't even have to use it. It's over, and you just haven't figured it out yet.

                      5) You really think you're coming back? If you come back...if you're invited back and there's an apology...I will laugh myself silly. It'll be part of some bigger plan. But I think if that happens, I may consider closing the Sheep Pen and heading on out because letting you back in would be the most insane thing ever. So, you've obviously manipulated one of the mods and think you're now on the "in". And if that's true, get ready to be proven as a dishonest bitch once again. Letting you back in would be a disaster. And why should anyone want to let in an abusive, psychotic, threatening bitch that hates Dave in the first place, huh?
                      Oh silly silly Boy! When was the last time you talked to Sarge? Sarge doesn't even KNOW I was banned... But how are you so sure ther was a VOTE unless people are sharring mod room info with YOU? If you knew how to comprehend what you read you'd understand that what I said was that the ADMINS did not ask me to leave... ALLY is NOT telling me anything and I am not selling out anyone because I have spoke to SEVERAL people about this over the last few days. Anything that you are bitching about happened at OTHER boards and you my friend and Max are littereing up this site by bringing your petty rivalry against me to the ARMY. You want to turn as many people against me as you can and you will go to any lengths to do it, even if it means littering up the board, The Army, you claim you love so much...
                      Last edited by Black Sheep; 10-09-2004, 09:30 PM.


                      • MAX
                        Rotharmy Gladiator

                        DIAMOND STATUS
                        • Jan 2004
                        • 13001

                        Originally posted by Black Sheep
                        But how are you so sure ther was a VOTE unless people are sharring mod room info with YOU?
                        Fab, it's common knowledge cos it was posted publicly in a thread by several mods, unfortunately that also includes myself. Someone is sharing shit with you though which is fucking too bad.

                        You want to turn as many people against me as you can and you will go to any lengths to do it, even if it means littering up the board, The Army, you claim you love so much...
                        Get over yourself. All you have to do is open your yapper and you do it all to yourself. I'm going to ask this once again, why are you here and why do you want to be here? You DON'T even like David Lee Roth!!!!!! :confused:
                        EAT US AND SMILE!!!!


                        • Black Sheep
                          • Oct 2004
                          • 44

                          Hey I still stand by alot of what I posted there. Some of it was posted to get a rise out of people and some of it was simply tounge in cheek humor. Rikk you are blowing the biker thing out of proportion. Read the thread at the DDLR and get it straight, then get a life. Why dont you take this hate that you have for me and put it into something useful... go find Osama, fight to save the Rain forrest or to allow Gay Marriage, something!


                          • Black Sheep
                            • Oct 2004
                            • 44

                            Originally posted by MAX
                            Fab, it's common knowledge cos it was posted publicly in a thread by several mods, unfortunately that also includes myself. Someone is sharing shit with you though which is fucking too bad.

                            Get over yourself. All you have to do is open your yapper and you do it all to yourself. I'm going to ask this once again, why are you here and why do you want to be here? You DON'T even like David Lee Roth!!!!!! :confused:
                            There was a thread? I never saw it??? Can you show me a link? I know alot of people who didn't see it. As for my yapper, I had ALOT of friends here before you opened YOURS! Sure I had alot of troubles at other boards but I came here and that changed. The admins here offered me a clean slate and I made sure that I did them proud! Funny how a New Mod and his little side kick come in and bring the LINKS past to the ARMy. You even go there and bring people from that site here just to help you sling shit my way. How do YOU thing the ADMINS and Sarge are going to look at that? Your basically turning the ARMY into the LINKS.

                            AS for me being HERE. I came here looking for a p[lace to hang and shoot the breeze with otherVH fans. I was given a chance here and I was accepted, clean slate remember. I don't feel that I should let you and a few ugly people bully me the way you do. You got into MY face, You tell lies and you fight dirty. If I walk, you win and I just dont think I want to let you have that. I never did a thing to you, I never broke a rule on this site and like it or not, you DON'T have the final word on what happens here. Anyone looking at this with an unbiased eye can see that this is nothing more than PERSONAL for you and RIKK. It has NOTHING to do with the ARMY. YOU have a personal vendetta and your using the ARMY and it's members as weapons. WHO SUCKS?


                            • MAX
                              Rotharmy Gladiator

                              DIAMOND STATUS
                              • Jan 2004
                              • 13001

                              Originally posted by Black Sheep
                              you are blowing the biker thing out of proportion.
                              Yeah right. Just ask OLO how funny he thought that it was? That one was over the top. Even you should be deeply ashamed for that one. However, you absolutely refuse to repent or apologize. That was both sick and wrong.
                              EAT US AND SMILE!!!!


                              • MAX
                                Rotharmy Gladiator

                                DIAMOND STATUS
                                • Jan 2004
                                • 13001

                                Originally posted by Black Sheep
                                There was a thread? I never saw it??? Can you show me a link?
                                No, I'll let you do that on your own. It was in Non and you posted in it as well. I'm not exactly sure under which alias but one of them.

                                How do YOU thing the ADMINS and Sarge are going to look at that? Your basically turning the ARMY into the LINKS.
                                I don't know and why don't you tell me Miss Insider? LOL! Being as how I speak with the admins frequently, if there were infact a problem I would have had my ass kicked by now. Also, why don't you take the time to read said "Linkers" posts? Who have I asked to come over? Craig and Shy, who else? SEA told me that she's addicted to the pen thread and I asked her to sign up. What's wrong with that? Not ONE of those people have caused an ounce of trouble and seem to be wery welcomed by everyone else here. I guess you think Sarge doesn't want new members? Oh I forgot, you are the only poster (Banned multiple times, btw) that matters to everyone here. I see.

                                AS for me being HERE. I came here looking for a p[lace to hang
                                Nope. You came here cos you were BANNED everywhere else. Otherwise, you would have been here when it was re-opened. Funny, I also don't ever remember you being here the first time before it went down? I was and so was Rikk. How do you like those apples Miss Self- Appointed Rotharmy Spokesperson?
                                Last edited by MAX; 10-09-2004, 10:10 PM.
                                EAT US AND SMILE!!!!

