Bunch of pussies at the forum!!

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  • Lou

    Originally posted by Brett
    Great the feeling is so mutual it's not even funny. Of course you don't want to say it to my face, you're a puss. I give you the perfect opportunity, but you'd rather hide behind your keyboard. I have no desire to meet some tool in Philly on my vacation either, but you seem to have a lot to say to me and about me, so why not say it to my face?
    Tell you what Brett, when are you coming here? Where are you vacationing? I have a new job starting May 17th about an hour away from my house and I'll pretty much be working every day of the week except some Saturdays. And believe me it doesn't get me pumped up to spend one of my few days off to meet you.

    I really only have one problem with you, and that is your desire to control and dictate at your site and even here. To tell people what to think, to determine who's qualified to be a Van Halen fan and who isn't. Granted it's your site and yes you can do whatever the hell you want, but it doesn't not make you a jerk to ban people who have opposing opinions or people that feel they're being unfairly treated over there. I think once FORD said something bad about the L.A. Lakers and you edited the post or banned him or did something harsh. Your site has ZERO freedom of expression unless it's worshipping Eddie.


    • thefive

      This tough guy-meet you here has to go. Its gay and it is stupid.


      • Chris
        • Jan 2004
        • 196

        I must admit, when I heard Sammy was back, a tear almost rolled down my cheek. I couldn't believe Dave wasn't coming back and Sammy was.


        • Lou

          Yeah you know, I'd be crying if someone told me there was a Van Halen reunion, and didn't say who the singer was, and I bought tickets to see it. Anyone out of the loop would assume that a "Van Halen reunion"=DLR as the singer.

          "When It's Love" and "Love Walks In" (the two worst Hagar songs in my opinion) are confirmed as being in the setlist. Is that not pathetic?


          • Chris
            • Jan 2004
            • 196

            Up here in TO the promos they are playing on the radio are mostly Sammy singing Dave songs live. From what I remember they start out with Why Can't This Be Love? then Right Now and then they play Jump, Panama, Eruption and a couple other Dave songs with Sammy singing them live.

            That's lame in my books.

            I can go to see Van Halen at the ACC and sit in a box. I turned the seats down. My buddy and me decided to go to the cottage for the long weekend instead.


            • Fabulous Shadow

              Wow tough room! I must say the idea of anyone crying at a Van Halen concert is pretty... um... metro...for lack of a nicer word and I'm a girl! Now Hallmark commercials, thats another story.

              For the recore there are not alot of pussys at the forums... Females are not welcome there unless you agree to pleasure the mods.
              (I dont mean Brett, I respect him, I don't mean Top Timmy, He's gay)


              • VH LINKS SUCKS
                Foot Soldier
                • Jan 2004
                • 639

                Originally posted by Lou
                I really only have one problem with you, and that is your desire to control and dictate at your site and even here. To tell people what to think, to determine who's qualified to be a Van Halen fan and who isn't. Granted it's your site and yes you can do whatever the hell you want, but it doesn't not make you a jerk to ban people who have opposing opinions or people that feel they're being unfairly treated over there. I think once FORD said something bad about the L.A. Lakers and you edited the post or banned him or did something harsh. Your site has ZERO freedom of expression unless it's worshipping Eddie.
                Fucking right Lou! Excellent point about this pussy and this asshole's desire to dictate and control what people should or shouldn't say at that dump.
                But it isn't what this asshole does with his website but rather what kind of person he truly is. He's an ignorant, self-centered piece of shit, lowlife, with a problem anyone else has when you disagree with him. So therefore, he'll ban you to prove he has some kind of ego to feed.
                Freedom of speech? Only here are you able to speak your mind on a rock and roll band. That's right, it's only music and we all have a passion for a rock band. The difference from one site to another is the person who runs the site. You have an open-minded, carefree guy like Lou who agrees to disagree and won't ban a pro Hagar fan when they make a point. On the other hand, unless you are a control freak or a self-centered son of a bitch like Norton, you will be banned for a comment that he disagrees with. It's more than that though with this fuckjob and like you said Lou, you can't express yourself with other Van Halen fans and is the case with the links, Van Hagar fans, unless you mention only Eddie Van Halen since Norton has his head so far up Ed's ass, your comments mean shit.

                Norton, your a big man making threats to Lou you fucking wuss. You actually know where Philly is you dumb ass? Your area is fucking Sesame Street compared to Big Bad Philly you fucking moron. If you go to Philly maybe you'll get a Philly Cheesesteak shoved up your ass in honor of Sammy Hagar. Knowing you, you'd probably enjoy it too.

                Do yourself a favor fag, and stay there with the rest of the dirtbags with your fun in the sun and your wannabe moviestars and aids infected porn stars.


                Norton, you obviously grew up a spoiled little fucking brat from Cali and didn't get enough shots to the head the way you treat people you scumbag.

                NOW FUCK OFF LOSER!
                Last edited by VH LINKS SUCKS; 05-03-2004, 11:14 PM.


                • Lou

                  I can't ban anyone and even if I could, I wouldn't. The only people who get banned here were those idiot spammers a couple of weeks ago sucking up the bandwidth of the board.

                  See here's the thing--I think Van Hagar fans are dopes, nitwits, and morons, totally devoid of any sense of humor. But nevertheless unlike at the Links, people with opposing viewpoints can say whatever they want. They'd better be prepared to take the heat, but they can do so. They won't be banned. And also this is a ROTH site. It's not a generic "Van Halen" site (with "Van Halen" meaning Eddie by himself). So what do you expect Brett? Do you expect people to agree with Sam fans? Do you expect a Van Hagar reunion NOT to piss Roth fans off? Do you think that it's out of line that Roth fans should have a site of their own, where the premise is that you're a Roth fan? Personally I think the back and forth flaming is the best part about a site like this--livens things up and clears the air.

                  Bottom line, if people want to be passionate, they should be allowed to be passionate--whether it be positive OR negative thoughts. If people want to debate, let them debate. Who the hell cares what kind of name calling goes on. I personally think that shit is hilarious. If you're really that offended by words on a screen to the point where you want your moderators to ban people, you're pretty thin skinned. What are you afraid Eddie will see some negativity and then you won't get backstage passes to this stupid, most pointless "reunion" in rock history?

                  Have fun at the Van Hagar show. Enjoy Eddie's playing, well the few songs that won't be on keyboards anyway.


                  • Brett
                    Full Member Status

                    • Jan 2004
                    • 3538

                    Lou you have no idea who's been banned and for what, so stop believing everything you read on here. I would think you'd be smart enough after all this time on these VH boards to know that people flat out make stuff up and exaggerate everything about everybody and every situation.

                    If I was such a tyrant, people would have left a long time ago, I'd be talking to myself over there.

                    Lou you don't know shit about me, you just talk shit. FORD was banned because he didn't like the Lakers? LMFAO! You really believe that? I mean are you that stupid Lou? You can't be. I guess I better ban the ENTIRE forum because NOBODY on there likes the Lakers. LOL, like I care.
                    Last edited by Brett; 05-04-2004, 12:47 AM.


                    • Brett
                      Full Member Status

                      • Jan 2004
                      • 3538

                      Originally posted by MUSICMANN
                      Well Brett, i was born in 68, and i seen the mighty VH in 1984 also. The only reason i go to the links is for amusement only.
                      Why else would you go to ANY message board, except for amusement.

                      Yes you were 16 in 1984, not 13 like I was. And I was barely 13 at that. Anyway anyone who tells me they saw a Dave era show and was born after 1971, I would be very skeptical. Because I didn't see anyone younger than me at that 1984 show.


                      • Fabulous Shadow

                        Brett, I have no problem with you telling these fine people YOUR version of why I was banned.

                        Was it because I thought Kobe was guilty and you didn't?
                        Was it because I started a happy birthday thread for myself?
                        Was it because told you Seen and DIF to fuck off?

                        Really what was it that I did that was so bad that it caused you to ban me and my friends?

                        I'm not trying to be cheeky here, I'd really like to know.


                        • MUSICMANN
                          • Apr 2004
                          • 837

                          No Brett, I come here for having fun and talking about the greatest band ever VH (with Dave ). Over there i find amusement because of all the pussy threads they post. My god, talking about what Ed is wearing or what color this shirt is , Fuck do the people over there see a rock band, or while they are not at the forum their watching queer eye for the straight guy. It's one thing to have your views on who should be fronting the band and a particular song they like, but going into some of the crazy shit they talk about is right out gay. I think if the band even looked at some of those posts, they would pull the plug on the sight. Here we talk about how great the music was and how much those four guys have do for rock-n-roll. Over there they talk about their inner child and how a song makes them want to cry and shit like that!!


                          • MAX
                            Rotharmy Gladiator

                            DIAMOND STATUS
                            • Jan 2004
                            • 13001

                            Attack at will but I fucking hate Hagar and I've let it be known from day one at The Links. I've talked plenty of shit and never been fucking banned. There is just a line that isn't crossed. I think it's called fucking COMMON SENSE AND RESPECT!!! It's Brett's site and he can do whatever the fuck he wants. I like hanging in Non-Music there and I like talking Halen here. I don't see the problem?

                            Also, I'm only a fucking pussy at heart and don't play me any ballads with my Halen!!!!
                            EAT US AND SMILE!!!!


                            • Brett
                              Full Member Status

                              • Jan 2004
                              • 3538

                              Whatever you say dude. The band doesn't give a shit about any web site, so who cares.


                              • Lou

                                You know what Brett? I remember the day I got banned, and you took offense to me calling Sammy Hagar "Sambo." You can't handle that? God you're weak.

