**Official 2024 US Election Thread**

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  • Mushroom
    Originally posted by 78/84 guy

    No real content to a brainwashed dumb fuck.
    such an angry tough guy. You should be happy that your Dicktator won. If you do drugs you should quit. If you don’t do drugs you should start.

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  • Mushroom
    Originally posted by Von Halen

    Oh, look. Another dumb SNL fan. That says all we need to know about you.

    Buy American. Or just let all the American manufacturers move to Mexico, like Chrysler is planning to do.

    I think the failure of the electric automobile has proven this “green” farce. How do you propose to make all this electricity? How do you propose they mine for the ingredients for the batteries? How do you propose to dispose of all the dead batteries? Why are insurance companies refusing to insure houses that have garages with these fucking fire hazards in them?
    There’s more to green energy than just electric vehicles dumb dumb. You probably hated Elon Musk, now you want to worship him because he’s in the small dick bro club now. The reality is we will need a portfolio of numerous energy sources, renewable energy sources are a part of that. I’m close enough to California to see how their energy policies fucked up their economy and energy market. But human ingenuity will still adapt and overcome ignorant MAGA.

    by the way, I know we have lithium resources in the US that we can mine, perhaps being better stewards of the environment rather than buying lithium from China. I also live not too far from a lithium battery recycling and remanufacturing facility. Let’s see if Trump wants to help fix power grid deficiencies along with all the other infrastructure deficiencies.

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  • 78/84 guy
    Originally posted by Seshmeister
    Fucking idiot dems should have run that as a campaign advert if they weren't so terrified of their own shadow.
    Well Bidens shadow on the wall actually looks like a dick. And that's why he so terrified of it. He doesn't know what it is.....

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  • Seshmeister
    Fucking idiot dems should have run that as a campaign advert if they weren't so terrified of their own shadow.

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  • Seshmeister
    I'm not being a smartass about this - I thought there must be a hell of a lot of it happening all the time. Singer in my band would come in shouting about it every week.

    I went away and looked up the actual figures of dicks being cut off in the UK paid for by the taxpayer and the figure came back as 12 since 2000 - barely enough for a family BBQ.

    The BS spin on this is incredible. Go and look it up yourself and remember how many hundreds of millions of Americans there are.

    There are literally way way more public restrooms than there are of these people, how are they meant to be in them all?

    And is it Trumps 'fault' that the procedures trebled?

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  • 78/84 guy
    Originally posted by Mushroom

    Another intellectual word salad with no real content
    No real content to a brainwashed dumb fuck.

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  • 78/84 guy
    Originally posted by Seshmeister
    Who said normal? If someone wants to cut their dick off that's up to them.
    The number of gender reassignment procedures in the US in 2020 was 13 000. That's not just dicks being cut off that's adding tits or going the other way. You know how many were done at the start of Trumps presidency in 2016? Just 4500. Hilarious.

    15 000 people shoot themselves each year is that better or worse than cutting your dick off? Got to be at least even if you are young surely?
    I'd pull the trigger. I mean look at how angry the cunt Krusty is after he/she ( is that politically correct? ) cut his/hers off ( is that politically correct ? ) LMAO !!!

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  • Seshmeister
    That's about 1 in 30 000 people BTW.

    So remember these 2 key facts.

    It's not important and it trebled under Trump.

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  • Mushroom
    Originally posted by 78/84 guy

    Sad isn't it ?
    This Chinese propaganda speewed by fucking dead beats like fucking Wolf Blitzer & fucking Jake Tapper & Morning Joe ( or whatever the fuck they call that loser ) and the 2000 pounds of shit on The View. Jimmy fucking Kimmel. And half of the America people just eat this shit up like gospel. I mean I can't fucking believe it could happen in 2024. Honestly man, how the fuck is this happening in this country ? The brainwashing, Amazing..... I was warned about this shit happening in socialists countries when I was about 13 years old, 40 fucking years ago !! Yet America adults are falling for this shit the last decade. From the people I mentioned up above no less ! Blows my mind......all of this shit you mentioned. They have no answers. Never will. But the socialist fucks they've been brainwashed into still wanna jam it down our throats. Fuck you....
    Another intellectual word salad with no real content
    Last edited by Mushroom; 11-08-2024, 05:30 PM.

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  • Seshmeister
    Who said normal? If someone wants to cut their dick off that's up to them.
    The number of gender reassignment procedures in the US in 2020 was 13 000. That's not just dicks being cut off that's adding tits or going the other way. You know how many were done at the start of Trumps presidency in 2016? Just 4500. Hilarious.

    15 000 people shoot themselves each year is that better or worse than cutting your dick off? Got to be at least even if you are young surely?

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  • 78/84 guy
    Originally posted by Seshmeister

    You missed my point which was 'Who gives a fuck?'

    You only do because you have been wound up by the media otherwise why would you care about the 0.01% of people that this is about.
    I don't really watch much media. I think for myself. If I do frankly it's for the humor. Listening to the shit they shovel. So if I'm laughing at them how is it winding me up ? Well sure it makes me sick to think people fall for their shit. Who gives a fuck ? Really dude ? People like you looking the other way is why it's considered normal. And getting worse. If you don't have a issue that men think it's normal to cut their dicks off more power to ya. Fucking sad....
    Last edited by 78/84 guy; 11-08-2024, 05:22 PM.

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  • Seshmeister
    Originally posted by Von Halen
    Look at Sesh standing up for the men beating women in sports. Women in this country have been screaming for equal rights for decades, and there has been a lot of progress. Now you dipshit Libtards want to set them back ages by letting FAKE WOMEN get over on them! In sports, in the workplace, everywhere the real women have fought for their rights. Fortunately Krusty doesn’t have to worry about that. (S)he never was a real woman.
    I'm not standing up for it. Almost no one is but it's incredibly low on my list of things I give a shit about especially because it isn't actually happening. How many trannies won medals at the Olympics this year? Fucking none, zip, zero. How many of them winning at tennis or boxing or MMA? Was there maybe one fighter at one point?

    It's not a thing and even if it was what the fuck has it to do with the US president? Go and burn down the IOC HQ or something don't use it to justify voting for a president you know is a bad and maybe more importantly clueless old man.

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  • FORD

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  • Seshmeister
    Originally posted by 78/84 guy

    So fucking embarrassing to listen to a person try and rationalize that this shit is normal.
    You missed my point which was 'Who gives a fuck?'

    You only do because you have been wound up by the media otherwise why would you care about the 0.01% of people that this is about.

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  • Kristy
    I'm not fake you creepy fucking stalker and you did cross a line there. I don't ever wish to meet anyone on line especially a idiot like you.

    Now I know your lowly educated, not too bright and possibly retarded So I'll spell it out for you in a way that a dumbfuck like you can understand


    Trump is now you 80 year old Biden with severe mental illness. He is your problem.

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