**Official 2024 US Election Thread**
Oh, look. Another dumb SNL fan. That says all we need to know about you.
Buy American. Or just let all the American manufacturers move to Mexico, like Chrysler is planning to do.
I think the failure of the electric automobile has proven this “green” farce. How do you propose to make all this electricity? How do you propose they mine for the ingredients for the batteries? How do you propose to dispose of all the dead batteries? Why are insurance companies refusing to insure houses that have garages with these fucking fire hazards in them?
This Chinese propaganda speewed by fucking dead beats like fucking Wolf Blitzer & fucking Jake Tapper & Morning Joe ( or whatever the fuck they call that loser ) and the 2000 pounds of shit on The View. Jimmy fucking Kimmel. And half of the America people just eat this shit up like gospel. I mean I can't fucking believe it could happen in 2024. Honestly man, how the fuck is this happening in this country ? The brainwashing, Amazing..... I was warned about this shit happening in socialists countries when I was about 13 years old, 40 fucking years ago !! Yet America adults are falling for this shit the last decade. From the people I mentioned up above no less ! Blows my mind......all of this shit you mentioned. They have no answers. Never will. But the socialist fucks they've been brainwashed into still wanna jam it down our throats. Fuck you....Leave a comment:
Buy American. Or just let all the American manufacturers move to Mexico, like Chrysler is planning to do.
I think the failure of the electric automobile has proven this “green” farce. How do you propose to make all this electricity? How do you propose they mine for the ingredients for the batteries? How do you propose to dispose of all the dead batteries? Why are insurance companies refusing to insure houses that have garages with these fucking fire hazards in them?Leave a comment:
A victim ? Of what cunt ? Sure my bills have doubled, some tripled the last 4 years. Piss's me off sure. But lets take a look. We've had wars breaking out because of weak American leadership. People getting murdered & carjacking by criminals that fuckheads let walk across the border. Fuckheads trying to tell me what kind of vehicle to drive. Fuckheads thinking it's normal that men wanna cut their dicks off. American (so called ) news channels practicing Chinese propaganda. You're the victim cunt. Of brainwashing. Fucking people thinking this is all normal & seemingly fine in 2024. Fucking pathetic motherfuckers....Leave a comment:
Krusty and NickDickless. Two dumb Libtards. And then there’s Sesh.
Look at NickDipshit bringing up May of 2020. When Covid steamrolled the world. No need to even address more of your brainwashed bullshit. It’s so far beyond dumb regurgitated Libtard propaganda, that it’s not worth it.
Krusty, I’ll take your bet. But you are a fraud and won’t pay up. And yes, you’re middle aged physically. We know you’re a child mentally. A weak minded mentally incapable child. Funny how you’re mad at Colorado for letting in Californians and Texans, but you want all of America to let in illegal immigrants. Yes, you’re a brain dead mentally incapable child. Are the people ruining Colorado the illegal immigrants that came through California and Texas?
Look at Sesh standing up for the men beating women in sports. Women in this country have been screaming for equal rights for decades, and there has been a lot of progress. Now you dipshit Libtards want to set them back ages by letting FAKE WOMEN get over on them! In sports, in the workplace, everywhere the real women have fought for their rights. Fortunately Krusty doesn’t have to worry about that. (S)he never was a real woman.👍 2Leave a comment:
One thing you cam always count on with a MAGA fag is that they love being a victimLeave a comment:
you all hear that? Sound like the same angry cunt speewing the same old shit about her miserable fucking life. How long did you have to take daddy's mushroom ?Leave a comment:
yap yap yap
You all hear that? Sounds like another angry MAGA fag who can't take his mouth off of Trump's mushroom.Leave a comment:
With the new commander in chief coming into office next year, here are my hot takes on things I look forward to thanks to the MAGA idiots:
1. Obnoxious MAGAts.
2. New Saturday Night Live skits. There will be plenty of good fodder.
3. Inflation due to new tariffs on imports.
4. Rolling back green energy technology and the Inflation Reduction Act. I mean, who doesn’t love to breathe more smog and particulate matter?
5. Less good Mexican food. Higher produce prices.
6. J6 perpetrators pardoned. They will feel vindicated and empowered. Rewarded for bad behavior.
7. Increase in polio and anti-vax idiots.
8. More thoughts and prayers. More guns. You know God rewarded republicans because God is a republican.
9. More delusional observations by MAGS idiots.
That’s not it but I’m going on a long vacation and don’t have time for this shit. Thank God I’m in a higher tax bracket to weather the next 4 years.Last edited by Mushroom; 11-08-2024, 04:14 PM.Leave a comment:
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