EVH: Billboard Mag Cover Story Sneak Peek Via VHND

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  • Never was
    Foot Soldier
    • May 2012
    • 627

    Allegedly Dave was writing with Eddie at 5150 in Aug and Sept, 2013 which was the first time they had done so in over 20 years so the process started well. Bottom line these guys just do things totally differently. What happened after that who the hell knows. Eddie and Dave seem to annoy the fuck out of each other but for the most part have had professional more so than personal disagreements. The personal stuff w Hagar and MA is vastly under estimated.

    Trashing Mike is pointless and messed up as Mike has been a class act. Ironically Mike and Wolf may be the best behaved adults amongst them all despite being divisive with fans.

    Hagar needs to STFU as he said himself Mike never ever wrote and only played what Eddie told him. Yeah Eddie took that fact and blew it up because of being pissed. He simply could have followed Wolf's lead who said it was a compliment when fans accuse him of piping in his vocals because he worked so hard and had big shoes to fill.

    We bitch Eddie doesn't do media, then when he does you realize he has no filter whatsoever and rewrites history spontaneously to suit how he happens to be feeling in that moment and yeah the result is a train wreck. I suspect that lack of filter makes him endearing initially but really hard to be with long term as history gets rewritten.

    It still baffles me some spammy fans go on about Hagar's writing to Eddie and creating "songs". For some reason the classics that built the damn band apparently fell out of the air and Dave gets not enough credit for his writing. No one has figured out how to insert words, melodies, and hooks around Eddie's genius but awkward and odd timed playing than Dave. That is a huge creative challenge that only one person has been able to meet. No idea Dave gets zero credit for that
    Last edited by Never was; 06-23-2015, 07:42 AM.


    • TwoFoolsAMinute
      • Apr 2004
      • 925

      VAN HALEN FANS: Step away from the ledge…

      This will give you a little context on the author of that Billboard interview. This isn’t in defense of Ed and those were his words, but this interviewer’s style is to be adversarial and confrontational to get a juicy interview.

      So many Van Halen fans got really hurt and angry by Eddie Van Halen’s recent interview in Billboard magazine by pop/culture author, Chuck Klosterman. And now fans bashing Eddie relentlessly, saying they’re abandoning ship, not going to concerts this summer, un-striping their replica guitars and even wishing harm and ill to Eddie.
      Fucking nonsense.

      Newsflash for everyone...Ed’s been a dick many times before and much worse. Do you remember how he attacked David Lee Roth in 1986 when they split? Do you remember how he attacked Sammy Hagar in 1996 when they split? And he’s done and said a few things much worse than this to Michael Anthony in the past.

      There were a few unpleasant tidbits in that article…but almost all should be known facts to Van Halen fans. The main thing fans take issue with is Eddie’s dislike of former bass player, Michael Anthony, who is consistently tagged “class act,” a title Mike’s earned.

      Still we’ve known Eddie had issues with Mike as far back as 1981/1982 and most of all in 2004 when Eddie essentially demoted Mike to a hired musician of the band. Yes this is all sad. Also fans are misinterpreting several parts of this interview. Ed is not saying Mike can’t play his bass. His comments that he showed Mike what notes to play speaks to songwriting. It’s well known that Eddie never felt Mike contributed enough to songwriting in the band, so Ed was writing all the songs (we know) and writing bass lines in many cases. Of course Ed would have to SHOW him what to play then.

      These are Eddie’s own feelings and experience with Mike in his life. Why should we need to agree or approve of it. Don’t get me wrong, Eddie should not have said that stuff in public, it looks like a dig at Mike for no apparent reason…but what would cause Eddie who’s been sober and happy for many years now to give such a response. A response that seemed directly aimed at Mike’s contribution to the band.

      Remember in this article, the questions asked to Ed are not printed. hmmm. Well what if a question went something like this…

      So Ed I know your son Wolfgang plays bass in the band now, but how do you justify that when so many fans really want Mike back instead?

      Wow that would seem like a confrontational way to ask the question. But who would ask a question in such a harsh way, in a way to try and elicit a reaction by Ed and get a juicy interview? Who? The author of this interview, Chuck Klosterman

      Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t think Klosterman tricked him or that Eddie was misquoted and there’s nothing for Ed to retract - he said what he felt, Klosterman is a legitimate author and did his job, but there’s little doubt that he helped set the tone for the interview, that’s what any author does. The way the article comes across Ed’s mad, bitter, vindictive. That’s 100% opposite of the 2015 sober Eddie we’ve seen everywhere (remember the Smithsonian event?). The point is there is context and tone missing from the printed article we read, I’m sure if we heard the raw audio session from this interview, then we’d all have a much different view of what and why Eddie said these things here. It doesn’t excuse what he said, but it does give context.

      You see, Klosterman prefers tension in an interview and wants to be adversarial. He feels that will give him the best result. Something to remember, something that will explode. Well…job well done there, Chuck.

      Here are some of Klosterman’s favorite interview tactics straight from his mouth so you know how he approaches an interview:

      Safe to say this wasn’t the right guy to interview Eddie Van Halen, and seeing that the band did not promote this article once at all, well that tells you something. They weren’t happy how this article came out. Ed fucked up by speaking his mind & dishing dirt (again). But Klosterman isn’t an innocent bystander here. He’s a respected author, but his interview style may not be a good fit for Eddie Van Halen. This is not in defense of Eddie, just added context.
      So Van Halen fans… go see these guys on tour this summer and have a good time. Sadly there aren’t many summers left where you’ll find Van Halen touring America.

      p.s. The part about Dave act your age. That’s a non-factor. I’ve seen most fans all year saying someone needs to tell Dave to tone it down on stage (ie. act his age)


      • TwoFoolsAMinute
        • Apr 2004
        • 925

        OH NO! LOL.

        5150 Studios Burbank, CA Eddie Van Halen is pissed. REAL pissed. Just days after Billboard magazine published an interview in which the guitarist commented on the lack of talent of his long time ba…

        Edward Van Halen FIRED from VAN HALEN!
        Posted on June 22, 2015 by nomoredavegrohl 1 Comment

        Monday, June 22, 2015

        Burbank, CA –

        This has been one crazy week in the Van Halen camp. First guitar god Eddie Van Halen, gives a scathing interview to Billboard Magazine, about the lack of talent and work ethic of the past and current members of Van Halen.
        "Sand in his vagina"

        “Sand in his vagina”

        The backlash was swift and fiery as fans of the band came to the defense of long time bassist Michael Anthony.

        Anthony, known for his bong rattling bass and easy going demeanor, remained silent. But former Van Halen front man and singer, Sammy Hagar came back swinging with allegations that Eddie was a liar.

        In an effort to minimize the damage to the Van Halen brand, Warner Brothers Records President Al McHumphry, released the following statement.

        In light of recent events concerning the Billboard Magazine interview. We have asked the powers that be in the Van Halen Band that they release Edward Van Halen from any further obligations, now and in the future when it comes to the Van Halen Franchise.

        While we will miss Edward and his contribution to the success of Van Halen. We find his attitude “piss poor” and we have verifiable evidence of “sand in his vagina.” This has made him a liability to the band.

        The Van Halen will be replacing Edward with adequate blues guitarist George Thorogood. And bassist Wolfgang Van Halen will be replaced with original bassist Michael Anthony. Alex Van Halen will remain with the group, as will current singer David Lee Roth.

        We hope you will understand that douche-baggery will not be tolerated. We took it for granted that Roth was lying when he was fired. When Hagar left due to similar circumstances, we assumed it was a clash of egos. Michael Anthony is relatively harmless. We have narrowed it down to Edward who is the prick. So we have let him go.

        Al McHumphry
        Cock of the walk at Warner Brothers Records.

        In a statement to CNN, Roth commented on the situation. “I was telling Alex….Alex man! Do you like that song Bad to the Bone? Yeah… I do too. So I made a few calls and finally reached George on his break. I said…. GT you can quit the job at the Joan’s Wholesale Mattress Factory Outlet and come gig with the Van Halen! He’s showin’ Mikey how to play Bad to the Bone right now.
        Come on down to Joan's Wholesale Mattress Outlet. Name one other song by George Throrogood and get 15% off

        Come on down to Joan’s Wholesale Mattress Factory Outlet. Name one other song by George Throrogood and get 15% off

        Dave Grohl is upset for not being considered for the open guitarist spot.

        Roth’s reply was “Dave Grohl, The Foos were yesterday’s news! People will pay to hear THIS Van Halen play…With George Thorogood.

        When asked what the new set lists will contain, Roth replied “So far just Bad to the Bone. But Van Halen is like a party favor. Everyone loves a party favor!!!! BBBB BAD!


        • cadaverdog
          • Aug 2007
          • 8955

          George Thorogood is a musical genious.
          Beware of Dog


          • Jetstream
            Foot Soldier
            • Dec 2011
            • 609

            Originally posted by cadaverdog
            George Thorogood is a musical genious.
            And even wrote a little ditty about Edward called "I Drink Alone... ALL BY MYSELF" which should give some familiarity to a missing Eduardo and fill the void for five minutes in the concert
            I got lost in the...


            • CVH Rulz
              Head Fluffer
              • Jun 2005
              • 367

              Originally posted by TwoFoolsAMinute

              VAN HALEN FANS: Step away from the ledge…

              Safe to say this wasn’t the right guy to interview Eddie Van Halen, and seeing that the band did not promote this article once at all, well that tells you something. They weren’t happy how this article came out. Ed fucked up by speaking his mind & dishing dirt (again). But Klosterman isn’t an innocent bystander here. He’s a respected author, but his interview style may not be a good fit for Eddie Van Halen. This is not in defense of Eddie, just added context.
              So Van Halen fans… go see these guys on tour this summer and have a good time. Sadly there aren’t many summers left where you’ll find Van Halen touring America.

              p.s. The part about Dave act your age. That’s a non-factor. I’ve seen most fans all year saying someone needs to tell Dave to tone it down on stage (ie. act his age)
              Interesting...I had a lot of thoughts about this when reading the article.

              I thought there were a lot of things that a good reporter would have clarified unless he didn't want to. And he clearly didn't want to or just left things out. I definitely would have clarified the remarks about Mike's part in the band. How could you not react and ask for more. Seriously!

              And I for one don't want Dave to act like a fucking 60-year old. Ed's been acting 60 for 20 fucking years now. I don't want to hear about his high fiber diet and doing Pilates. Clearly there's a compromise in between the good old days of 30-year olds with excessive energy and 60-year olds with steel hips and digestive problems.


              Didn't Dave interview this guy Klosterfuck on his radio show? He wrote Sex, Drugs and Cocoa Puffs.


              • Jetstream
                Foot Soldier
                • Dec 2011
                • 609

                There where a few songs in the bucket before Dave left the band, like what became Summer Nights. I think it would be really cool and highly entertaining for them to perform that song but the way Dave saw it and with his lyrics before it became Hagard... because one thing Dave and Edward can agree on is finding ways to really piss the Red Rockingchair off, and then they can say we do perform songs Hagar had sung but in their proper context which he did not create lol
                Last edited by Jetstream; 06-23-2015, 06:38 PM.
                I got lost in the...


                • DLR Bridge

                  • Mar 2011
                  • 5470

                  Ed's a big boy now. Whether the guy baited him for the dirty stuff or not, at 60, I would think he could produce a better answer to "...how do you justify that when so many fans really want Mike back instead?" than to slag Mike's record and road proven skill set.

                  I've read a lot of people saying Ed doesn't shit talk as much as Sam, so let it go. I'm not letting him off that easy. Not that it matters to him, but he's just plain wrong on so many levels. Even the small shot at Cherone was pathetic. "When I saw what he planned on wearing on stage, I knew it wasn't going to work". Right. After composing your first album in your career with all of the music being written second to the lyrics, you decide that the guy that penned the lyrics didn't have a chance because of his "Travolta lapels".

                  Too much garbage to chew on. I've gone years and years and years giving him mental hall passes for his poor choices in singers, his drug and alcohol abuse and his horrific waste of his talents and time. For him to be so flip, so blase about everyone around him being the problem, it really is an insult to the intelligence of not only those he's refering to, but those who've supported him all of this (wasted) time.


                  • CVH Rulz
                    Head Fluffer
                    • Jun 2005
                    • 367

                    Yeah, he said what he said. There's no getting around it; but wouldn't you or anyone else have said WTF are you talking about? I think the guy knew exactly what he was doing. And the Billboard page on FB was using the headlines to their advantage.


                    P.S. I'm not making excuses for him...
                    Last edited by CVH Rulz; 06-23-2015, 06:59 PM.


                    • DLR Bridge

                      • Mar 2011
                      • 5470

                      Choice words as in he had a choice whether to use them or not.


                      • DONNIEP
                        DIAMOND STATUS
                        • Mar 2004
                        • 13373

                        Ok, I'll volunteer my time to interview Ed and ask for clarifications. Von! Call somebody and set this up so I can ask this old miserable dildo a bunch of questions. Maybe I'll video him playing Eruption right before I drove over his geetar with my Hummer!
                        American by birth. Southern by the grace of God.


                        • CVH Rulz
                          Head Fluffer
                          • Jun 2005
                          • 367

                          Originally posted by DLR Bridge
                          Choice words as in he had a choice whether to use them or not.
                          And he's had nothing to say since...


                          • Va Beach VH Fan
                            ROTH ARMY FOUNDER
                            • Dec 2003
                            • 17913

                            I still don't think we've heard the end of this before the tour starts....

                            Either Ed will "reclarify" his remarks or fucking Hagar will say something again.....
                            Eat Us And Smile - The Originals

                            "I have a very belligerent enthusiasm or an enthusiastic belligerence. I’m an intellectual slut." - David Lee Roth

                            "We are part of the, not just the culture, but the geography. Van Halen music goes along with like fries with the burger." - David Lee Roth


                            • VetteLS5
                              • Mar 2012
                              • 1130

                              I think all I needed to hear was summed up in his quote "I was an alcoholic...".

                              Now, you may not be a 12 step believer, but nonetheless one of the primary tenets is that you never stop being an alcoholic, addict, whatever. What you do is work to not take that drink, that drug, that trip to Walmart.

                              Ed got sober, and while everyone kissed his fanny for beating the booze/drugs they I'm sure convinced him that he could finally take "control" of his life. So, he's gone full-boat the other direction and with sobriety has replaced his prior obsession/compulsion with a need to control everything... even the narrative.

                              I sure do like that Dave clip from 1986. Anger made him focused. Nevermind the "I'll eat you for breakfast" schtick... that guy, then, would have ground the Ed apologists into dust. Can he, will he, or does he care to now?


                              • Seshmeister
                                ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                                • Oct 2003
                                • 35210

                                Originally posted by CVH Rulz
                                And I for one don't want Dave to act like a fucking 60-year old. Ed's been acting 60 for 20 fucking years now. I don't want to hear about his high fiber diet and doing Pilates. Clearly there's a compromise in between the good old days of 30-year olds with excessive energy and 60-year olds with steel hips and digestive problems.
                                This is a good point, does Jagger act like a 70 year old?

                                You want your rock bands to be younger than their years though not full on parody in the same way you would want virtually any entertainer to.

