This Fuckin' Kid

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  • Seshmeister

    • Oct 2003
    • 35587

    Originally posted by Rikk
    There's a song of there's called THE PRETENDER. It's just lots of generic riffs and screaming...I don't even know what they're so passionate about. It reminds me of the idea of being in bed with someone who is enjoying themselves a lot more than you. They're like screaming and going, "Yes!" And you're like, "Uh...yeah...this is ok, I guess. What are you SO EXCITED about?"
    Great content in this thread Rikk but this is the bit that has stayed with me because I've always assumed that's what all(good) sex is like for a hetro guy.

    I just thought that female orgasms are more work but much better but now you've made me wonder if I've somehow been missing out... damn.


    • Rikk
      • Jan 2004
      • 16518

      Originally posted by Seshmeister
      Great content in this thread Rikk but this is the bit that has stayed with me because I've always assumed that's what all(good) sex is like for a hetro guy.

      I just thought that female orgasms are more work but much better but now you've made me wonder if I've somehow been missing out... damn.

      It's the great philosophical question: WHY does a guy care if his girlfriend-for-the-night achieves orgasm?

      Is it because he truly cares that she had as good a time as he did?

      Is it because his ego needs feeding (the girl is falling asleep and the guy is thinking to himself, "Yeah, I fucking sure made her cumm!!")?

      Is it because he wants to make sure that his reputation for being a great lover is promoted (the guy imagines Jenny going to her friends the next day, saying, "Wow, Johnny made me cumm so much, it was so fucking awesome!")?

      There are some guys who literally could not care whatsoever, I suppose. The kind of guy who blows his load in 2-minutes, rolls off of his quick-lover, grabs the girl's wallet to get cab fare (or grabs the girl's phone to use her Uber-app for his ride...that's my 21st-century version), gives the girl a phone number that isn't his on his way out the door)...that guy probably does not care one iota if the girl achieved orgasm.

      I do remember (from my single days) being with women a few times who were going on about how great it was and me thinking, "That really wasn't that great. Was it even worth the trouble? And now I have to lie here and hold her for at least 15 minutes before I make my excuses and exit... Oh, shit. She's not expecting me to spend the night, is she?"

      Sometimes, I was a real dick when I was a younger, single guy. I remember once having sex with a girl I'd known for a little while and then five minutes later (as we were lying there), I was telling her casually that I was thinking of getting back together with my ex-girlfriend (having no idea that this girl had been falling for me). I mean, that's a really shitty, insensitive thing to do.
      Roth Army Militia

      Originally posted by WARF
      Rikk - The new school of the Roth Army... this dude leads the pack... three words... The Sheep Pen... this dude opened alot of doors for people during this new era... he's the best of the new school.


      • Warham
        • Mar 2004
        • 14589



        • Catfish
          • Jan 2004
          • 898

          Originally posted by Seshmeister
          Much more important than the shitty lyrics though is his inability to write good vocal melodies. He is a mediocre talent and part of him deep down knows it which is why he acts the way he does.

          Hagar is a dick because he is (rightly) insecure. When Dave is a dick it's because he is (rightly?) a narcissist.
          Hagar is insecure but they're both narcissists--Hagar WAY more than Dave. Dave doesn't put giant murals of his face across the walls of his restaurants and throw himself annual satellite birthday parties or name albums after his fucken birthday. Spam takes narcissism to new heights.


          • Rikk
            DIAMOND STATUS
            • Jan 2004
            • 16518

            Originally posted by Catfish
            Hagar is insecure but they're both narcissists--Hagar WAY more than Dave. Dave doesn't put giant murals of his face across the walls of his restaurants and throw himself annual satellite birthday parties or name albums after his fucken birthday. Spam takes narcissism to new heights.


            THAT is what pisses me off about Dave Grohl. I NEVER trust people who project a "nice guy" status 24 hours a day in stereo.

            Dave Grohl is clearly a narcissist himself. He constantly makes himself the center of attention in tons of situations. He plasters his face everywhere and makes himself the center of attention in every single rock and roll situation he can.

            The whole "I'm a nice person" public persona makes me instantly suspicious. Look at that fucking wackjob Ellen DeGeneres. She was preaching the whole "be kind" bullshit and acting like every celebrity's best friend for years. THEN, big surprise, she turned out to be a fucking abusive cunt.

            Dave Grohl and Sammy Hagar are both the Ellen DeGeneres personas of rock and roll.
            Roth Army Militia

            Originally posted by WARF
            Rikk - The new school of the Roth Army... this dude leads the pack... three words... The Sheep Pen... this dude opened alot of doors for people during this new era... he's the best of the new school.


            • DLR Bridge

              • Mar 2011
              • 5479

              Did you ever see that Sound City documentary? He made the whole thing about him and his band. Everyone in the documentary who had a history with the studio recorded a song with his band and the documentary ends with this guy all high and mighty, gawking at the original studio console now being in his home studio. To him, it’s all about… him.


              • Rikk
                DIAMOND STATUS
                • Jan 2004
                • 16518

                Originally posted by DLR Bridge
                Did you ever see that Sound City documentary? He made the whole thing about him and his band. Everyone in the documentary who had a history with the studio recorded a song with his band and the documentary ends with this guy all high and mighty, gawking at the original studio console now being in his home studio. To him, it’s all about… him.
                It's just like that SONIC HIGHWAYS thing he did (8 episodes, talking about the scene in each city...e.g. Chicago, Washington, D.C., Seattle, etc.). Grohl talks about the music scene in each city, interspersing it with footage of his band recording a song that is a tribute to that scene.

                It's one of the most self-serving things I've ever seen. When you talk about Bad Brains or Steve Albini or all sorts of legends and then cut to Foo Fighters lumping themselves in with all those people/bands, it comes off as extremely self-important.
                Roth Army Militia

                Originally posted by WARF
                Rikk - The new school of the Roth Army... this dude leads the pack... three words... The Sheep Pen... this dude opened alot of doors for people during this new era... he's the best of the new school.


                • nick500
                  • Jul 2019
                  • 88

                  Did some digging around and found some sales figures for ADKOT up to december 2012, that I found before in 2012.
                  It actually sold more outside the States where it was at roughly 423,000.
                  They are from the mediatraffic webmaster and reposted on this french site.
                  They were at 875,000 worldwide up to then and still selling roughly a 1000 a week.

                  Scroll down to top albums and you'll see it at number 40 worldwide.


                  • MasonL
                    • May 2022
                    • 68

                    ADKOT is forgettable in the context of the Original Six Pack. It's still a great great record, but it doesn't even stack up. That's how incredible 78-84 is. But ADKOT is missing one of the key ingredients that made the original work (Mike's voice), and it's missing the off-the-floor vibe that comes through in the sound and makes the early songs endlessly fun. You can't capture that intentionally in a post-production and if you can, it only works one or two times before it runs dry. Because it didn't unfold naturally. And that ties into the awful production which again, pales in comparison to what Templeman did.


                    • Vinnie Velvet
                      Full Member Status

                      • Feb 2004
                      • 4649

                      Originally posted by MasonL
                      ADKOT is forgettable in the context of the Original Six Pack. It's still a great great record, but it doesn't even stack up. That's how incredible 78-84 is. But ADKOT is missing one of the key ingredients that made the original work (Mike's voice), and it's missing the off-the-floor vibe that comes through in the sound and makes the early songs endlessly fun. You can't capture that intentionally in a post-production and if you can, it only works one or two times before it runs dry. Because it didn't unfold naturally. And that ties into the awful production which again, pales in comparison to what Templeman did.
                      If only MA was on it and they somehow brought Ted out of retirement.
                      =V V=
                      ole No.1 The finest
                      EAT US AND SMILE


                      • Seshmeister
                        ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                        • Oct 2003
                        • 35587

                        Originally posted by Rikk


                        THAT is what pisses me off about Dave Grohl. I NEVER trust people who project a "nice guy" status 24 hours a day in stereo.

                        Dave Grohl is clearly a narcissist himself. He constantly makes himself the center of attention in tons of situations. He plasters his face everywhere and makes himself the center of attention in every single rock and roll situation he can.
                        The solo artist rock star and that's what Grohl is too, must be especially problematic because your band mates are your employees as is just about everyone you deal with day to day apart from your fans who suck your dick even more. Most of your friends are your employees. Do they laugh more at your jokes because of that? Did Grohl know how much drugs Taylor Hawkins was taking because according to his autopsy it was a hell of a lot and they seemed like best buddies but fundamentally the bottom line is TH was his employee and so secrets?

                        Who knows...?


                        • Terry
                          DIAMOND STATUS
                          • Jan 2004
                          • 12108

                          Originally posted by Rikk
                          It's just like that SONIC HIGHWAYS thing he did (8 episodes, talking about the scene in each city...e.g. Chicago, Washington, D.C., Seattle, etc.). Grohl talks about the music scene in each city, interspersing it with footage of his band recording a song that is a tribute to that scene.

                          It's one of the most self-serving things I've ever seen. When you talk about Bad Brains or Steve Albini or all sorts of legends and then cut to Foo Fighters lumping themselves in with all those people/bands, it comes off as extremely self-important.
                          Grohl...he just seems to think he's, like, The Last Rock Star Standing or some such shit.

                          Thinking of that lame trend of all these older, established musicians who hadn't had a hit in years and who started jumping onstage with the Foo Fighters...Roth did that at one point. It was like, when was Dave Grohl selected by the 'Rock Music Community' as the All-Time Arbiter of what is Cool In Rock? Sometime in the early 2000's, I guess.

                          Thing of it for me is...Grohl wasn't even the most interesting guy in Nirvana...or even the second most interesting guy in Nirvana, for that matter.

                          When I see or read comments about how Grohl is one of the best rock drummers ever or some such thing...even putting the fact that there is no best rock drummer ever to one side, rest assured Dave Grohl isn't the best drummer of all time. He doesn't even make the Top 100 of that hypothetical list.

                          I just don't fucking get why the Foo Fighters are so revered by the general public. Foo Fighters music to me just comes across as a rock band faking the rebel yell. Someone likened it to McDonald's hamburgers vs. filet mignon. But I actually don't mind a McDonald's hamburger once in a blue moon. I've never had the slightest feeling toward the Foo Fighters that anything they ever did approached or even came close to the level of meaningful to where I couldn't imagine my life without their music. I can't understand what people who like them get from their music.
                          Scramby eggs and bacon.


                          • DLR Bridge

                            • Mar 2011
                            • 5479

                            Everlong was their high water mark. Everything else they’ve done these past 27 years just isn’t quite as good. He’s no rock and roll messiah to me.


                            • Warham
                              DIAMOND STATUS
                              • Mar 2004
                              • 14589

                              One of my favorites. They were firing on all four on this album.


                              • Von Halen
                                ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                                • Dec 2003
                                • 7557

                                Originally posted by Warham
                                One of my favorites. They were firing on all four on this album.

                                I'm sorry. There is just nothing I like about that. Just not my thing. I fucking despise The Police, and I'd rather listen to The Police than that.

