is there a god

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  • Hyman Roth
    • Nov 2006
    • 1817



    • Katydid
      I am a Giant CUNT
      • Apr 2004
      • 2407

      Originally posted by ALinChainz
      Thanks Bin ... to think, I took a philosphy class because I thought it would be cool to say I did ...

      I was REAL smart doing that.
      AL, perhaps arguing and debating class will mellow you out. You'll see that your point of view isn't necessarily the point of view of everyone else. Hopefully you'll meet some others as hard headed and close minded as you. Just don't tell them you wish they were dead, etc.


      • Katydid
        I am a Giant CUNT
        • Apr 2004
        • 2407

        Originally posted by Panamark
        Eddie and Dave are back onstage again..

        God obviously exists !!!

        I kinda agree with Sesh's post, makes a lot of sense.
        I believe in God, but I cant seem to align myself to
        any one particular organised religion. How any one
        religion can hate another, is just bullshit...
        How any one religion can try and control us by
        scaring the crap out of us, is also total bullshit..

        I think if we took all the best bits from each religion
        and blended it together, we would probably be a
        shitload closer to the reality of God
        than we are today..

        Part of the Bible is translated from the Hebrew and Greek Bibles, Latin, Aramaic, etc. written before Christ. The New Testament was after Christs birth and death. The disciples gave their eyeviews. Like anything else. Two people can see the same thing and have a different perspective. You have Book 1 and Book 2, etc.

        Matthew wrote his gospel in Palestine for Christians converted from Judaism. Written in Hebrew, in Aramaic, then translated into Greek.
        John Mark a disciple assisted Paul, and Barnabas his cousin. And Peter whose disciple Luke unlike Matthew and Mark of pagen origin was born in Antioch. They were translaters for Peter. They put Peter's preaching down in writing at Rome. Luke went with Paul on second and third missionary journeys. And with him during 2 captivities. His gospel the third to be written could claim the authority of Paul . As that of Mark could claim the authority of Peter. Luke composed a second work- "Acts of the Apostles." The original language of the 2nd and 3rd. gospels is Greek.

        Therefore there is a "Synoptic Problem." As the many solutions offered so far inadequate if taken separately, though each contributes an element of truth to the complete solution. It is highly probable , even certain, that a common oral tradition was committed to writing each of the 3 Synoptics independantly and consequently with


        • Katydid
          I am a Giant CUNT
          • Apr 2004
          • 2407

          Originally posted by ace diamond
          the message of jesus is "FOLLOW BLINDLY WITHOUT QUESTION".
          sounds a lot like hitler.
          well, there were both jews.
          they both led their own people to slaughter.
          the both died.
          they both pissed off the biggest world powers of their time.
          they were both mortal men who were comepletely full of shit.
          the location of their remains are known.
          hitler's remains are in moscow.
          a fragment of hitler's skull(the part where the bullet went through) is on public display in the russian national museum in moscow.
          jesus remains along with the remains of his family,wife and child were located in a cave in jeruselem in 1980. the ossuaries are in the israel museam on public display.
          the bones were re-buried outside the city of jeruselem unceremoniously in unmarked graves.

          and before anyone starts calling me an anti-semite,my father is a jew.
          i was after the age of about 10 years old when my parents divorced,raised by my father.
          That is where Christians will disagree with you. Joseph of Arimathea, secretly a disciple of Jesus for fear of the Jews, asked Pilate if he could remove the body of Jesus. And Pilate permitted it. So he came and took his body. Nicodemus, the one who had first come to him at night, also came bringing a mixture of myrrh and aloes weighing about one hundred pounds. They took the body of Jesus and bound it with burial cloths along with the spices, accoding to the Jewish burial custom. Now in the place where he had been crucified there was a garden, and in the garden, a new tomb, in which no one had yet been buried. So they laid Jesus there because of the Jewish preparation day; for the tomb was close by. They rolled a huge rock over the opening and sealed it. The Sanhedrian had guards there to watch it all, and guard it to keep someone from stealing his body and saying that he rose from the dead. The women went to the tomb next day, and the stone was rolled away and inside were 2 rolls of burial cloth. Jesus appeared to them and they thought he was the gardener. Later he appeared to the disciples, and Thomas doubted, so he let him put his fingers in his hands and feet. Catholics believe that Mary ascended to Heaven as did Jesus.


          • naturochem
            Head Fluffer
            • May 2004
            • 495

            Originally posted by Katydid
            CVH LIVE (OAK/SF) '78, '79(X2), '80(X2) +MOR, '81(X3), '82, USFest '83, '84 & 2007!


            "God rest the souls of that poor family... and pussy's half price for the next 15 minutes." Al Swearengen


            • Katydid
              I am a Giant CUNT
              • Apr 2004
              • 2407

              All of you who were raised in the Church consider yourself lucky.
              You come off with that attitude, but deep down when the going gets rough, you pray. ADMIT IT.

              IF you are ashamed of God on Earth, he'll be ashamed of you in Heaven.

              You should pray for Ace Diamond, not support him.


              • Jesus Christ
                • Jan 2004
                • 2428



                Look it up, I think ye knoweth what I mean.


                • LoungeMachine
                  DIAMOND STATUS
                  • Jul 2004
                  • 32576

                  Originally posted by Katydid

                  You should pray for Ace Diamond, not support him.
                  Our tax dollars support him....

                  Nothing I can do about that.
                  Originally posted by Kristy
                  Dude, what in the fuck is wrong with you? I'm full of hate and I do drugs.
                  Originally posted by cadaverdog
                  I posted under aliases and I jerk off with a sock. Anything else to add?


                  • bueno bob
                    DIAMOND STATUS
                    • Jul 2004
                    • 22951

                    Originally posted by ace diamond
                    bob...this whole thing kinda went over yer head.
                    i have police reports from december 1998 from the san bernardino police dept to back up what i say.
                    Scan it and post it.

                    Originally posted by ace diamond
                    the song "the nowhere man" that i wrote is actually about this particular incedent and time in my life.
                    Must have missed it during it's radio run...

                    And no, I didn't miss the point at all. For all of the vitriol you spit about religious folks, I can spit as much about atheism and the pure, unabashed hatred that flies from them towards anyone with any belief.

                    OR - maybe the concession could be made that there's extremists on every side?

                    And MODERATES?
                    Twistin' by the pool.


                    • Hyman Roth
                      • Nov 2006
                      • 1817

                      Originally posted by Jesus Christ


                      Look it up, I think ye knoweth what I mean.

                      Is it my imagination or does Katy have a different "voice" these days? I noticed this about a month ago, or so....what happened? WARF got tired and passed it on to someone else?


                      • Katydid
                        I am a Giant CUNT
                        • Apr 2004
                        • 2407

                        Ace Diamond,

                        Why don't you visit your mother? Why don't you two make peace?
                        You could help each other now.

                        Perhaps if you went to Mass with her you could see what the Catholic Church is really like.

                        Check my website out:

                        Click on "My Daily Bread" and read it. It is something that will bring peace not chaos to your soul.

                        Also check out "Daily Reflections" the Alcoholics Anonymous thread.

                        ECCLESIASTICUS 15

                        MAN IS FREE

                        Do not say, 'The Lord was responsible for my sinning',
                        for he is never the cause of what he hates.
                        Do not say, 'It was he who led me astray',
                        for he has no use for a sinner.
                        The Lord hates all that is foul,
                        and no one fears him will love it either.
                        He himself made man in the beginning,
                        and then left him free to make his own decisions,
                        if you wish, you can keep the commandments,
                        to behave faithfully is within your power.

                        He has set fire and water before you;
                        put out your hand to whichever you prefer.
                        Man has life and eath before him;
                        whichever a man likes better will be given him.
                        For vast is the wisdom of the Lord;
                        he is almighty and all-seeing.
                        His eyes are on those who fear him,
                        he notes every action of man.
                        He never commanded anyone to be godless,
                        he has given no one permission to sin.

                        ECCLESIASTICUS 16
                        Curses reaped by the wicked

                        Do not long for a brood of worthless children,
                        and take no pleasure in godless sons.
                        However many you have, take no pleasure in them,
                        unless the fear of the Lord lives among them.
                        Do not count of their having long life,
                        do not put too much faith in their future;
                        for better have one than a thousand,
                        better die childless than have godless ones.
                        One man of sense can populate a city,
                        but the race of lawless men will be destroyed.
                        My ees have seen many such things.
                        my ears have heard things still more impressive.
                        Fire will be kindled in a community of sinners;
                        the wrath was kindled in a disobedient nation.
                        God did not pardon the giants of old
                        who, confident in their strength, rebelled.
                        He did not spare the people with whom Lot lived,
                        whom he abhorred for their pride.
                        He had no pity on that people doomed to destruction, who were wiped out in their sins,
                        nor on the six hundred thousand men on the march
                        who banded together in their obstinacy.
                        Had there been even only one stubborn man,
                        it owuld have been astonishing if he had escaped unpunished,
                        since mercy and wrath alike belong to the Lord
                        who is mighty to forgive and to pour out wrath.
                        His mercy is great, but his severity is as great;
                        he judges every man as his deeds deserve:
                        the sinner shall not escape with his ill-gotten gians,
                        nor the devout man's patience go for nothing.
                        He allows free play to his mercy;
                        yet every man shall be treated as his deeds deserve.

                        Certainty of retribution

                        Do not say, 'I will hide from the Lord,
                        who will remember me up there?
                        I shall certainly not be noticed among so many;
                        what am I in the immensity of creation?'
                        Why look, the sky and the heavens above the sky,
                        the deep and the earth tremble at his visitation.
                        The mountains and the base of the earth together
                        quail and tremble when he looks at them.
                        But who bothers his head about such things?
                        Who attempts to understand the way he moves?
                        The storm wind itself is invisible,
                        and most of what he does goes undetected.
                        'Who will report whether justice has been done?
                        Who will be expecting it? The covenant is far away.
                        Such are the thoughts of the man of little sense,
                        the rash misguided man wh loves his illusions.

                        Man in Creation

                        Listen to me, my son, and learn knowledge,
                        and give your whole mind to my words,
                        I will expound discipline to a nicety,
                        and proclaim knowledge with precision.

                        When God created his works in the beginning,
                        he alloted them their portions as soon as they were made.
                        He determined his works for all time,
                        from the beginnings to their distant future.
                        They knowneither hunger nor weariness,
                        and they never desert their duties.
                        None has ever jostled its neighbour,
                        they will never disobey his word.
                        And afterwards the Lord looked at the earth,
                        and filled it with his good things.
                        He covered its surface with every kind of animal,
                        and to it they will return.

                        ALSO, INDIANS CAN'T DRINK!! My little brother is Cherokee Indian, and takes depression meds, and drinks. It makes him mean.

                        God gave you a hellava life so you would become strong, not mean and foolish. He wants you to use your experiences to help others who are also struggling. Go to AA and get help; Tell of your bad experiences, get it off your chest before Satan kills you. The angry evil you are feeling is depression. Go to the local mental health center run by the state and get medicine so you can cope. Talk it out with a counsellor.

                        Dear God,
                        Please forgive us all for our sins, our faults and our failures. Please forgive us for the things we have done, and the things we have failed to do in our lives.
                        Never let us pretend we don't need you as the things of this world run through our brains.
                        God, please put your white light of holy, unconditional love and protection around us. Please lead, guide, guard, direct and protect us now and always.
                        God, please take our side against Satan and all his empty promises. God, please put a wall of holy arch angels, especially Michael around Ace Diamond and all who need protection from Satan.
                        God, help us to be able to forgive, and try to work thru to closure on all the things Satan has tested us with in our lives. And please help us to know and realize that they are not your burdens.
                        Thank you God for all the blessings in our lives, our families, our friends, even our enemies for they force us to try harder.
                        God give us strength and the ability to cope. Amen.


                        • Katydid
                          I am a Giant CUNT
                          • Apr 2004
                          • 2407

                          Originally posted by Katydid
                          Ace Diamond, (MAKE IT EASIER TO READ)

                          Why don't you visit your mother? Why don't you two make peace?
                          You could help each other now.

                          Perhaps if you went to Mass with her you could see what the Catholic Church is really like.

                          Check my website out:

                          Click on "My Daily Bread" and read it. It is something that will bring peace not chaos to your soul.

                          Also check out "Daily Reflections" the Alcoholics Anonymous thread.

                          ECCLESIASTICUS 15

                          MAN IS FREE

                          Do not say, 'The Lord was responsible for my sinning',
                          for he is never the cause of what he hates.
                          Do not say, 'It was he who led me astray',
                          for he has no use for a sinner.
                          The Lord hates all that is foul,
                          and no one fears him will love it either.
                          He himself made man in the beginning,
                          and then left him free to make his own decisions,
                          if you wish, you can keep the commandments,
                          to behave faithfully is within your power.

                          He has set fire and water before you;
                          put out your hand to whichever you prefer.
                          Man has life and eath before him;
                          whichever a man likes better will be given him.
                          For vast is the wisdom of the Lord;
                          he is almighty and all-seeing.
                          His eyes are on those who fear him,
                          he notes every action of man.
                          He never commanded anyone to be godless,
                          he has given no one permission to sin.

                          ECCLESIASTICUS 16
                          Curses reaped by the wicked

                          Do not long for a brood of worthless children,
                          and take no pleasure in godless sons.
                          However many you have, take no pleasure in them,
                          unless the fear of the Lord lives among them.
                          Do not count of their having long life,
                          do not put too much faith in their future;
                          for better have one than a thousand,
                          better die childless than have godless ones.
                          One man of sense can populate a city,
                          but the race of lawless men will be destroyed.
                          My ees have seen many such things.
                          my ears have heard things still more impressive.
                          Fire will be kindled in a community of sinners;
                          the wrath was kindled in a disobedient nation.
                          God did not pardon the giants of old
                          who, confident in their strength, rebelled.
                          He did not spare the people with whom Lot lived,
                          whom he abhorred for their pride.
                          He had no pity on that people doomed to destruction, who were wiped out in their sins,
                          nor on the six hundred thousand men on the march
                          who banded together in their obstinacy.
                          Had there been even only one stubborn man,
                          it owuld have been astonishing if he had escaped unpunished,
                          since mercy and wrath alike belong to the Lord
                          who is mighty to forgive and to pour out wrath.
                          His mercy is great, but his severity is as great;
                          he judges every man as his deeds deserve:
                          the sinner shall not escape with his ill-gotten gians,
                          nor the devout man's patience go for nothing.
                          He allows free play to his mercy;
                          yet every man shall be treated as his deeds deserve.

                          Certainty of retribution

                          Do not say, 'I will hide from the Lord,
                          who will remember me up there?
                          I shall certainly not be noticed among so many;
                          what am I in the immensity of creation?'
                          Why look, the sky and the heavens above the sky,
                          the deep and the earth tremble at his visitation.
                          The mountains and the base of the earth together
                          quail and tremble when he looks at them.
                          But who bothers his head about such things?
                          Who attempts to understand the way he moves?
                          The storm wind itself is invisible,
                          and most of what he does goes undetected.
                          'Who will report whether justice has been done?
                          Who will be expecting it? The covenant is far away.
                          Such are the thoughts of the man of little sense,
                          the rash misguided man wh loves his illusions.

                          Man in Creation

                          Listen to me, my son, and learn knowledge,
                          and give your whole mind to my words,
                          I will expound discipline to a nicety,
                          and proclaim knowledge with precision.

                          When God created his works in the beginning,
                          he alloted them their portions as soon as they were made.
                          He determined his works for all time,
                          from the beginnings to their distant future.
                          They knowneither hunger nor weariness,
                          and they never desert their duties.
                          None has ever jostled its neighbour,
                          they will never disobey his word.
                          And afterwards the Lord looked at the earth,
                          and filled it with his good things.
                          He covered its surface with every kind of animal,
                          and to it they will return.

                          ALSO, INDIANS CAN'T DRINK!! My little brother is Cherokee Indian, and takes depression meds, and drinks. It makes him mean.

                          God gave you a hellava life so you would become strong, not mean and foolish. He wants you to use your experiences to help others who are also struggling. Go to AA and get help; Tell of your bad experiences, get it off your chest before Satan kills you. The angry evil you are feeling is depression. Go to the local mental health center run by the state and get medicine so you can cope. Talk it out with a counsellor.

                          Dear God,
                          Please forgive us all for our sins, our faults and our failures. Please forgive us for the things we have done, and the things we have failed to do in our lives.
                          Never let us pretend we don't need you as the things of this world run through our brains.
                          God, please put your white light of holy, unconditional love and protection around us. Please lead, guide, guard, direct and protect us now and always.
                          God, please take our side against Satan and all his empty promises. God, please put a wall of holy arch angels, especially Michael around Ace Diamond and all who need protection from Satan.
                          God, help us to be able to forgive, and try to work thru to closure on all the things Satan has tested us with in our lives. And please help us to know and realize that they are not your burdens.
                          Thank you God for all the blessings in our lives, our families, our friends, even our enemies for they force us to try harder.
                          God give us strength and the ability to cope. Amen.


                          • ALinChainz
                            DIAMOND STATUS
                            • Jan 2004
                            • 12100

                            Katy is a dumb hick cunt who even her own kids and family can't stand.

                            I bet you haven't called in JOY FM since I've talked to them huh Katy?

                            Funny how you asks everyone to donate, but you haven't.

                            Fuck off blasphemus hypocrital liar.


                            • Ally_Kat
                              ROTH ARMY SUPREME
                              • Jan 2004
                              • 7612

                              Roth Army Militia


                              • Nickdfresh
                                SUPER MODERATOR

                                • Oct 2004
                                • 49219

                                Originally posted by Hyman Roth

                                Is it my imagination or does Katy have a different "voice" these days? I noticed this about a month ago, or so....what happened? WARF got tired and passed it on to someone else?
                                Or the psychic surgeon/homeopathic witch doctor change the dosage...

